There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 504: Where did she go, where did I go!

On the way to Yenching University, Zhou Caiwei was very enthusiastic and introduced Lin Nan to Yenching University!

For other students, almost everyone knows about the sacred place of Yenching University!

But for Lin Nan, there is really not much understanding!

"Yenching University has been established for more than 100 years. History, humanities, style of study, and student quality are all top in the country. Students graduating from Yenching University and enterprises all over the country are rushing to ask for it!"

"Moreover, if you graduate from Yenching University, you will have a wider and more comprehensive network of contacts. Based on your performance at the Jane Recruitment Ceremony, Mr. Lin, Vice President Wang Jinshan highly respects you, as long as you are willing to enter Yenching. At the university, President Wang promises that he will give you the best educational resources!"

As Zhou Caiwei explained, her eyes flickered!

"This matter, let's talk about it later!"

Lin Nan answered lightly.

He came to school not to really go to school, but to accompany Liu Ruqing!

Not to mention the top university in China, even if it is the top university in the world, he still wants to go?

"Student Lin, the opportunity is here, you have to grasp it!" Zhou Caiwei continued to persuade.

The students in the car were all silent when they heard this sentence!

They couldn't ask for such a good opportunity, but Lin Nan was not moved at all!

"I am not interested!"

Lin Nan shook his head lightly!

"Haha! What pretend to be, now you pretend to be high, you will have the opportunity to regret later!"

In the seat in the distance, Huang Jiao whispered quietly, with a look of disdain!

"Why? Yanjing and Huaqing University are the best institutions of higher learning in China. If you don't go to these two schools, do you have a better choice?"

Zhou Caiwei asked strangely.

"Tianhai University is good!" Lin Nan said lightly.


Zhou Caiwei thought she had heard it wrong, and looked at Lin Nan in surprise, saying: "Compared with ordinary schools, Tianhai University is very good, but in terms of faculty, teaching, international status, and the quality of students, it is far inferior to Yanjing University. !"

"Why, classmate Lin, do you want to take second place?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Caiwei's brows were screwed together!

"Because she chose Tianhai University!"

Lin Nan glanced at Liu Ruqing beside her, her eyes full of love!


Zhou Caiwei was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Liu Ruqing in surprise!

"Ruqing chose Tianhai University, so I accompany her to go!"

Lin Nan said calmly.


Zhou Caiwei was completely stunned. She originally thought that Lin Nan was due to other reasons, but she never expected that Lin Nan was for a woman!

A smile appeared on Liu Ruqing's pretty face!

"Although Yenching University is a top university, it is slightly inferior to Tianhai University in terms of the degree of internationalization and financial majors. My university majors and I plan to choose finance, so I chose Tianhai University!" Liu Ruqing explained with a smile.

"Where is she going, where do I go!"

Lin Nan smiled softly, but the words fell to the ground, and no one could question it!


Seeing Lin Nan's attitude, Zhou Caiwei stopped talking!

In this matter, she is not in a hurry. She believes that as long as Lin Nan has seen the prosperity of Yanjing and the outstanding students of Yanjing University, Lin Nan probably does not want to leave!

‘Unexpectedly, he actually did it for a woman, compared to his own future, what is a woman? ’

‘This Liu Ruqing, although she has nothing to say about her appearance and temperament, she is just an ordinary woman after all. How can she trap Lin Nan this true dragon for an ordinary woman? ’

Zhou Caiwei thought secretly in her heart.

I have already made up my mind, no matter what, I must keep Lin Nan at Yenching University!

No words all the way!

Soon, the school bus slowly drove into Yanjing University!

It is worthy of being a century-old school, with many teaching buildings rising from the ground!

The layout of the entire campus is majestic. Standing on the campus, a breath of cultural heritage is coming!

"Is this Yenching University? It's better than expected!"

"Haha, work harder, after the college entrance examination, we can come here too!"

Several students couldn't help but admire, their eyes full of fighting spirit!

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance!

"Sister Caiwei, are you ready for the dance party in the circle tonight?"

Everyone looked up, and saw a girl walking on the side of the boulevard!

She dressed up fashionably, just like a model walking on the runway, walking slowly, which was like a spring breeze, and the eyes of everyone in the place were bright!

"The evening ball, oh, how did I forget this!"

"Lin Nan, I'm sorry, I still have something to do. I will take you to your accommodation first. At night, I will come to see you. I will take you to see the dance party in our circle by the way!"

Zhou Caiwei slapped her forehead. Today, because she went to the airport to meet Lin Nan and the others, she even forgot about the prom!

In Yanjing's circle, all kinds of interpersonal relationships are complicated!

Every once in a while, there will be gatherings, one is to expand the network, and the other is to contact more people in other fields!

Today's dance is very important to Zhou Caiwei!

Therefore, she has to go back early to prepare!

After sending Lin Nan and others to the residence, Zhou Caiwei returned to the residence to prepare!

At six o'clock in the evening, Zhou Caiwei in costume appeared, and brought Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Mu Wanqing, Xu Haowen, Qi Fengxian, Huang Yuanyuan and others to the ball venue outside!

This dance party was held at the five-star Hilton hotel in Yanjing. Those who enter and exit the ball are all celebrities from the upper class of Yanjing!

Some top stars in the entertainment industry will also be there!

"Tonight, not only stars from the entertainment industry, but also TV hosts, well-known lawyers from the legal world, and elite returnees who graduated and returned to China..."

"In short, they are all people in the circle. If you have the means, you can get to know them well and use them as the basis for your future contacts!"

Zhou Caiwei introduced.

Hearing this, Xu Haowen, Qi Fengxian and others' expressions moved slightly!

At this moment, a voice came out with a smile!

"Oh, who am I? It turns out to be Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

"Mr. Lin, you are so respected, why have you come to Yanjing?"

Lin Nan and others, look back!

I saw a woman dressed in designer clothes standing in the crowd with a faint sneer at the corner of her mouth!

"Su Yingluo, is it you?"

Mu Wanqing raised her brows!

"Haha, Mr. Lin, this is a coincidence. Last time I left Jiangbei, I didn't expect to see you again in Yanjing!" Su Yingluo gave Lin Nan a frivolous glance!

At this moment, Su Yingluo, wearing a noble evening dress, is like a proud white swan, standing among a group of young men and women, standing out from the crowd!

"Yingluo, is this your friend?"

Beside Su Yingluo, a young man asked.

He is tall, dazzling and dazzling, wearing a suit made by hand made in Italy. He is of extraordinary value and comes from a famous family!

"This man, let me introduce him to you. He is Lin Nan, Mr. Lin from Jiangnan, the whole Jiangnan rich and powerful, all surrender to him, listen to him!"

"I am not qualified to be a friend of Mr. Lin!"

The corner of Su Yingluo's mouth was filled with a profound smile!

From the corner of his eye, Lin Nan glanced at it!

"Oh? It turned out to be from outside!"

The young man beside Su Yingluo nodded slightly and asked towards Lin Nan: "You came from Jiangnan?"

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