There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 505: Is it too late to admit your mistakes now?

Outside the entire venue, everyone's eyes gathered together!

"It's Zhang Yuxuan and Zhang Shao! Why is he here at today's party? The host of this party has enough face, and even a figure like Zhang Shao can be pleased!"

A woman with the appearance of a young woman, her beautiful eyes twinkling, her expression surprised!

"Who is Shao Zhang?"

A young man with a weird face, judging from his appearance, he is not very old!

It looked like he had just graduated from university. It was the first time for him to attend this kind of party today. Many people didn't know him!

So when I saw someone talking, I asked my doubts!

"You don't even know Shao Zhang, it's just the son of the sixth master Zhang's family in the west of Yanjing City! You don't know Shao Zhang, you should always know about Zhang Liuye, right?"

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, combing his head with a big back, with a pen pinned to his chest, said with a smile on his face.


Many young people were shocked, and their gazes at Zhang Yuxuan changed!

Who has never heard of Zhang Liuye, Thunder Tiger? Zhang Liuye has the final say in the entire underground world of Xicheng!

This Zhang Yuxuan is the only son of Zhang Liuye, and it is rumored to be the son of his first love girlfriend who gave birth to him!

Since then, Zhang Liuye has never married again. You can imagine the importance of this son to Zhang Liuye!

At this moment, anyone could hear that Zhang Yuxuan's tone was a bit wrong, as if he had some opinions towards the young man in front!

"Are you talking to me?"

Lin Nan stood with his hands behind and stood there, asking calmly!

"Yes! I'm talking to you. You came from the south of the Yangtze River? Listen to Yingluo. You are quite famous in the south of the Yangtze River. You are young and promising. At a young age, you have made many rich and powerful people bow their heads?"

Zhang Yuxuan asked playfully with a smile on his handsome face.

"I don't know how much weight you have, Mr. Lin from the south of the Yangtze River, when you arrive in Yanjing? My family lacks a housekeeper. If you want to, how about being a housekeeper for me?"

"Mr. Lin from Jiangnan, yes! Not bad, not bad!"

Zhang Yuxuan nodded gently while talking!


Zhang Yuxuan's voice fell to the ground, and there was a burst of laughter from all around!

Everyone at the entrance of the venue, because of this laughter, all came over!

Immediately, two young people stood up and smiled and said:

"Young man, Zhang Shao must count. With the assets of Zhang Shao's family, it is better for you to be a housekeeper than to enter those big companies!"

"Zhang Shao's family has tens of billions of assets, and the housekeeper in the outside hall is basically a collateral member of the Zhang family. Would you like to agree?"

"That is, working as a housekeeper in Zhang Shao's house is equivalent to a carp leaping over the dragon's gate. It can make you fight for ten years, so why not accept it?"

"Mr. Lin, Shao Zhang has spoken like this, what are you waiting for?"

Su Yingluo also smiled.

Given the Zhang family's status in Yanjing, is there a prefecture-level city like Jiangnan, comparable? Let alone Mr. Lin from the south of the Yangtze River, even ten Mr. Lin from the south of the Yangtze River is not Zhang Yuxuan's opponent!

"How is it? My words are always effective!"

Zhang Yuxuan smiled brightly!

I saw Lin Nan standing there, gently raising his hand, facing Zhang Yuxuan's direction, and slapped it out!


There was a muffled noise, and everyone present suddenly shrank and was stunned!

Zhang Yuxuan was like a rock, flew out directly, and smashed into the sports car he just got off!

The door of the sports car was sunken in, Zhang Yuxuan was inlaid in it, blood spurted from his mouth, his face was as gray as death, and his face was pale!

"Shao Zhang!"

Su Yingluo's face paled, her delicate body stiffened in place, as if half of petrified, she was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe it, Lin Nan dared to do it?

"What's this?"

"He did it just now and hit Shao Zhang?"

Many people present rubbed their eyes and looked surprised!

The speed of Lin Nan's hands was so fast, it was incredible, almost no one could see clearly, what force made Zhang Shao fly out!

"Inner strength! This is the inner strength of the warrior, hurting people in the air!"

A middle-aged man whispered to himself!

"Lin Nan?"

Zhou Caiwei also looked at Lin Nan in surprise. She often mixes in Yanjing's circle. She naturally knows what an inner strength martial artist is!

It's just a small method of the inner strength warrior to hurt people in the air. If the inner strength warrior makes a full shot, it can completely slap ordinary people to death!

"And you guys, what are you? Do you dare to preach to me?"

"Kneel here for three days and three nights, I will forgive you not to die!"

Lin Nan snorted coldly, turned his eyes, and looked at the young people who had just spoken to him!


"Kneel down!"

"What are you talking about? Impossible!"

The expressions of those young people changed, and they furiously said!

They all mix in the circle of Yanjing, who doesn't have a face yet? If you kneel in public today, how can you raise your head in circles in the future?


Hearing a crisp sound, Lin Nan lifted his foot and kicked it out, and a white vigor fell accurately on the knees of the young people!


"my leg!"


There was a scream, accompanied by a rhythmic kneeling sound. The four young people who spoke just now all knelt on the ground, and the bones of their knees were all broken!

See this scene!


Everyone, their pupils shrank suddenly, took a breath of air, and all looked at Lin Nan in horror!

"Remember, kneel for three days and three nights, otherwise, I will really kill you!" Lin Nan smiled softly, but the eyesight of the four was like a devil's smile!

Su Yingluo's pretty face was as white as snow, she stood there with trembling expression, her lips licked, and she looked in horror!

She thought that this was Yanjing, Lin Nan did not dare to be presumptuous!

I didn't expect that Lin Nan was so unscrupulous, hurting people in public, not only beat Zhang Yuxuan half-dead, but even the four young people who helped him speak were interrupted in public!

You know, this is Yanjing!

How dare he do this with so many double Yanjing watching?

The next moment, Lin Nan's gaze shifted and fell on Su Yingluo's face not far away, and asked indifferently: "You let people target me, tell me, how should I punish you?"


At this moment, all her pride and self-esteem were all forgotten. In Su Yingluo's mind, only deep fear was left!

She didn't want to be interrupted by Lin Nan, a girl, being interrupted by her legs was really terrifying!

Su Yingluo trembled, raised her head in horror, and trembled: "Sorry, Mr. Lin, I was wrong!"

"Is it too late to admit my mistake now?"

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