There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 510: How can the golden scales be things in the pool?

Ye Qi glanced at the four of them lightly!

"Yes, last night, all the information of this person appeared on my grandpa's desktop!"

Listening to Ye Qi's words, Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan moved in their hearts!

Ye Qi's grandfather has a long history. He used to be a guard next to the old chief!

Now retreating behind the scenes, although there are nearly a hundred years old, in the entire Yanjing, even the heads of the four major families are very respectful to him!

As for Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan, they played with Ye Qi until they were young!

Since childhood, Ye Qi has been their eldest sister!

At that time, I was studying Chinese culture in the same courtyard house, but it was still taught by the same old man!

Nowadays, several people have grown up, but the awe of Ye Qi has become more and more intense!

If in the entire Yanjing circle, who can drive the four princes with one sentence, it would be Ye Qi!

"That Lin Nan, He Dehe Neng, isn't he just someone from another province? As for alarming Grandpa Ye?"

Song Yuchen looked over suspiciously and asked the doubts in his heart.


"With Grandpa Ye's position in Yanjing, there are not many people now, can he be attracted to him? For someone from other provinces, as for this?"

Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan also had surprised expressions!

In terms of the status of Ye Qi's grandfather, Ye Fengyun, with the exception of those above, even the mayor of Yanjing, I am afraid that he can't be alarmed!

In terms of personal qualifications, there are not many people ranked in front of Ye Fengyun in China!

"I was also surprised at the time. Later, I read the information collected by my grandfather, and I also thought in my heart that such a person is indeed enough for my grandpa to pay attention to!"

"My grandfather initially estimated that Lin Nan's strength should be above the realm of God!" Ye Qi said slowly.

Two pretty snow-white thighs interacted and stacked on top of each other!

"You should know what it means to exist in the realm of gods? It is completely possible to care for a family, and it will not fail for a hundred years! Become a genuine family for a century!"

"The power of the gods, although powerful! But among our four big families, there are worships of the earth immortal level. It's not enough for the gods, right? Even my Song family has three early worships of the gods!" Song Yuchen frowned.

He thinks that Ye Qi has made a big fuss!

Given the power of the Ye Family and the worship of the Earth Immortal level, I am afraid that there are one or two gods, a powerhouse of the gods, should he pay too much attention to it?

How can other provinces compare to places like Yanjing?

"Shenzhen! It's nothing!"

"What if—I said he was only eighteen years old?"

Ye Qi glanced lightly at the four of them, waiting for their expressions to change!

Sure enough, her words seemed to detonate a blockbuster!

"What? An eighteen-year-old man in the **** realm?"


"Sister Qi! Although I am not a martial artist, I also know that even if a martial artist starts martial arts at the age of six, before the age of thirty, he is already a peerless genius!"

"At the age of fifty, he is a martial arts master, even if he is the most powerful in the martial arts world! The master in my family, he entered the realm of the master when he was 80 years old! The 18-year-old **** realm powerhouse? Just like Tian Fangye General Tan, how is it possible!"

Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan all shook their heads decisively, expressing their disbelief!

Ye Qi's words were suspected and didn't get angry. Instead, she smiled faintly: "I know you don't believe it, but last night, a martial arts master of the Zheng family was enshrined and was slapped to death by this man named Lin Nan!"

"What? Master of martial arts, was slapped to death!"

The four princes were stunned and dumbfounded, their eyes bursting out!

The entire luxurious hall fell into a dead silence, leaving only the rapid breathing of four people!

At this time.

Ye Qi's faint voice came and said, "This Lin Nan is a senior in Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School, so I preliminary estimate that Lin Nan's age should be around 18 years old!"

"Do you know what Grandpa's evaluation of him is? Two words-evildoer!"

"There is also a little poem: How can golden scales be things in the pool, they will turn into dragons in the face of wind and cloud!"

After Ye Qi finished speaking, she looked at the four princes with a smile!

"Are the golden scales a thing in the pool, it will transform into a dragon in a storm!"

Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan chanted Ye Qi's words again!

‘One encounter with the wind! Once in trouble! Ye Fengyun! Could it be that Grandpa Ye wants to cultivate this person? ’

In the hearts of the four of them, they thought with great shock, glanced at each other, and couldn't help but breathe in the air!


"Could it be that Grandpa Ye..."

"Yes! My grandfather has already taken his own initiative and went to Yanjing University. I'm afraid this time has come!"

Ye Qi nodded slightly, as if her expression was a little strange.

"What? Grandpa Ye never came out in person?"

Hearing these words, the four of Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan were completely unable to calm down and couldn't sit still!



A car with a black border and a white background license plate drove slowly into Yanjing University!

This car looks tattered, the paint on the surface is oxidized, it is very old, square, and out of place with the streamlined cars driving fast on the street!


The car glass is transparent, not the kind of two-way glass, there are curtains inside!

A few tourists who came to Yanjing University to play, after seeing this car, couldn't help but vomit: "What kind of car is this? It's tattered, Yanjing University, higher education institution, this kind of car is also embarrassed to drive in. ?"

"Yes! This kind of car is too embarrassing to be driven out. It's not as good as my Nissan car. It's too shabby!"

A middle-aged woman puffed up her lips, her face was full of arrogance!

The security guard at the school gate heard this and couldn't help but yelled: "A bunch of idiots! It doesn't matter if you don't have any knowledge, don't tell me?"


"I have no knowledge?"

"You are just a security guard, who insulted?"

Some of the middle-aged women in the crowd couldn't stand it anymore, with anger in their eyes!

Their man also looked cold, looking at the security guard of Yanjing University!


Unexpectedly, instead of being afraid, the security guard gave a cold smile and contemptuously said:

"This is a Hongqi car! It was a product of the last century, in the 1970s! At that time, there were only a hundred of this style in the country, plus all kinds of scrapped ones, which are still in use today. There are less than ten in total!"

"This car is incomparable to modern cars, but people who ride this car, even if you drive a Rolls Royce, can't afford to offend it!"

"What? Hongqi car!!!"

These little bosses shocked all over, looking in the direction that the ‘broken car’ had left just now, unbelievably looking through!

What the red flag car means, their wives don't know, don't they know?

This is now a status symbol!

"What kind of red flag car? Why have I never heard of it? No fame, right?"

Those middle-aged women still looked like they didn't know why, and they made a lot of words!

These little bosses laughed helplessly, walked up to the security guard, and said, "I'm sorry, brother! We are indeed from a small place, we do a little business, and we don't have enough vision! May I ask How do you call it? Who was sitting in the car just now?"


Seeing these little bosses who were so respectful to themselves, the security snorted slightly, his complexion was slightly relieved, and said:

"I don't know much about this, but if a car of this level can be dispatched, I'm afraid--not an ordinary person!"

The security guard said quietly, his eyes also looking deep into the campus!

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