There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 511: Based on what you just thought, you are already dead!

at this time.

In the Hongqi car that just drove into Yanjing University, an old man with gray hair and wrinkled face, but with sharp eyes, was sitting in the back!

He was dressed in casual clothes. If he walked on the street, no one would recognize him. This person is just a stomping, which can make Yanjing tremble!

In one word, Ye Fengyun can influence a wealthy family, the rise and fall of Ye Fengyun!

"Xiao Zhou, have you contacted the school? Where is the young man named Lin Nan now?"

Ye Fengyun's voice came faintly.

The driver nodded and said, "Lao Ye, I have already contacted the school, but listening to Lin Nan's tone, it seems that I don't want to see you!"

"Oh? Don't want to see me?"

Ye Fengyun was a little surprised and asked, "Don't you tell him my identity?"

"I said! I even told him that you want to help him, but he was not interested at all. At that time, a girl asked him to go to dinner, and he walked away without saying much!" Xiao Zhou explained.

"Let me say, this person is too short-sighted! As you, Mr. Ye, why should I go to see him in person?"

Even though he is a driver, he actually holds the rank of lieutenant colonel. Outside, he is comparable to the mayor of a prefecture-level city!

But in Yanjing, he is only qualified to be Ye Fengyun's driver!

"Where is Lin Nan now?"

Ye Fengyun frowned slightly!

"It should be in the cafeteria! Let's go to the villa prepared for you by the school and wait for him! You will be there in person and call him over at that time. Will he dare not go?"

The driver Xiao Zhou suggested.

A big man like Ye Fengyun came to Yanjing University. The school had already prepared a villa for him to rest!

"No need! Go directly to the cafeteria, I really want to see, this young man, is it really a god-level cultivation base!"

In Ye Fengyun's eyes, the light flashes!


The canteen of Yenching University is not only open to students and teachers of Yenching University, but also people outside the school can eat here!

Lin Nan followed Liu Ruqing to experience university life. The two were like an ordinary couple, queuing to buy lunch!

Lunch with three dishes and one soup is very simple!

Lin Nan doesn't care, the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, the dragon marrow and phoenix wings, what has he not eaten?

It doesn't matter what you eat, what matters is who you eat with!

After buying the food, the two found a quieter place to sit down!

"Lin Nan, try this... this is delicious!"

Liu Ruqing took a piece of food from her plate and put it into Lin Nan's bowl!

Lin Nan took a bite and nodded in praise, "Tsk! Dongpo meat, fat but not greasy, really delicious! As is what you ordered!"

"Hehe! Of course, since it's delicious, these are all for you! It's too greasy, I want to keep a good figure!"

With a successful smile, Liu Ruqing pushed half of the Dongpo meat to Lin Nan's side!

Lin Nan shrugged helplessly, and started to eat!

On the other side, a few young men were also carrying dinner plates, and they looked like they were preparing to eat, but their eyes kept searching among the female students around!

"That girl is not bad, she has a bumpy figure, look at those big long legs! If she is wrapped around her waist, she can't die?"

One of the young men shined!

He stared at a tall girl with a model figure and long legs!

The few people in the same group followed their eyes!

"The figure is good! The model has a figure, but that face can pass the passing line? Can you get it right?"

The other young man, who was full of famous brands, shook his head.

"It's the same when the lights are off!" The young man at the beginning grinned.

Others may come to the cafeteria of Yenching University to eat or to experience university life!

But these young people are obviously not for this!

"Qin Yang, how was that girl last month?"

"Don't mention it! Now I'm hiding from her, just playing around, I'm tired of it! But people treat me like a boyfriend, and now I don't want to see her!" Qin Yang waved his hand and touched impatiently. kind!

"Oh, isn't this great?"

"What a shit! I want to marry me, and I want to see my parents. Isn't this a brain disease? It's all out for fun, and it's taken seriously!" Qin Yang glared at his companion.

Suddenly, a voice came from my ear!

"Look at it!"

"It looks like this! The features are exquisite, the nose is tall, the eyes are like water, and the small mouth, it is simply the best!"

"The figure is also good, it seems that the age is not very big, is it a freshman?"

Qin Yang followed the direction his companion was looking at and looked over!

I saw Liu Ruqing and Lin Nan sitting opposite to eat!

"This boy, is her boyfriend?"

Qin Yang raised his brow and glanced at Lin Nan without squinting!

"Hey! Don't care about him, it's not that we have never done anything to grab food in other people's hands!"

The boys beside them grinned!

"Let's go, get to know each other in the past!"

So, a few people took the dinner plate and walked towards Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

"Hello school girl! My name is Qin Yang, Qin from Qin Dynasty, Yang from Yangshu, are you a freshman? Haven't seen you before?"

Qin Yang was the first to say hello!

The other young people didn't say much when they saw Qin Yang talking!

Lin Nan's brows furrowed slightly, and the eyes of these people kept walking around Liu Ruqing's body, obviously uneasy!

"I am an exchange student this year and I am still in high school!"

Liu Ruqing smiled politely. She thought that this group of people were also seniors from Yanjing University!

‘So, I’m still in the third year of high school and my face is ruddy! The blood vessels around the ears are clearly visible, so it's still a baby! Earned this time! Qin Yang thought excitedly.


As soon as this thought appeared, Qin Yang heard a cold snort!


Qin Yang turned his eyes and saw that Lin Nan had stood up. He was 1.8 meters tall, half a point higher than Qin Yang!


Lin Nan stretched out a big hand, grabbed Qin Yang's neck, and asked coldly, "What was in your mind just now?"

"What are you talking about?...I just came over to say hello...!"

Qin Yang's face instantly turned red due to lack of oxygen!

At the same time, his heart was furious, what does this person mean?

Could this person read his thoughts? impossible!

"Ahem! Hurry... let me go! I'm about to... choke!"

Qin Yang exhausted all his strength and shouted!

"Boy! Do you know who is the one you caught? Don't let Qin Shao go!"

"Dare to do something to Qin Shao, if you are tired of life?"

Several friends of Qin Yang also sternly scolded!


Lin Nan raised his hand and shot the young people who had spoken directly. The whole canteen was shocked and all looked over here!


Qin Yang's shocked eyes were about to protrude, and Lin Nan's throat was pinched tightly, almost asphyxiated!

"Based on what you just thought, you are already dead!"

Lin Nanhan looked at Qin Yang indifferently, his voice was extremely cold, as if he had come from Jiuyou Hell!

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