There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 516: He is a monster!

In the face of Ye Qi's enthusiasm, Lin Nan's did not fluctuate much!

Ignored everyone present, staring in astonishment!

"Do I need to tell you when I go out shopping?"

"What did you mean by that sentence? I bought this dress for my woman. Do you have any comments?"

As soon as Lin Nan spoke, his tone became a little cold!

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Ye Qi's face, and he smiled: "Mr. Lin, I don't know, is it you who bought this dress?"

"I have to say, this dress really matches your woman!"

Ye Qi said slowly, and gracefully walked to Liu Ruqing's side!

From her wrist, she took off a string of jade bracelets, pulled up Liu Ruqing's little hand, and put it on her wrist without leaving a trace!

"Little sister, the first time I met, there are no gifts. This string of Buddha bone jade bracelets will be given to you!"

Seeing this scene, Li Qianqin exclaimed, "Sister Qi! Isn't this for your 25th birthday, Elder Ye gave it to you?"

"This string of bracelets is a piece of jade found in the place where a living Buddha in Indonesia was sitting down! The main raw material at that time was carved into a jade Buddha, which became Indonesia's national treasure. Made a string of Buddha bone jade bracelets!"

"At that time, Mr. Ye went to visit Indonesia, and the host of Daen Temple gave this bracelet to Mr. Ye!"

"This is a priceless treasure! Sister Qi, how can you give such a valuable thing to others?"

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes became extremely shocked!

In the eyes of a few women at the scene, they are even more jealous and envious that can burst into flames!

Seeing Ye Qi so witty, the coldness on Lin Nan's face eased slightly!

"Huh? So expensive, I can't take it!"

Liu Ruqing quickly declined!

"It's just a small gift, jade for the beautiful woman! Little sister, you are so beautiful, this buddha bone jade bracelet is just right for you!"

Ye Qi's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile.


Liu Ruqing wanted to say something more, but Ye Qi changed the subject!

"If you want to thank me, there will be an important banquet in the State Guest Building tonight. If you attend with your face, you will be thankful to me!"

"Such a beautiful dress, if you don't wear it to the banquet, it would be a pity!"

When Ye Qi knew that Lin Nan had rejected her grandfather because she was eating with Liu Ruqing!

Ye Qi knew in her heart that if she wanted to make friends with Lin Nan, she had to start with Liu Ruqing!

Sure enough, Liu Ruqing nodded and agreed!

"Okay! Thank you Madam Ye!"

"I'm a few years older than you, if you don't mind, just call me sister Qi!"

Ye Qi smiled softly, and she held Liu Ruqing's delicate hand!

"Okay, sister Qi!"

Liu Ruqing was also very straightforward, and shouted abruptly!

Ye Qi's first feeling for her was pretty good, so she thought she had made another friend!


Ye Qi took Liu Ruqing and bought a lot of expensive jewelry and clothing in more than a dozen luxury goods stores. This allowed her full-time driver to send Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing back to school!

"Sister Qi, who the **** is this person? In your capacity, does he value him so much? Does anyone in China still need you to treat him like this?"

After Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing left, Li Qianqin finally asked his doubts!

She felt that if she did not ask, she would be suffocated to death!

"He is a monster!"

Ye Qi said lightly.


Li Qianqin's pretty face is full of doubts and puzzles!

"What evildoer?"

"Sister Qi, what do you mean? We don't even understand it!"

"Yes, sister Qi, can you explain it to us? Just now, Mr. Lin, when he paid the bill, he actually took out a black card! The cardholder of this kind of bank card is either a royal or a super rich, Mr. Lin The origin of it is definitely not simple, right?"

Face everyone's problems!

"Have you heard anything about what happened at the Hilton Hotel last night?"

Ye Qi quietly glanced at Li Qianqin and others!

"Is that true? Elder Zheng family, did you really kneel down and admit your mistake?" Li Qianqin was shocked!

"Of course it is true! The Hilton Hotel has been blocked by the Zheng family before the three-day period! Now their grandson, Zheng Dongming, is still kneeling there!"

Ye Qi sneered.


Hearing this, Li Qianqin and the others couldn't help taking a long breath!

"Sister Qi, this Mr. Lin, is his identity and origins amazing?"

Ye Qi frowned!

"His identity and origin have not been found out yet, only that he suddenly appeared in Jiangnan City! The girl named Liu Ruqing is his fiancée! I won't tell you more if it is extra, this is confidential!"

After saying this, Ye Qi took a group of her friends and left the store and disappeared in front of everyone!

Only Li Qianqin and others were left standing there, looking at each other!


at night.

A low-key luxury car parked outside Yanjing University. The driver of Ye Qipai arrived. After receiving Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, he headed towards the State Guest Building!

In the last century, the State Guest House was a place for the leaders of China to receive foreign envoys!

Today, the nature of the State Guest House has changed and it has become a five-star hotel!

No matter who it is, you can go in for dining and lodging. It is loved by some rich and business tycoons, so it is very difficult to book a banquet in the State Guest House!

Under normal circumstances, they are contracted by those big families, and ordinary people have no chance to book!

The driver took Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing to the State Guest Building, gave a few words, and stopped!

Liu Ruqing was wearing that ‘swan’s wedding dress’ and holding Lin Nan’s arm, the two of them walked to the entrance of the State Guest Building like a pair of close lovers!

"Hello, have you booked a box?"

A female foreman came up with a smile!

"Hello, sister Ye Qi invited me to the banquet!"

Liu Ruqing smiled and nodded.

"It turned out to be Miss Ye's guest. You are Ms. Liu Ruqing, right? The one next to him must be Mr. Lin!"

The female foreman smiled lightly and said: "Please come with me, Miss Ye has already explained that, as long as you and Mr. Lin are here, you don't need to check, just send you to the banquet site!"

"Lead the way!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly!

This waitress led Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing towards the inside of the venue!

On the way, the two also saw three or four security gates!

Men's suits, ties, belts, etc., ladies' handbags, cosmetics, and even jewelry must be routinely checked!

"Huh? Your banquet is so strict?"

Liu Ruqing asked curiously.

"Tonight, there are guests from other countries, so it is more strict! Because you are Miss Ye's friend, Miss Ye specifically confessed, you don't need to check you!"

The female foreman explained with a smile.

In her heart, she was secretly surprised!

‘Even the four princes of Yenching must be checked when entering the venue! ’

‘But the pair of jade men in front of me don’t need to be checked? What is the origin of these two people? ’

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