There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 517: What kind of clothes my woman wears, it's your turn to be judged?

Next, the female foreman took Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing to the banquet site before leaving!

There were already thousands of people in the entire banquet site, and guests were still coming!

The big stars, models, business elites in the entertainment circle, and the rich in the Yanjing circle, dressed in glamorous clothes and outstanding conversation, formed their own small circle!

"Ruqing? Is it really you?"

Suddenly, a surprise voice came!

Liu Ruqing turned her head and saw a young girl who was similar to her, standing pretty in the distance!

A pair of watery eyes, oval-shaped face, very supple, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth!

"Are you... Xiaojing?"

"It's me! It's really you, Ruqing, I didn't expect to see you here!"

The girl in front ran over excitedly and took Liu Ruqing's little hand!

"Why did you come to Yanjing?"

"I am now an exchange student at Yenching University, so I came here. By the way, why are you here? I heard people say that you followed your aunt and lived in Yenching. How are you doing now?" Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

"Hey! I am a top student now, and I have been admitted to Yenching University in advance! If you come to study at Yenching University, we can become classmates again!"

The girl named ‘Xiao Jing’ smiled, a little smug flashed in her eyes!


"When you were in high school, your grades were already very good, and you were hailed as a'genius girl'! If you hadn't transferred to Yanjing in your second year of high school, you could be admitted to Yanjing University with your own strength!" Liu Ruqing held her small Mouth, chuckle!

"Of course, this girl is amazing. You just came to Yanjing. I will be the host tomorrow and invite you to dinner!"

The girl patted her chest, very cheerful!

The two chatted and talked about things in high school, completely forgetting Lin Nan!

"Why, patronizing the old days, are you not going to tell me about it?"

Lin Nan's helpless voice came from behind Liu Ruqing!

"Huh? Ruqing, who is this?"

"Hello! I am Ruqing's fiance!"

Lin Nan Yangguang smiled, and had a good impression of this cheerful and lively girl!

"Yeah? It's a fiance, you can, Ruqing, you are already ahead of the starting line! When will you get married? When you have a wedding wine, don't forget to invite me!"

Xiao Jing deliberately made a surprised look!

"How can it be so fast!"

Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes, and then she looked straight and introduced to both sides!

The girl in front of me, named Bai Qiaojing, used to study in Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School. In her second year of high school, because her parents were killed in a car accident, she was taken over to live in Yanjing and live in her aunt's house!

"Ruqing, your evening dress is so beautiful!"

Bai Qiaojing's eyes lit up!

As soon as the voice fell, behind Bai Qiaojing, a woman's voice came!

"This evening gown, called'Swan's Wedding Dress', I saw it in the Dior store this morning! The price is 680,000 U.S. dollars! There is only one in the world. You should be a high imitation. Version?"

Bai Qiaojing looked back and found that behind her was a woman about twenty-five and sixteen years old!

He has heavy make-up on his face, a pair of big red lips, looks above seven points, has a hot body, and is also very **** in clothes. There is a sense of arrogance on the pretty face!

Beside her, there were a few other young men and women standing with indifferent expressions, their faces slightly upwards, and looking down ahead, about the same age as her!


Bai Qiaojing yelled a little timidly. The self-confidence and sunny appearance just now disappeared, and she became an introverted girl!

"Huh! I didn't say it, I told you not to run around!"

"I don't have one. Ruqing is my classmate. I just saw her, so I came over to say hello!"

Bai Qiaojing lowered his head, like a child who made a mistake!

"Get me here!"

Bai Qiaojing's cousin shouted harshly!

Bai Qiaojing's delicate body trembled slightly, not daring to disobey her cousin, bowed her head and walked over!

"In the future, don't walk with these nonchalant people, and come to the banquet in high-fake dresses. Is it a good face?"

"The people who can come here to participate in the banquet are all decent people! People who wear fakes to participate in the banquet can tell at a glance, and they are not afraid of being laughed at!"


Although she was speaking to Bai Qiaojing, the light from the corner of her eyes swept across Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing without leaving a trace!

"What do you mean by this?"

Lin Nan frowned!

"Hehe! What do I mean? Can't you tell me?"

Wu Xuetong, Bai Qiaojing's cousin, sneered and shook her head funny!

"Xuetong, what are you doing nonsense with such a person?"

"Yes! I don't know how to wear fakes to the banquet? Since you dare to wear them, don't be afraid of being exposed!"

There was a sneer expression on the faces of several women beside Wu Xuetong!


As soon as the two of them spoke, Lin Nan raised his hand and slapped it out, slapped the two women directly away!

"Kang Dang!"

A table of fruit drinks in the distance was knocked over by the two directly and spilled all over the floor!

"You dare to hit someone!"

Wu Xuetong stared at Lin Nan angrily!

"And you, what are you? What kind of clothes my woman wears, it's your turn to comment?"

Lin Nan glanced at Wu Xuetong coldly, and slapped it out!


There was another crisp sound, and Wu Xuetong was shot and flew out. Like the two women just now, in a panic, his body was covered with fruit shards and drinks!

"what happened?"

"It looks like someone hit someone!"

Everyone at the banquet was also shocked, countless pairs of eyes and gazes all looked over here!

"Who moved the hand?"

A middle-aged man, walking fast and fast, with great momentum!

He shaved his head, and everyone else was in suits and leather shoes, only he was wearing a short-sleeved camouflage uniform with jackets underneath, and he was incompatible with the people around him!

Behind him, there are seven or eight strong men with a height of more than 1.8 meters and arms with the thickness of adult thighs. At first glance, they are not easy people!

"It's him, he dared to hit me!"

Wu Xuetong stood up, eyes full of anger, staring at Lin Nan!

"Is it you who beat?"

The middle-aged man frowned, looked bad, looked at Lin Nan indifferently, and said coldly:

"Do you know, what is the occasion tonight? Dare to do it here, which family are you from? Let the master of your house come over! I want to see, how does he explain it!"

"Who is this? So innocent, hit someone at the Ye Family's banquet?"

"Hey! There's a good show here! As a whole Yanjing, who would dare not give the Ye family face?"

"At a young age, just get angry! If you start at the Ye Family's banquet, I am afraid that the whole family behind it will also be unlucky!"

Many people were talking, and couldn't help but shook their heads and sighed!

Only a few of them, after seeing Lin Nan's appearance, their bodies shook slightly and their pupils shrank suddenly!

"It's him--!"

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