There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 519: At a glance, kill the gods!

Before restarting the era, Lin Nan had seen this woman once in Liu's house in Hexi!

At that time, she followed Liu Menghan's father, Liu Guohong, to the Liu's house in Hexi, and happened to meet Lin Nan's family!

"What are you talking about?"

"Yes! What do we Chinese do, where will the Japanese people interject?"

"It's rude!"

Several small bosses immediately stood up and scolded!

"Ha ha!"

The man beside Yuki Nakajima sneered twice, stepped out and turned into an afterimage, and came to these little bosses!

"Papa Papa!"

He stretched out a big hand, facing the cheeks of these little bosses, it was a crazy fan, and his voice was crisp!

The heads of several little bosses, like rattles, are shaking constantly!

When the "pop" stopped, the heads of these little bosses were already swollen like pigs' heads!

"Ms. Nakajima, you are too much! As a guest, you actually did something to my other guests?"

Ye Qi frowned and said solemnly: "Uncle Shen!"

"Got it, miss!"

Uncle Shen nodded slightly, his cuffs suddenly bulged, and a wave of air rushed away inside, like a martial arts master, breaking through the shackles in his body!


Uncle Shen's bones crackled, and he shot the Japanese man who shot!


The Japanese man on the opposite side also hit the void with a punch!

Throughout the banquet scene, the strong wind was grinning, like a typhoon passing by, and it hurt people's cheeks!

Accompanied by a muffled noise, Uncle Shen’s arm exploded with a bang, and the pieces of meat and bones flew across. A whole right hand, completely disappeared without a trace, was unexpectedly caught by the Japanese man on the opposite side. The fist is gone!



Uncle Shen's face flushed for a while, then turned pale again, and finally turned into a piece of black, spouting a mouthful of blood, and his chest was violently up and down!

All of this happened between the electric light and flint!

"Uncle Shen!"

Ye Qi exclaimed, her pretty face was full of horror!

Uncle Shen himself is the master of martial arts, retired from the special department, and later entered the Ye Family and became the worship of the Ye Family!

Even in the realm of martial arts masters, ordinary martial arts masters are definitely not his opponents!

However, with just one move, was the Japanese man in front of him directly abolished an arm?

At the banquet, everyone held their breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath!

At this moment.

The five-short stature man from Waguo was named Kameda Shinichi, and he was cultivated in the early stage of the God Realm!

He grinned, his eyes full of arrogance, and sneered:

"The mere grandmaster, dare to do it in front of me? After you step into the realm of God, let's talk!"

"However, your hand is now abolished. It is no longer possible to step into the gods in this life!"

"Yuki Nakajima! You are too much!"

Ye Qi's silver teeth clenched tightly, her small hands clenched into fists, her nails sinking deep into the flesh!

"Ms. Ye, it's yours, who took the initiative to take the initiative to my people. Grandmaster challenged the gods, do you still need to give the masters face to the gods?"

Yuuki Nakajima smiled gently!

Her Mandarin speaks very well and is very standard. If she weren't wearing a kimono, it would make people feel that she is an authentic Chinese!

"But your people don't need to, scrap one of Uncle Shen's arm!"

Ye Qi's beautiful eyes are full of bloodshot eyes!

"Miss Ye! In the martial arts world, the grandmaster can't be humiliated! Let alone transcend the divine realm above the grandmaster. A grandmaster dared to do something to me. I just abolished his arm and didn't want his life. For your face, your subordinates are merciful!"

Kameda Shinichi smiled proudly.


Ye Qi's puffy chest surged violently, her eyes were full of anger, but she couldn't let it out!

"Lin Nan, do you have any way to help Sister Qi? This Japanese person is too much!"

Liu Ruqing stretched out her small hand and pulled Lin Nan's sleeve!

"If you beg me, I'll take action and teach this dwarf!"

Lin Nan smiled, stretched out his hand and scratched Liu Ruqing's little nose!

"Little Nannan! What did you just say? Dare to say it again, let me beg you?"

The corner of Liu Ruqing's mouth evoked a faint smile, her eyes narrowed, and she gave Lin Nan a deep look!

"Ahem! You smile!"

Lin Nan's face became stiff, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly!

This was Liu Ruqing's standard sneer. Lin Nan was so familiar with it, as if he had seen Liu Ruqing reappear!

The original smile, the original taste, the familiar feeling!

In Lin Nan's mind, all kinds of being with Liu Ruqing flashed, and the scene of twilight flashed before his eyes!

Lin Nan gasped rough, if he couldn't calm down, tears filled his eyes with almost excitement!

"what happened to you?"

Liu Ruqing was taken aback, she found that Lin Nan's expression was a bit unnatural, and she thought she was too much!

"I'm sorry! Am I going too far?"

"No! No! I really like this feeling!" Lin Nan shook his head quickly.

"Are you prone to abuse?" Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes.

"Haha! All over the world, who can abuse me except you?"

Lin Nan laughed, and excited Liu Ruqing into her arms!

His laughter attracted the eyes of everyone at the scene!

The eyes of the guests are a little weird!

When is this, still in the mood to show affection?

Xue Ji Nakajima and others also looked towards Lin Nan!

"Young man! You are too noisy! I am the person who can't stand it the most. If others quarrel me, tell me, how can I punish you?"

Kameda Shinichi opened his mouth, and smiled!

"Lin Nan, this guy is so annoying!"

Liu Ruqing frowned!

"My wife said, you look annoying. Tell me, did you get out by yourself, or did I throw you out?"

Lin Nan let go of Liu Ruqing and glanced back at the divine realm of the Japanese Kingdom!

"what did you say!"

Kameda's face sank suddenly!

"court death!"

He stamped his feet on the ground fiercely, centering on where he was standing, a cracking sound came from the carpet under his feet!



The ground formed by pouring concrete instantly exploded in all directions, and a large cobweb pattern appeared!

Two voices came one after another, and when they fell in the ears of everyone, Kameda Zhenyi was like a sharp sword from the string, and it had already come to Lin Nan!


He stretched out a hand, facing Lin Nan's Tianling Gai, and directly smashed it down, wanting to kill him alive!


Lin Nan snorted coldly, his expression indifferent to the extreme, he gently raised his hand and flicked his finger!


Kameda Shinichi was like a deflated balloon, flew out softly, flew all the way out of the entrance of the banquet, and crashed through seven or eight walls!




A series of sounds came out, like an earthquake, and everyone at the banquet scene was shocked, and their hearts throbbed wildly!

"Hi! Senior True One?"

Yuki Nakajima stood on the spot, opened her mouth wide, and took a breath while looking at the direction Kameda Shinichi flew out!

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