There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 520: Where did the evildoer pop up!

The whole audience was silent and silent!

Kameda Shinichi, who was still arrogant just now, looked like a dead dog, lying on the ground outside, motionless!

Several Japanese warriors rushed out and rushed back soon, shook their heads at Yuki Nakajima!


Xue Ji Nakajima's body trembled slightly, she raised her head in horror and looked at Lin Nan!

Ye Qi in the distance, Qiao's face was full of shock!

At the beginning, her grandfather Ye Fengyun said that Lin Nan was a powerhouse of the gods, she still didn't believe it!

Now in her heart, there is no doubt that even a strong man like Kameda Shinichi was killed by Lin Nan's finger. How can I prove it?

"Senior! Sorry, we are impolite. Please forgive me, Senior!"

Xue Ji Nakajima knelt on the ground and lowered her head to Lin Nan!

She looked at the carpet below her, her eyes filled with shock and fear!

The powerhouses of the gods were all killed by a snap. What strength was the young man in front of him?

Even if Yuki Nakajima wanted to break her head, she couldn't think of a young and peerless powerhouse in China!

"Your name is Yuuki Nakajima?"

Lin Nan stood with his hand in hand, standing in the field, faintly glanced at the woman in front of him!


Yuuki Nakajima did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied.

"I order you not to step into the Hexi Province of China in this life!" Lin Nan said calmly.


Yuuki Nakajima was surprised, raised her head in surprise, and looked at Lin Nan suspiciously!

She didn't understand why Lin Nan would have such an order!

"Why? Don't you dare?"

Lin Nan's face sank slightly!

"Don't dare, Xue Ji obeyed!"

Xue Ji Nakajima could only feel that a huge aura, as if facing an emperor, she couldn't breathe under pressure, and didn't dare to disobey Lin Nan's words!

"The second thing, you don't use the name Ni Susu anymore!"

Lin Nan continued.

"Senior! How did you know that my Chinese name is Ni Susu?"

Yuuki Nakajima raised her head again, and the shock in her eyes became more intense!

The name Ni Susu is the name of his husband's ex-wife!

Yuki Nakajima once heard her husband calling this name many times at night!

Even when the two of them are having sex, their husbands will also call the word ‘Susu’ when they are in love with each other!

Later, Xue Ji Nakajima simply gave herself a Chinese name, also called Ni Susu, in order to enhance her relationship with her husband!

Only a few people know about this. How did the young man in front of him know?

‘Does he know how to read mind? Even if you know how to read minds, how can you make such a boring request? Is this strong man interesting to me? ’

No wonder Yuuki Nakajima thinks this way!

She is still very confident about her appearance!

There are many presidents of big societies in the territory of the Japanese country alone, who want to marry her!

However, Yuuki Nakajima later chose an ordinary Chinese as her husband!

If the young man in front of her likes her and does not mind that she already has a daughter, Xue Ji Nakajima is willing to stay with Lin Nan and serve him from now on!

Yuki Nakajima dreamed secretly.

Lin Nan's emperor-like temperament, coupled with his handsome face, made Xue Ji Nakajima surrender, and Japanese women have always admired the strong!


Lin Nan snorted, not interested in explaining, is he still going to tell Yuki Nakajima what happened before the restart of the era?

"What I said, you can remember it! If you dare to violate it in the future, up to nine days and fall into the Yellow Spring, I will kill you!"

Lin Nan's voice was full of killing intent!

"Yes! Yuuki Nakajima will not dare to violate the words of predecessors!"

Yuuki Nakajima's pretty face was pale for a while, like a quail, where there was still the momentum when she first entered the arena, and all the fantasy in her heart was swept away!

Lin Nan nodded slightly, and then returned to Liu Ruqing's side, the coldness on her face disappeared, and a faint smile appeared!

Next, the banquet continued. Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, and Bai Qiaojing were invited by Ye Qi to sit at the banquet!

far away.

Many tycoons and celebrity politicians looked at Lin Nan from a distance and cast awe in awe!

The majesty of Lin Nan just now shocked everyone!

For them, this method of slapping people into the air and smashing seven or eight concrete walls is like a Hercules!

"Ruqing, what is your fiancé's origin? He was so amazing just now!"

Bai Qiaojing pulled Liu Ruqing, lowered his throat, and asked in a low voice.

"He, actually I don't know what's the origin, but he has a good skill and has a lot of strength!" Liu Ruqing smiled.

"Is it really just more powerful? That person just flew out, just like the Hulk in a science fiction movie!"

Bai Qiao said quietly, his eyes flickering, and he looked at Lin Nan secretly.

With the strength of Lin Nan's spiritual consciousness, the conversation between the two of course entered his ears without missing a word, but Lin Nan didn't say much!

Listening to the two little girls chatting, after a while, Ye Qi came over!

"Mr. Lin, grandpa invites you into the box, look?"

Her face was full of respect!

"Your grandpa and I, there is nothing to say, this is not necessary!" Lin Nan waved his hand lightly.

When Ye Qi saw this, she didn't dare to say anything. After a deep glance at Lin Nan, she turned and left!


At this moment, in the depths of the State Guest Building, in a certain box!

The outside venue is just for the lively atmosphere, and the boxes on the innermost floors are where you guys meet!

"Grandpa, he doesn't want to see you!"

Ye Qi came over, a little discouraged to explain.

In the box, in addition to Ye Fengyun, there are also the heads of other Yanjing families, who are also present!

"Lao Ye, this young man, why does he always avoid you?"

Song Kaixian, the old man of the Song family, said strangely.

"I don't know! But his strength really surpassed my imagination. That Kameda Shinichi, ranked thirteenth on the **** list of the underground world, even he was killed by Lin Nan's finger. I'm afraid it's also in the top of the **** list!" Ye Fengyun frowned.

"The top few of the gods!"

Qi Junliang, the old man of the Qi family, Xie Lide, the old man of the Jie family, and Zheng Guofeng, the old man of the Zheng family, all shocked!

The whole box fell into a short dead silence!

After a long while, a surprised voice came!

"Where did the evildoer pop up!"

"You have this kind of terrifying strength at a young age, and you can't find such a person in search of the entire China? Is it the people of those hidden families?" Zheng Guofeng asked suspiciously.


Ye Fengyun sighed faintly, and said helplessly: "I just suspect that he is someone who hides the family! That's why he is so flattering with him. If he can be recruited and used by the country, it may not be different for our country. A great thing!"

"Even if he wants, I want to marry Xiaoqi to him! Use this to win him over!"

Hearing this, the old men nodded gently, if they can win over Lin Nan, it is really worth it!


Instead, Ye Qi exclaimed, her pretty face full of red rhyme!

"Lin Nan already has a fiancée, and not long ago, I recognized her as a god-sister, how can this be!"

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