There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 523: In the future, if your Ye family is in trouble, I can take action and help Ye family o

"What I said is nothing but a fact! It's not so bold!"

Lin Nan shook his head lightly, with a noncommittal tone!

"well said!"

Ye Fengyun nodded, a trace of pride gushed in his chest, as if he had returned to the army, back to the years of prosperous years!

"This cup, I will respect Mr. Lin again!"

"Mr. Jing Lin is so proud!"

Ye Fengyun said, filling a glass of wine in person, raising his neck and taking a mouthful!

"Well, in that case, I will have a drink with you!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly, raised the wine glass, and took a sip from his mouth. Even if I had drunk it, the wine in the glass seemed to have not been moved!


The guests present were taken aback and looked at Lin Nan in amazement!

This is too perfunctory!

You know, this is Ye Fengyun!

Ye Lao drank two glasses, but the young man in front of him didn't even stand up, just took the wine glass and took a sip from his mouth. This is too big!

Many people in the Ye family already had anger on their faces!

On the contrary, Ye Fengyun was not only not angry, but a smile finally appeared on a serious old face!

"Since Mr. Lin drank the wine toasted by the old man, if the Ye Family is in trouble in the future, I hope Mr. Lien will help!"

Ye Fengyun's eyes were deep, fixedly looking at Lin Nan, with a longing look in his muddy old eyes!


"Lao Ye is not angry?"

The guests at the scene were dumbfounded, and their eyes were full of shock!

"Yes! In the future, if your Ye Family is in trouble, I can take action and help Ye Family once!"

Lin Nan nodded.

After getting Lin Nan's affirmative reply, a big rock in Ye Fengyun's heart finally fell to the ground, and the corners of his eyes opened!

In this way, the Ye Family and Lin Nan had friendship!


After the banquet.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were about to leave, but found Bai Qiaojing still sitting there, in a daze!

"What's wrong, Xiaojing?"

Liu Ruqing walked back again!

"Ruqing, I'm afraid to go back!"

Bai Qiaojing was a little nervous.

Not long ago, her cousin was beaten under Lin Nan's men, and she has a certain relationship with her!

Bai Qiaojing thinks that if she goes back now, there will probably be no good fruit to eat!

When she thought of this, Bai Qiaojing didn't dare to leave, she could only sit helplessly at the table, stunned!

"Don't be afraid! Lin Nan and I will take you home!"

Some gentle voices from Liu Ruqing made Bai Qiaojing's heart warm!

"Ruqing, thank you!"

"Hehe, don't worry! I will personally take you home today, and then bring Lin Nan. In the future, your cousin will not dare to bully you!" Liu Ruqing smiled relaxedly.


Bai Qiaojing was very moved and plunged into Liu Ruqing's arms!

Next, Ye Qi personally accompanied Lin Nan and others to Aunt Bai Qiaojing's home!


In a high-end residential area on the Yanjing Outer Ring!

Wu Xuetong's family was sitting in the living room. Wu Xuetong's father Wu Zhongyang and mother Zhou Fenghua were all present!


Wu Xuetong's pretty face is covered with a thick ice pack, and her eyes are full of resentment!

"I blame Bai Qiaojing for that bitch! If it wasn't for her **** classmate, how could my face be beaten like this?"

Wu Xuetong said viciously.

"When that **** returns, we must teach her a good lesson!"

Wu Zhongyang frowned and said, "Didn't you say that the person who beat you was a young man named Lin Nan? What does it have to do with Qiaojing?"

"It's not that **** Bai Qiaojing, who met a classmate at the banquet for no reason. Otherwise, how could I meet Lin Nan?"

"And that Ye Qi from the Ye family! What's the matter, if it weren't for the Ye family behind her, I would be afraid of her?" Wu Xuetong said angrily.

at the same time.

Outside the door of the living room, Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Ye Qi, Bai Qiaojing and others just heard these words!

"Ha ha!"

Ye Qi sneered and stopped Bai Qiaojing who was about to knock on the door, and said in a somewhat stern tone: "Qiaojing, wait a moment, see what they say!"


Bai Qiaojing didn't dare to disobey, she could only stand aside obediently and waited quietly!

There was another voice in the house!

"With the power of the Ye family, we can't afford to offend it! And that Lin Nan, I am afraid it is not an ordinary person, Xuetong, you should forget about this!"

Wu Zhongyang shook his head and persuaded.


Zhou Fenghua quit, glaring at her husband angrily, and said angrily: "Wu Zhongyang, are you a gangster? My daughter was beaten, so let me forget it?"

"What can I do? With the Ye family's power, do you dare to trouble Ye Qi?" Wu Zhongyang said coldly.

"Hehe! I don't dare to trouble Ye Qi, but I can scold her? Just that woman, who looks like a bastard!"

Zhou Fenghua's face was full of sneers.

Outside the door of the living room, when Bai Qiaojing heard this, her pretty face changed a little!

"Sister Qi!"

"Don't talk, I want to listen, what else does she have to say!"

Ye Qi's pretty face turned green, and the corners of her mouth were full of sneers!

Just listen to Zhou Fenghua’s voice and continue to hear:

"How noble does she think she is? The princess of the Ye family?"

"In my eyes, even a **** is worse!"

"If she appears in front of me, I will teach her how to be a man every minute!"



There was a crisp sound, and the door of the living room was pushed open. Everyone in the Wu family was shocked, their eyes all looking towards the door!

Bai Qiaojing took the lead in walking in!

"You little bitch, dare to come back?"

Upon seeing this, Zhou Fenghua shuddered and stood up from the sofa!

Then, behind Bai Qiaojing, Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, and Ye Qi also walked in!

"who are you?"

Zhou Fenghua was stunned for a moment, and obviously did not expect that Bai Qiaojing would come back with other people!


The moment he saw Lin Nan, Wu Xuetong exclaimed, then lowered her head in horror, her eyes filled with horror!

Wu Zhongyang next to him, seeing Lin Nan, also couldn't help but secretly took a breath!

"Why, you don't know me? I heard that you are going to teach me how to be a human being!" Ye Qi's mouth showed a deep smile!

"You--! Are you Ye Qi?"

Zhou Fenghua's eyes widened, her mouth slightly opened, her face instantly turned pale, her expressionless!

"Xiao Song, blow her mouth to me!" Ye Qi sneered.


The driver Ye Qi brought forward, without saying anything, stepped forward, pinched Zhou Fenghua's neck, and fell with a slap in the face!

"Papa Papa!"

There was a crisp sound, and I don’t know how long it took. Zhou Fenghua’s mouth had already begun to see blood, and the driver had stopped!

On the side, Wu Zhongyang and Wu Xuetong both dared not put a fart, and watched Zhou Fenghua get beaten!

"Now tell me, who taught someone to be a man?" Ye Qi asked with a smile.

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