There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 524: My wife is forgiving!

Facing Ye Qi's question!

Zhou Fenghua sat on the ground with fright, her eyes full of horror, and she trembled: "I'm sorry, Miss Ye, it's me who kept talking! I shouldn't say that to you!"

"This is just a small lesson for you. From now on, Bai Qiaojing will have nothing to do with your family!"

"Xiao Jing, pack your things, from now on, you can just follow me!" Ye Qi said coldly.


Bai Qiaojing stayed for a while!

"What are you doing in a daze, do you want to stay in this ghost place? Follow me in the future!"

Ye Qi spoke very aggressively!

Soon, Bai Qiaojing packed up her things and left here with Ye Qi!


After Lin Nan and others left.

"Wu Zhongyang, you bullshit, your wife was beaten at home, and your daughter was beaten at a banquet. Are you still standing here?"

Zhou Fenghua was like a shrew scolding the street, saying extremely ugly things!

Wu Zhongyang sat there, his face fluctuated for a while, and finally turned green, he shouted angrily:

"Shut me up!"

"You dare to yell at me? You have no ability, others beat your wife, you are watching, now yell at me? Are you still a man!"

Zhou Fenghua is even more angry!

"Humph! If you want to die, keep shouting!" Wu Zhongyang sneered.

He shook his head again and said, "Fortunately, you just scolded Ye Qi. If you scolded that young man, I'm afraid you don't know how to die!"

"What do you mean?"

Seeing Wu Zhongyang's solemn expression, Zhou Fenghua was also stunned, and finally stopped making noise!

"What do you mean? Last night, in the Hilton Hotel, this young man slapped a martial arts master to death! I was there and saw this scene with my own eyes!"

"Do you know how much pressure I was under when he entered the door just now? If he does it, our whole family will not want to survive!"

Wu Zhongyang now thinks about it, still fearful in his heart!

"What! Slap the martial arts master to death?"

Zhou Fenghua was completely stunned!

Although she is just an ordinary person, she also knows exactly what martial arts master means!

"That's nothing! Even Zheng Jin, the head of the Zheng family, knelt down and prayed for forgiveness from this person! Do you think our family is qualified to be an enemy of him?"

Wu Zhongyang shook his head and sighed, the whole figure seemed to be a teenager suddenly old!

"What? So it was him!"

Wu Xuetong took a breath, and her body trembled with fright!

She also heard about the Hilton Hotel last night, but due to the pressure of the Zheng family, all news was blocked!

Unexpectedly, tonight, I met Lin Nan!

"What's wrong with Xuetong?" Wu Zhongyang asked strangely.

"Dad--! At the banquet just now, this young man beat me!" Wu Xuetong trembled.


Wu Zhongyang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was so scared that he fell to the ground with cold sweat behind his back!


For two days in a row, big things happened in Yanjing's circle!

Yanjing went up and down, and there was a lot of discussion!

The first one is about the Zheng family!

The second thing is that Ye Fengyun, the elder of the Ye family, made a toast to Lin Nan last night!

The protagonist of the two things happened to be Lin Nan, so that the entire Yanjing circle was all talking about him!

"Who is Lin Nan anyway?"

Someone asked suspiciously.

"Gadget! This is a young man, about 18 years old, from Jiangnan City, still in high school, now an exchange student at Yanjing University!" someone in the circle explained.

"Is still in high school, can Ye Lao take it so seriously?"

Many people were dumbfounded, expressing disbelief!

"No way!"

The entire Yanjing circle is really too big. Not everyone was there that night. After all, only a few people were able to appear on the scene!

"Hey, the strength of this person is unpredictable, you don't understand it at all!"

People in the know smile, his face is full of profound expressions!

Lin Nan didn't know that he had become the object of discussion in the Yanjing circle, and he didn't care at all!

Because he is busy with his object, how can he have any thoughts to consider other things?


On this day, the sun was shining, the autumn breeze was blowing, and the temperature was just right!

The other exchange students are in the classroom, listening carefully to experience college life in advance!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were sitting on the lawn behind the school, basking in the sun, lazily, and at ease!

Liu Ruqing held a financial book in her hand, which was just borrowed from the library, while Lin Nan was sitting aside!

Liu Ruqing reads, he reads Liu Ruqing!

"Why keep looking at me?"

The girl closed the book in her hand and rolled her eyes at Lin Nan!

"Hey, because it looks good, I keep watching! I don't bother to watch other people!"

Lin Nan smiled, not embarrassed, reached out and scratched Liu Ruqing's little nose!


Liu Ruqing snorted, wrinkled her nose, and said, "If we were married, you wouldn't think so!"

"Oh--! What if we get married? Haha, it seems you want to marry me too!"

Lin Nanda smiled deeply.


Liu Ruqing blushed, picked up the book in her hand, and went to fight Lin Nan shyly, Lin Nan quickly got up and avoided!

The girl immediately chased it up!

The two were playing around like this. After a while, Liu Ruqing felt tired of chasing him. He stood there, holding a book in one hand, and the other hand in his waist, glaring at Lin Nan in anger!

"You come here!"


Lin Nan shrugged helplessly and walked over!

"Do you dare to hide?"

Liu Ruqing stretched out a small hand and pinched Lin Nan's ear!

"My wife, please forgive me!"

Lin Nan was very cooperative and quickly begged for mercy!

"Do you know that you are wrong?" Liu Ruqing asked proudly.


"Just know it, next time I hit you, if you run away again, hum!"

Liu Ruqing hummed twice, like a little witch, showing a sly smile like a little fox!

far away.

Ye Qi just came over, and she was taken aback when she saw this scene!

‘This Mr. Lin is really weird! His strength is so strong that he would make a woman threaten her ears? ’

When thinking in my mind, an exclamation came!

"Sister Qi! Why are you here!"

A hint of shyness appeared on Ye Qi's pretty face, and she quickly let go of her hand!

"Puff! I didn't see anything!"

Ye Qi pursed her lips and smiled.

The more Ye Qi said this, Liu Ruqing became more shy. She glared at Lin Nan and said, "I blame you!"

"Yes, I blame it all!"

Lin Nan nodded and admitted it politely!

"It's almost the same!"

Liu Ruqing raised her small face proudly, and Ye Qi, who was looking at her, her eyes flashed and she was secretly surprised!

‘Even ordinary couples don’t spoil their girlfriends like this, right? It is so rare that such a strong person can still do this! ’

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