There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 530: Did I let you go?

A few days ago, Lin Nan shot and killed Kameda Shinichi in Yanjing's State Guest Building!

Unexpectedly, I saw Lin Nan again in Kyoto in the Kingdom of Japan so soon!

However, looking at Kudo's appearance, it seems that he doesn't know the origin of Lin Nan at all. Looking at his eyes, he is always walking around the three women, Liu Ruqing, Ye Qi, and Mu Wanqing!

‘I’m sorry, Master Xiuming is thinking...’

Yuki Nakajima was a little worried.

The Nakajima family is a political supporter of Ryugen Kudo, and she does not want to see that Hideaki Kudo offends Lin Nan, thus causing trouble to his father, Ryugen Kudo!

‘I have to think of a way to remind Master Xiu Ming! ’

Yuuki Nakajima frowned.

On the other side, Kudo Hideaki has begun to invite Liu Ruqing and others to take a seat!

As for Lin Nan, he ignored it from the moment he entered the stadium!

Here is his home court of Kudo Hideaki, a young man from China, even if you are the illegitimate child of a big man, why should I buy your account? You know, this is the country of Japan, not the country of China!

"Three, come with me, and the auction will begin in a while!"

Kudo Hideaki said with a smile.


Liu Ruqing is very sensitive. At this time, she also saw that Kudo Hideaki's purpose seemed to be more than just wanting to know them!

"What about Lin Nan?"

Kudo Hideaki smiled and said nothing. A young Japanese man walked out immediately and explained with a smile: "Madam, the front row is limited and all the celebrities in Kyoto have it!"

"Master Xiuming only has three more positions, which happens to be assigned to you three ladies. As for this gentleman, it is the same for him to sit in the back row. The auction will end later, and you can leave together again!"

The Japanese youth said, and glanced at Lin Nan slightly jokingly!

Since entering the venue, Lin Nan has been standing there, silent, without saying a word!

Therefore, these Japanese people thought that Lin Nan was stage fright!

"That is, there are only three extra seats in the front row. Do you want the girls to sit behind?"

"As a man, you should be a gentleman!"

Several other Japanese youths also stood up and agreed!

They all speak very well in Mandarin, with no accent at all, which is extremely standard!

Upon seeing this, Liu Ruqing smiled politely and said, "I'm sorry, in that case, Sister Qi and Wanqing, please sit in the front, and I will sit in the back with Lin Nan!"

After saying these words, Liu Ruqing walked back happily, took Lin Nan's arm, and spit out a small tongue at him!

Seeing this scene, the corner of Kudo Hideaki's eyes twitched slightly!

The three women, Ye Qi, Mu Wanqing, and Liu Ruqing, are all rare women of the world!

Among them, Liu Ruqing is the most, and Kudo Hideaki wants to get it the most!

Now, seeing Liu Ruqing take the initiative to befriend Lin Nan, like a thorn, deeply pierced into Kudo's flesh!

"What's the matter? I found that they were uneasy and kind?"

Lin Nan stretched out a hand and rubbed Liu Ruqing's little head!

"Huh! I'm not stupid, if I haven't noticed that someone deliberately wants to separate the three of us from you, I am a fool!"

Liu Ruqing snorted softly and wrinkled her nose.

"Haha, that said, you are still very clever!"

Lin Nan smiled and shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, Mu Wanqing also walked back and stood beside Liu Ruqing, saying:

"I'm with Ruqing!"

When Ye Qi saw this, her eyes flickered, and she remembered what grandpa Ye Fengyun said in her mind!

‘A family of ten years, a family of a hundred years! If the Ye Family wants to continue for a hundred years, they must rely on Lin Nan! ’

Thinking of this, Ye Qi showed an apologetic smile at Kudo Hideaki, and said: "I'm sorry Mr. Kudo, since the front row is not enough, we can sit in the back together!"

The surrounding guests looked at each other one by one, and they all saw expressions of surprise, astonishment, and daze in each other's eyes!

Kudo Hideaki's face instantly turned green!

In the presence of so many people, and in the circle of Kyoto, this group of Chinese people did not give him face so much!

"Humph! Since you all want to sit in the back, sit in the back!"

Kudo Hideaki gave a cold snort, turned and left!

This face was so embarrassing that he lost to a Chinese in front of so many people!

'call! Fortunately, nothing happened! ’

Seeing Kudo Hideaki turned and left, Yuuki Nakajima secretly breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out her hand and patted her chest!


At this moment, Lin Nan spoke!

"Did I let you go?"

The whole scene was quiet for a while!

Everyone looked at Lin Nan in horror, their eyes focused on his face!

The foot that Kudo Hideaki just stepped out was still in the air. Hearing Lin Nan's words, he took it back again!

One turn!

"You were talking to me just now?"

Kudo Hideaki's tone was cold.

All the guests present held their breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath!

‘I’m sorry, this time something is going to happen! ’

Yuki Nakajima screamed secretly!

Sure enough, I only listened to Lin Nan said: "From the very beginning, you have been ill-intentioned with my woman! All reveal your superiority!"

"After entering the stadium, I still want to use the low-level means of not having enough space to separate us! Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Have an idea for my woman? I said how should I punish you?"

Lin Nan spoke lightly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

Although everyone present knows Kudo Hideaki's thoughts!

But Lin Nan was so unceremonious, and publicly dismantled Kudo Hideaki, even if he had a castle, he couldn't calm down!

"what did you say?"

Kudo Hideaki's voice is extremely cold!

"Kneel down!"

Lin Nan watched Kudo Hideaki, spit out two words!


Kudo Hideaki's face turned gloomy for an instant, and then he smirked!

"Haha! Interesting, interesting, I have never seen it before, someone in Kyoto dared to talk to me like this, it's so interesting!"

The tears of Kudo Hideaki's smile came out!

He kept shaking his head, his handsome face was full of mockery!

The corner of Lin Nan's mouth showed a hint of playfulness!

"You don't kneel?"

"Chinese people! Do you know where this is? This is Kyoto! You told me to kneel down? Believe it or not, with your words, I can keep you people from getting out of here!"

Kudo Hideaki grinned.

The voice falls!


Dark shadows surging on four days and weeks, dozens of dark shadows pouring out from all directions, appearing out of thin air, appearing among the guests!

Everyone wore dark night clothes and covered their faces with black gauze, only revealing a pair of emotionless and indifferent eyes!

They were slung with samurai swords, and they were full of murder!

It seems that as long as Kudo Hideaki gives an order, these people will immediately start cutting Lin Nan into pieces!

The guests at the auction site were taken aback for a moment, and then they backed back and couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning!

"Hi! This is-the Shadow Warrior?"

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