There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 531: When did the Chinese dare to go wild in Kyoto?

"What? Shadow Warrior! Unexpectedly, this kind of thing really exists!"

Ye Qi's delicate body shuddered slightly, and there was a hint of surprise and fear in the depths of her beautiful eyes!

"Sister Qi, what is a Shadow Warrior?"

Mu Wanqing also felt the murderous air, her pretty face turned pale, and she looked nervously at the shadow warriors around!

"The shadow samurai is a kind of ninja! Born in the shogunate era of the country, every shadow samurai is a born assassin!"

"It is rumored that they were born in the shadows. As long as there is darkness, they exist. The shadow warriors are everywhere and cannot be guarded against! The most terrifying thing is that they can lurch on the ground and pretend to be your shadow, and wait until you relax. Time, jump out to assassinate you!"

"After all, who can imagine that your own shadow will suddenly kill yourself?"

Ye Qi slowly explained!

There seemed to be fifty or sixty shadow samurai at the scene, and everyone was dressed the same, as if they were carved out of a mold!

"Haha, you deserve to be from the Yeh family of Yanjing! I know a lot about us about the country of Japan!"

Kudo Hideaki nodded slightly, his face was full of banter!

"Ms. Ye, because you are Ye Fengyun's granddaughter, I can let you go, but these three must stay here today, especially he—must die!"

Kudo Hideaki stretched out a finger and pointed at Lin Nan!


A weird expression appeared on Ye Qi's pretty face!

She knew Lin Nan's terrifying strength, but whether Lin Nan could deal with so many shadow warriors, Ye Qi didn't know!

"Oh? I want to see, how do you kill me!"

Lin Nan stepped out, protecting Liu Ruqing behind him!


Kudo Hideaki ordered, his voice was extremely cold!




Dozens of human figures moved at the same time, and their speed was extremely fast. With the help of the light drop around, everyone seemed to be hidden in the darkness!

In the ears of the guests present, only the footsteps of ‘Da Da Da’ were heard, but no one was seen!

Under Lin Nan's divine consciousness, each of these shadow warriors had nowhere to hide!

What a shadow warrior is just the use of light and darkness, the visual impairment of human eyes, and the blindness used by physical knowledge!


The first shadow warrior attacked, coming from Lin Nan's left rear, the samurai sword in his hand was coated with some kind of light-absorbing material, and it quietly cut towards Lin Nan's throat!

Lin Nan still stood there quietly, as if he hadn't seen it!

'Humph! I thought it was a great character! Need the son to dispatch the shadow samurai? ’

The shadow warrior who shot, thought with disdain in his heart!

When his blade was about to approach Lin Nan!


Lin Nan turned his head faintly and glanced at him, causing the shadow warrior's pupils to shrink suddenly. From the depths of Lin Nan's eyes, he saw endless lifelessness!


Lin Nan downplayed, raising his hand and shooting out the shadow warrior who came!

I saw a dark shadow flying backwards, like a cannonball, directly breaking through a wall, and a hole appeared in the southwest corner of the venue!


Seeing this scene, Kudo Hideaki raised his brows, his smile solidified, and his face gradually became serious!



It was the two shadow warriors who attacked from the dark. The two of them came from under the carpet and slowly touched them. They cut the carpet with one blow and slashed towards Lin Nan's fatal position!



Lin Nan kicked out two consecutive kicks, the two shadow warriors trembled, and then two dark pits appeared on the ground, which were deeply sunken!

They were kicked under the floor by Lin Nan alive, and even the tomb was saved directly and buried here!

Next, Lin Nan's performance made all the guests present stunned!

These shadow warriors are like soccer balls, footballs, and basketballs. When they rushed over, they were either shot, kicked, or blown by her!

During the whole process, no drop of blood was seen!


With the strength of Lin Nan's action, coupled with the sound of spine fracture, the shadow warriors who fly out may not survive!

Liu Ruqing hid under Lin Nan's squeaky nest and was held by one of Lin Nan's arm!


Lin Nan's other hand slapped the shadow warrior who sneaked up!

Liu Ruqing looked at this man like a **** of war, her pretty face was a little hot!

After a battle was over, the entire venue fell into a dead silence!

Everyone's eyes are condensed on Lin Nan's face!

Various expressions of consternation, horror, shock, shock, gloom, fear, etc. flashed across the faces of celebrities, politicians, and rich people in the Japanese nation!

Lin Nan's performance just now completely shocked them!

The whole battle was hearty!

However, this was almost a one-sided massacre by Lin Nan. When no one shadow warrior rushed out, Kudo Hideaki's face became extremely pale, his whole body stiffened in place, and he looked at the man in front of him with horror!

He found himself wrong, very wrong!

Where is this ordinary person? This is simply a **** of murder!

Kudo Hideaki knew that if the master did not give an order to stop the attack, the Shadow Warrior would never stop the attack, even if he still had a trace of strength, he would jump out and kill the enemy!

However, at this moment, the entire venue is silent, where is the shadow warrior rushing out?

This means that in less than three minutes, all sixty-three shadow warriors have fallen!

Kill a shadow warrior in three seconds on average? This is not even the time for the Shadow Warrior to take action. If you count the time for the Shadow Warrior to take action, doesn't it mean that every shadow warrior is dead at the moment it takes action?


Kudo Hideaki wanted to speak, but found that his voice was dry and couldn't speak a word!

At this time, Lin Nan's gaze fell on Kudo Hideaki's face!

The man in front of you is almost like a god!

Just that kind of aura makes all beings surrender!

Lin Nan's performance just now crushed all of Kudo Hideaki's self-confidence, pride, and self-esteem!


Kudo Hideaki couldn't bear it at all. Because of the terrifying pressure from Lin Nan, he knelt on the ground and said in a trembled, "Sorry, I know it was wrong!"

"What? Young Master Xiuming actually knelt down!"

The Japanese guests present were a little unnatural!


"Chinese people! You dare to do something with me and mess up my auction, you are not brave!"

A majestic voice came.

The guests at the scene recovered from the shock and looked towards the source of the sound!

I saw an old man in a kimono standing in the crowd, almost all of his head was bald, only the temples and some hair!

There was a sensation among the crowd!

"It's Mr. Ishifujihara!"

"The organizer of the auction tonight, he is the uncle of Master Xiuming, and this is also his private hospitalization. How could he not come out with such a big movement!"

"Uncle! Help me!"

Kudo Hideaki shouted in surprise as if he had grabbed a straw!

"Xiuming, you disappointed Uncle too much! He just killed some shadow warriors and scared you to kneel?"

"If your father knew, he would not forgive you!"

Ishifujihara shook his head disappointedly.

Immediately, his eyes sank and fell on Lin Nan's face, and said: "When will the Chinese dare to go wild in Kyoto?"

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