There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 532: Ants! Dare to shoot at me? dead!

Ishifujihara's old face was full of wrinkles. He stood there like a crouching tiger, and suddenly became the center of the scene!

"Ahem -!"

He walked slowly under the cautious crowd of everyone, coughing gently!

The whole scene was filled with his coughing, everyone held their breath, afraid to make a sound!

With Ishifujihara's power, he is not weaker than those in charge of super chaebols!


Behind Ishifujihara, there are also high-level members of the Japanese government and cabinet ministers. Who would dare to disobey him?

"Mr. Ishiteng, you are unwell, why bother to come out to deal with the matter yourself, just find a housekeeper and it will be solved!"

A middle-aged man pushed away from the crowd and walked to Ishifujihara. He looked like he was about fifty years old and smiled faintly.

"It turned out to be Representative Otsuka!"

Ishifujihara glanced at the person lightly, shook his head and said:

"It's all fighting in my manor. If I don't show up again, others will say that my master is incompetent!"

"What's more, I have not seen a Chinese for decades, so I dare to go wild in Kyoto!"

Shi Fujiwara said, his eyes swept toward Lin Nan sharply!

"Haha! Mr. Ishito joked. Although the Shadow Warriors are powerful, they are a bit hard to deal with the Grandmaster. The Chinese in front of them have killed all the Shadow Warriors. Naturally, there are some powerful means, but it is obviously not enough to go wild in Kyoto. !"

Representative Otsuka chuckled.

Lin Nan killed all the Shadow Warriors, the guests present were shocked!

However, there are still some people in the crowd, watching all this indifferently!

They have been at the top of the country for a long time. What scenes have they not seen? The scene of Lin Nan killing the shadow warrior seems to be hot and exciting!

But in reality, it's just a crush between forces. Once someone with a higher strength appears, it is the Chinese who is crushed!

In Kyoto, how can Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon let Chinese people go wild?

"That's it! Ahem!"

Ishifujihara nodded in agreement and coughed twice. He beckoned and said casually, "Kill him!"

Ishifujihara's voice was calm, as if to say something trivial!


Behind him, two Japanese warriors stood out immediately!

They look ordinary, but the momentum that blooms all over is far beyond what ordinary people can bear!

These two Japanese warriors had already stepped into the realm of gods. They stood there like two mountains, faintly looking down at Lin Nan!

"Hattori, to kill such a kid, one person is enough, is it you or me?"

"You do it! I don't want to do it!"

Another strong god, Hattori Jiro gently shook his head!

"it is good!"

The Divine Realm who was the first to speak, nodded, and attacked directly. Between raising his hands, with the momentum of thunder, behind him, a horrible blue light burst out!


He came to Lin Nan's step by step and hit Lin Nan with a punch!

'Humph! A young man, no matter how powerful he is, at most he is still in the realm of a master. Under the realm of God, can he persist in one move? ’

The corners of Hattori Jiro's mouth showed a deep sarcasm!

But the next moment, the smile at the corner of Hattori Jiro's mouth completely solidified!

Because he discovered that his teammates actually flew out, like falling leaves in the autumn wind, without the slightest ability to resist!


The powerhouse of the gods drew a beautiful arc in the air and smashed through a wall, causing the entire scene to tremble slightly!


Hattori Jiro's face changed drastically in an instant, and he took a dozen steps back!

He looked at Lin Nan in horror, and said in a trembled voice: "How is it possible, your strength--? Impossible!"

"Ant! Want to shoot me too? Die!"

Lin Nan looked at Jiro Hattori and pointed out!


Hattori Jiro, like his teammates, flew upside down and disappeared into everyone's sight!

The whole scene fell silent again!

This time, it was quieter than Shi Fujiwara's appearance. Everyone was petrified, stiff in place, looking at Lin Nan in horror!

Ishifujihara's old face also froze completely, and the turbid old eyes were full of shocking eyes!

In the distance, Yuuki Nakajima saw this scene and couldn't help sighing!

‘Sure enough, it’s exactly the same as Kameda Shinichi’s end! You don't need to look at it to know that these two offerings of Ishifujihara are dead! ’

‘How can he be so strong when he is so young? ’

Ye Qi looked at Lin Nan and couldn't help but feel a little more in awe!

At this time.

"What did you just say to kill me?"

Lin Nan's voice, as if from Jiuyou Hell, rang from Shitengyuan's ears!


Even if he is a hero, sitting in the underground world of the country, Ishifujihara at this moment can't bear the pressure!

Not long ago, he said that Kudo Hideaki was not promising and should not kneel to Lin Nan!

But at this time, he himself knelt down very hopelessly!

After all, dignity is nothing compared to life!

"Ishifujihara is willing to give away all the property, give up the ownership, please take my life!"

Ishifujihara trembled.

"I am not interested in your money, but I want to take your life!"

Lin Nan chuckled lightly!

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Ishifujihara's pupils shrank suddenly!

In the face of life and death, I couldn't maintain my composure at all. I convulsed all over my body, and I suddenly suffered a heart attack, scared to death on the spot!


Kudo Hideaki screamed and died on the spot!

His soul was crushed directly by Lin Nan in the dark. In the eyes of outsiders, these two people were scared to death. Even modern medicine could not find out anything!


After returning to the hotel, Liu Ruqing forced Lin Nan into the room!

"Let's talk about it, Mr. Lin, who are you? What are you trying to do with me?"

"Why does such a powerful person fall in love with me? Is there anything in me that makes you fancy?"

Liu Ruqing stood there beautifully, looked at Lin Nan, and asked with a smile.

"Are you sure you want me to say?"



Lin Nan stepped out and came directly to Liu Ruqing, stretched out his hands and grabbed her small waist, and hugged her in his arms!

"I just fell in love with you!"

"Huh! There are so many women in the world, why did you take a fancy to me? I didn't know you before, right!" Liu Ruqing stared at Lin Nan.

"This is a long story! Also, who said you didn't know me before? You are my wife! We still have a daughter. Should we give birth to the daughter now? Wait until the raw rice is cooked. Cooked rice, you won’t have so many problems!"

Lin Nan Kongwu's powerful arms used a few more points, as if he wanted Liu Ruqing to blend into his body!

"Ah, no, I'm still young!"

Liu Ruqing exclaimed, making a frightened look!

"Jie Jie! It's not too young!" Lin Nan grinned.

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