There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 545: Li Anlan, expel Li's family!


The reporters present, seeing this scene, madly pressed the camera's shutter and took a photo!

There are countless news items on Hong Kong Island every year, which are published in newspapers, networks, and magazines, such as celebrities cheating, exposure of the private lives of wealthy people, buying and selling events, movies and TV series endings!

However, Li Jinrong, the old patriarch of the First Family on Hong Kong Island, knelt down to a young man in public, shocking everyone's eyes!

If this news is sent out, needless to say, it must be the headline tomorrow morning!

"Stop taking pictures, stop taking pictures, stop them all!"

Li Jiancheng yelled and scolded the reporters present, but no matter how he roared, the reporters present still took pictures crazy!

Countless lights flashed on Li Jinrong's face, but Li Jinrong remained indifferent, still kneeling there, trembling!

The man in front of him has the power to subvert the world!

How dare he disobey him, Li Jinrong?

"Dad? Why are you kneeling? Get up!"

Li Jiancheng and Li Jianan came over and helped Li Jinrong!

With the status of the Li family on Hong Kong Island, no matter who came to Hong Kong Island, even if the President of the United States or the Great Emperor of Russia came, they were not qualified enough to let Li Jinrong kneel!

After all, you are the supreme ruler of other countries, but you cannot affect Hong Kong Island!

"Shut up! You two evil barriers, kneel down with me!"

Li Jinrong lay on the ground and shouted angrily.

Although he was angry, his voice was shaking!

That's right, it's shaking, with fear and awe in the voice, as if facing a god!

"What? Dad!"

"What exactly is going on?"

The expressions of Li Jiancheng and Li Jianan changed completely!

Their father is not an ordinary person, otherwise it is impossible to start from scratch. In just half a century, he built an ordinary fishing village into the first family on Hong Kong Island!

For this father, Li Jiancheng and Li Jianan still respect him very much!

The majesty of the Li family is also deeply rooted in everyone in the Li family!

"I'll explain this to you later, and kneel down to me immediately!"

Li Jinrong was extremely angry, like an angry lion, shouting in a low voice like a tiger roaring!


Li Jiancheng and Li Jianan, even if they have more questions in their hearts at this moment, they dare not ask more!

Can only be honest, kneel beside Li Jinrong!

"And you, Li Anlan, come over—kneel down!"

Li Jinrong said solemnly, his voice wandering on the edge of fear and anger!


Li Anlan's pretty face was full of shock, consternation, hesitation, incomprehension and doubt!

She remembered the words Lin Nan said that day, under the Mount Fuji Hotel in the country: You say one more word, I will destroy you Li Family Man on Hong Kong Island!

‘Is it true that what he said is true? Does he really have the power to destroy my Li family? ’

Li Anlan's body was stiff, and there was a layer of goose bumps on the white and tender arms like lotus roots!

"Li Anlan, haven't you heard me?"

Li Jinrong shouted.

On the way here, he had already understood everything, it was the conflict between Li Anlan and Lin Nan that caused this disaster, enough to overthrow the entire Li family!

"Yes, grandpa!"

Li Anlan's body trembled slightly, and she did not dare to hesitate!

She came over, also facing Lin Nan, Bai Nen kneeled on the ground!


Seeing this scene, all the guests present looked at each other and couldn't believe their eyes!

The group of teachers and students at Yanjing University were equally astonished at the same place!

At the same time, fierce discussions broke out among the guests!

"How could this be?"

"Is this young man, the illegitimate child of a big man? And his father can subvert the entire Li family while raising his hand?" A rich man's eyes flickered.

"Shh! Do you dare to say such things casually? Don't kill me!" someone immediately reminded.

The rich man's face changed drastically, he hurriedly looked around and found that no one noticed him, and he was relieved!

However, several people who heard this sentence were shocked. It is really possible!

"Mr. Lin, my Li family has absolutely no intention of being an enemy of you! An Lan doesn't know you, so I offended you. Please forgive me!"

Li Jinrong explained tremblingly, lowered his breath, and prayed for Lin Nan's forgiveness.

"Lin Nan, let's go back and rest!"

Before Lin Nan spoke, Liu Ruqing spoke first!

"Okay, I will take you back to rest!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly, and didn't even mean to pay attention to Li Jinrong, carefully caring for Liu Ruqing, leaving the venue, disappearing into everyone's sight!

Seeing Lin Nan's back left, Li Jinrong breathed a sigh of relief. His whole body seemed to be prostration, his old face was pale, and he sat on the ground with his **** behind him, already wet with cold sweat!


Li Jiancheng and Li Jian'an quickly helped Li Jinrong up!

"What exactly is going on?"

At this point, everyone in the Li family, as well as the guests present, all looked at Li Jinrong, waiting for his explanation!


Li Jinrong snorted coldly. The frightened appearance just disappeared, and he returned to the vigor that the old man of Hong Kong Island should have!

He looked around and said in a deep voice:

"First, no one is allowed to leave, immediately delete the photos in your camera and mobile phone, and no one is allowed to be sent out! I will send someone to check later. Whoever dares to keep it private is an enemy of the Li family on Hong Kong Island! "

"Secondly, no one is allowed to tell the story about tonight. If I hear the slightest noise, it is also an enemy of the Li family on Hong Kong Island!"

Li Jinrong acted vigorously and issued two orders one after another!

Next, his words changed and fell on Li Anlan's pretty face, and said coldly:

"Third! Deprive Li Anlan of the identity of the heir of the Li family, cut off all her financial transactions, all the properties, deposits, villas, sports cars, airplanes, and yachts under her name will be taken back to the Li family!"

This speech sounded like a bolt from the blue in the crowd!


The guests at the scene all looked at the old man Li in amazement!

Li Anlan also had the same mind, looking at her grandfather in shock!

"Moreover, from now on, Li Anlan has nothing to do with the Li family anymore. I, Li Jinrong, are here today to drive Li Anlan out of the house!"

"Anyone from the Li family is not allowed to have any contact with Li Anlan. Whoever dares to offend will also be expelled from the Li family!"

Li Jinrong's voice is indifferent, with no emotion at all!

"Li Anlan, starting from tonight, you will go to Yanshan in Kowloon District for retirement!"

After saying these words, Li Jinrong didn't even mean to stay in place for a second, and left!

As for the order issued just now, the rest of the Li family will naturally execute it. He does not need to monitor it, and no one dares to disobey Li Jinrong's meaning!

Yanshan in Kowloon? Isn’t there only one psychiatric hospital there?

The guests present were completely stunned!

The young man just now, who was it that made Li Jinrong so afraid that he would expel his granddaughter from Li's house, and then throw it into a mental hospital to spend his life?

You know, this year Li Anlan is only twenty-five years old!


Li Anlan screamed, and her voice was full of despair and unwillingness!

There was a buzzing sound in her mind, echoing those words of Lin Nan:

You say one more word, I will destroy you Li family on Hong Kong Island!

You say one more word, I will destroy you Li family on Hong Kong Island...

Hong Kong Island Li’s family is full of...

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