There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 546: What he relies on-is his own power!

At this time, the central block of Hong Kong Island.

A luxurious building with more than fifty floors. The dozens of floors below will still be brilliant. The internal staff are still working in full swing!

The behemoth Li's consortium is still operating even in the middle of the night!

In a house on the top floor, various materials of the Lee Consortium are stored!

After Li Jinrong left Star Century Plaza, he came here directly!

Not long after he arrived, his two sons, Li Jiancheng and Li Jianan, also rushed there!

"Dad! Are all those things you said true? Do you want to drive An Lan out of Li's house?"

Li Jiancheng came over and asked Li Jinrong.

Li Jinrong put down the information in his hand, looked back at Li Jiancheng, and said lightly: "What? Do you think I'm joking?"

Li Jiancheng's face was pale, and his body shook for a while, he held the desk next to him to stabilize his figure!

"Dad! At first, An Lan is your granddaughter, don't you like her the most?"

"An Lan is only twenty-five years old! As his uncle, I really can't bear to watch her spend her lower body in a psychiatric hospital! Didn't this ruin her?"

Li Jian'an frowned and asked puzzledly.

"Huh! What do you know? If I don't expel Li Anlan from the Li family, that Mr. Lin will be blamed, and then the entire Li family will suffer along with it!"

Li Jinrong snorted coldly, his old face full of coldness.

Regarding Li Jinrong's explanation, Li Jianan did not catch a cold!

"Dad! It's just a young man, even if the forces behind him are great, could his family die with our Li family for a small matter?" Li Jianan shook his head lightly and sneered.

"Take a step back, even if the family behind this person is willing to be the enemy of our Li family for this matter, can our Li family still fear him?"

"Although Hong Kong Island is the foundation of our Li family, much of the capital of our Li family consortium has already flown overseas. Hong Kong Island is just an empty city. You are still sitting on Hong Kong Island, but in fact our Li family’s vision has already Look at the world!"

"Even if the Yanjing people want to deal with our Li family, what are we afraid of?"

Li Jian'an came down with a long story, and when it came to this, his face was proud!

"In that case, don't be afraid of Lin Nan!"

The Li Family on Hong Kong Island is far from the old Li Family on Hong Kong Island!

They are ready to follow the example of the Ross family and the Citigroup, and infiltrate their forces into all countries in the world!

At that time, it will truly last for hundreds of years!

Even if the country in which you are in a regime change, it is a big deal to change the country, the continuation of the consortium will not be affected at all!


Li Jinrong trembled all over, stepped forward and slapped it out, landing on Li Jianan's face!


There was a shout!

Li Jinrong glared at his two sons and said, "What do you know? He is not the illegitimate son of some Yanjing big man, nor is he from any super family!"

"This person has no background at all, or he doesn't need background at all!"

"What he relies on-is his own power!"

"You two, don't even know what kind of existence this is!"

While speaking, Li Jinrong kept shaking his head, his eyes filled with awe!

"No background? Is this person from the underground world?"

Although Li Jianan was slapped by Li Jinrong, his expression did not change much, he still asked slowly.

"Underground world?"

Li Jiancheng was also slightly taken aback.

"Dad? No matter how strong this person is, where can he be so strong? In the Li family, isn't there Grandmaster Kanjin in charge?"

"It really can't. Let's go to Southeast Asia and invite a witch **** to come back. I don't believe it anymore. I can't deal with a young man!"

In his eyes, people in the underground world,

Li Jinrong sighed for a long time. He got the memory before the restart era, so he knew the terrible thing about Lin Nan!

"Divine Realm? Ha ha, even if it is a hundred Divine Realms, they are not an opponent of this person!"

Li Jinrong kept shaking his head and sighing.

Seeing that the two sons didn't understand, he was silent for a moment before he smiled lightly and said, "Besides, sacrificing a Li Anlan is not only bad for our Li family!"

"Dad! What do you mean?"

Li Jiancheng and Li Jianan both had doubts and puzzles on their faces!

Judging from the situation tonight, the Li family not only lost face, but even Li Anlan couldn't keep it!

From tomorrow on, I am afraid that the entire Hong Kong Island will discuss this matter!

Even by relying on the power of the Li family, it can't stop the crowd!


Li Jinrong smiled and shook his head. He has the memory of two lives. The time of this life is still a few years ago!

In the next few years, all changes and trends in the world will be fully understood by Li Jinrong!

He came here just to find information and prove his inner thoughts!

"Jiancheng, starting from tomorrow, you will buy a lot of shares of Linghua Muye! Longsheng Fishery's shares, all of them sold at 229 o'clock, no one left!"


"Dad! What's wrong with you? Linghua Muye is a sunset industry! The company is about to close down!"

"As for Longsheng Fisheries, it is now in the limelight, and the stocks are rising steadily. It is impossible to fall in a short period of time. Why should they sell their stocks?"

Both Li Jiancheng and Li Jianan are even more puzzled!

‘Is the old man confused? I haven't paid attention to the company's affairs for seven or eight years. Why is this order suddenly issued? ’

"Hehe! What I said, you just do it, and you don't have to worry about the others!"

Li Jinrong still remembered that after half a year, Linghuamu's stock had soared dozens of times, from five Hong Kong dollars per share to more than three hundred Hong Kong dollars!

As for Longsheng Fisheries, which everyone is optimistic about, due to changes in the situation in Southeast Asian countries, this stock has been in a slump!

As a result, the Li family lost nearly tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars!

And 229 points is the highest point of Longsheng Fishery's stock value. Li Jinrong remembers all this!

In the next few years, the domestic booming IP industry, short video industry, live broadcast industry, and even e-sports, the Li family is ready to intervene!

Li Jinrong knows the global situation and the upcoming policies of various countries!

With these memories, Li Jinrong is ahead of the world!

If an ordinary person knows this, he can transform himself into the world's top rich man, let alone the Li family who has a huge heritage?

‘In this life, my Li family will rise! Memories of the next seven years? Haha, enough! ’

‘Losing a Li Anlan and getting the opportunity of the rise of the Li family, this deal is really a bargain! ’

Thinking of this, Li Jinrong's mouth showed a faint smile!

"Thank you, Mr. Lin--!"

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