There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 553: You don’t need to agree, you just need to—surrender!

Outside the third ring road in Jiangnan, a villa area!

Here is the core area of ​​the Wei Anran family, the Wei family is in the entire Central South Province, nothing!

In Jiangnan City, it is not a behemoth like the Qin family, but a second-rate family comparable to the Liu Group!

At this moment, in the reception hall of Wei's villa area!

An old man in his fifties and a meticulous young man with a neat suit, gold-rimmed glasses and hair combed were present!

Wei Anran's father, Wei Renyong, is carefully accompanying him!

In addition to Wei Renyong, several uncles of the Wei family were also present, with a bright smile on their faces!

"Master Chen, I didn't expect you to come here in person this time, it really makes our Wei Jia Pengxun shine!" Wei Renyang said with a smile.

The young man in front of him is the direct descendant of the Chen family in Jindong Province, that is, his elder brother. He has taken a fancy to Wei Anran and wants to marry Wei Anran home!

Because it is about the marriage of my brother, Chen Bin came in person!

As for the old man on the side, he squinted his eyes halfway and looked at the floor under his feet, as if he was not awake!

"My brother Chen Yan, because of a car accident in his early years, he has his legs disabled and he has been in bed for more than seven years. Your Wei family will not dislike my brother, right?

Chen Bin picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and asked without raising his head.

Wei Anran's father, Wei Renyong frowned!

The Chen family in Jindong Province is a powerful family with a century-old family. Although Chen Yan is disabled and his legs are disabled, he is a direct line of the Chen family!

Therefore, even if he is sick in bed all his life, there is still no problem with wealth and wealth!

But can Wei Renyong stand by and watch his daughter and jump into the fire pit?

"Chen Shao, is this matter to be discussed in the long term?" Wei Renyong finally said it out.

The entire hall of the Wei family fell into silence!

"what did you say?"

Chen Bin raised his brows and asked without a smile.

Wei Renyong only felt his scalp tight!

Although he is in his forties this year, and Chen Bin in front of him is only twenty-five and sixty-six, he is backed by the family behind him, even Wei Renyong feels a tremendous amount of pressure!

"Shao Chen, my second brother didn't mean that!" Wei Renyang hurriedly accompanied the smiling face!

"Oh? What does that mean?" Chen Bin asked amusedly.

Wei Renyang explained: "My second brother meant that, after all, it is a major marriage, we must consider it long-term! It is not that our Wei family does not agree to this marriage, the Wei family in Jindong Province is a century-old family!"

"The etiquette that should be there is still necessary!"

"It turned out to be because of this!"

Chen Bin sneered and said, "Don't worry, although my brother cannot inherit the family business, he is the eldest son after all, and he should have the same etiquette!"

"On the day of the wedding, you will be invited to the richest people in Central South Province. You Wei family, just wait to get a face! Getting married with my Chen family in Jindong Province will benefit you!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Wei Renyang nodded repeatedly, glanced at Wei Renyong in private, winking secretly!

Seeing this scene, Wei Renyong couldn't help but sighed secretly!

‘An Ran, it’s my dad who is sorry for you! The Chen family in Jindong Province has a heritage of more than three hundred years. It has deep roots and profound background. Whether it is in politics or business, we have contacts. We, the Wei family, really can't afford to offend! ’

‘So, I have to suffer you! ’

Next, Chen Bin discussed the details with Wei Renyong, Wei Renyang and others, and finalized the matter!


"By the way, I heard that Mr. Lin has recently appeared in your Jiangnan area. Many rich and powerful people have bowed their heads to him. I'm very curious. What is going on?" Chen Bin said.

"Mr. Lin?"

Wei Renyong, Wei Renyang and the others looked at each other!

"Chen Shao, I'm sorry, that Mr. Lin is very mysterious. Many big families in Jiangnan have investigated him privately, but no one can find out his details!" Wei Renyong explained.

"That's it! Let's forget it, I just heard about such a person, just ask casually, don't take it to heart!" Chen Bin shook his head and stopped pursuing the matter.

In his heart, but secretly disdain!

This Mr. Lin, no matter how great, can he compare with his century-old family in Jindong Province?

At this time, Wei Anran had already brought Lin Nan and the others back home!

Lin Nan's identity, although among the richest in Jiangnan, is very loud!

But the only people in the Liu family who really knew him, as well as those super-rich people, like the Wei family, were not qualified to see him!

Therefore, Wei Renyong, Wei Renyang and others thought that Lin Nan was just a classmate of Wei Anran, so they didn't take it seriously!

"An Ran, you are back! This is Shao Chen from the Chen family in Jindong Province, come meet Shao Chen!"

Wei Renyong looked at his daughter and ordered.

"Oh? Are you Wei Anran?"

The moment he saw Wei Anran, Chen Bin's eyes lit up!

But when he saw Liu Ruqing and Mu Wanqing beside Wei Anran clearly, his expression became even more exciting!

"Since ancient times, there have been many beautiful women in Jiangnan, this is indeed Jiangnan! Unexpectedly, today, I met three! ’

"Shao Chen!"

Wei Anran's expression was a little cold!

Seeing Wei Anran's expression, Chen Bin's face became stiff and gradually indifferent!

"An Ran, what is your expression? This is from the Chen family in Jindong Province! Be more enthusiastic!"

Uncle Wei Renyang said solemnly, his face was a bit ugly, and there was a hint of command in his voice!

"Haha! It's okay, anyway, after marrying to my Chen family, she will be my sister-in-law!"

Chen Bin sneered!

"Sorry Chen Shao, I will not marry!"

Wei Anran took a deep breath.

"What are you talking about? Don't marry! Hehe, do you know that your father has just agreed, and he has chosen the date. If you say you don't marry, don't marry, what is the Chen family in Jindong?" Chen Bin His eyes narrowed slightly.

Immediately, he glanced at Wei Renyong, Wei Renyang and others, and said with a smile but a smile: "This is what you mean too? Is it playing our Chen family?"

Hearing this, Wei Renyong and Wei Renyang trembled!

"Shao Chen! We didn't mean that!"

"Young Master Chen, we definitely don't dare to play with the Chen family, An Ran is still young and can't speak!"

"An Ran, what are you doing in a daze? Don't you want to apologize to Chen Shao!" Wei Renyang said angrily.

Wei Anran was still standing there, her pretty face turned pale, and she bit her lips tightly, not willing to say a word!

At this moment, Liu Ruqing pushed Lin Nan and whispered, "Lin Nan, help!"

Lin Nan smiled softly and said: "Okay!"

After saying this, Lin Nan patted Liu Ruqing's small head, walked into the court, stood with his hand held down, gave Chen Bin a light glance, and said calmly:

"You are Chen Shao, right? Wei Anran is my wife's best friend. Since she doesn't want to marry your Chen family, you can go back!"

"From now on, you are forbidden from the Chen family, and come to find any trouble with the Wei family! This is an order!"

"Who are you? Dare to order me like this?"

Chen Bin's face sank and became extremely indifferent!

"My name is Lin Nan!"

Lin Nan stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly.

"Hi! Lin Nan?"

Wei Renyong, Wei Renyang and others, their pupils shrank slightly, took a breath of air, and looked at Lin Nan in surprise!

"You are Mr. Lin?"

"Mr. Lin? Haha, I asked just now, who is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan? It turned out to be a nasty kid!" Chen Bin sneered and shook his head.

The next moment, the corner of his mouth evoked a hint of sarcasm, and said, "Mr. Lin, what if I don't agree?"

"You don't need to agree, you just need to—surrender!"

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