There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 554: Ugh! This is a deity!


Hearing this sentence, not only Chen Bin, but also Wei Renyong, Wei Renyang and others were all stunned!

It's so arrogant!

A century-old family needs to surrender to you? Apart from the Great Emperor of the year, to whom did the Chen family surrender?

Even now, it is the marriage between the major families. The word surrender has long gone away as the Chen family's background deepens!

"Ha ha!"

The sneer on Chen Bin's face became more intense!

In the entire hall of the Wei family, the atmosphere was stagnant, and there was a scent of tension!

"Young man, do you know what you are talking about? Do you know what kind of existence our Chen family is?" Chen Bin asked leisurely.

He stood up and stood there, looking at Lin Nan, with a strong confidence in him!

Because behind him, it represents the entire Chen family of Jindong Province!

"Chen family? It's just ants, I can crush it with one finger!"

Lin Nan shook his head funny.

"If you surrender, it's fine. If you don't surrender, I will slap it down, and under cover the nest, will there be no eggs?"

Suddenly, a voice cut in, with a sneer!

"Haha! Little Wawa, what you said is too arrogant! The old man is going to see, what are you capable of! Can slap the Chen family to death!"

Sitting next to Chen Bin, the old man who had been squinting his eyes halfway, never said a word from front to back, suddenly spoke!

"Master Lei? I'm taking you to Chen's house this time to attend my grandfather's 100th birthday party. You are a guest! This is a matter for our Chen family. You don't have to intervene!"

When Chen Bin saw the old man getting up, he hurried forward and said respectfully.


Lei Yunhu laughed three times, his eyes sharp like an eagle, and said:

"Nephew Chen Xian! I and the Chen family in east Jindong are family friends! Now that we have met, how can I just sit back and watch? Besides, it's just a matter of effort. I will help you once and it's nothing!"

"Okay! Then there will be Grandmaster Laure!"

Chen Bin closed his eyes and sighed!

Ordinary people may not know the name of Lei Yunhu!

But in the Chinese martial arts world, Lei Yunhu ranked twelfth in the ranking of masters!

On the list of gods in the underground world, it is ranked 49th. Looking at the world, there are not many people who can be his opponents!

Now, Lei Yunhu is willing to take a shot, and he doesn't need to look to know that Lin Nan's end is now!

Chen Bin closed his eyes because he didn't want to see too **** scenes!

A few days ago, Chen Bin entered the mountainous area, and when he picked up Leiyunhu out of the mountain, a few short-eyed little thieves attacked Leiyunhu!

At that time, Lei Yunhu shot and released his inner strength, and several little thieves were chopped to death by his palm!

The brain plasma, internal organs, intestines, body tissues, and organs flowed all over the floor. The scene was so **** that Chen Bin would never want to see it again in his life!

"Young man, have you ever seen the Grand Master take action?"

Lei Yunhu's face was calm, without sorrow or joy!

After saying this, he stretched out a big hand and patted Lin Nan's direction!


There was a muffled noise, and then everything fell silent!

‘Is it over in one move? As expected of Master Lei! ’

Chen Bin sighed softly in his heart!

His eyes were still tightly closed, but he reached out and took off the gold glasses on his face, skillfully took out a piece of silk from the chest pocket of the suit, and gently wiped the lenses!

After finishing all this, Chen Bin put on his eyes again and opened them at the same time!

"Master Lei, we should leave..."

Chen Bin was stunned before he said the word "open"!

Because Lei Yunhu was gone, but Lin Nan was still standing there, as if he didn't even move!

"Where is Master Lei?"

Chen Bin asked subconsciously.

Lin Nanli was there without answering, but Wei Renyong, Wei Renyang and others looked at the direction behind Chen Bin in horror!


Chen Bin's heart moved and looked back!

Behind him, I saw a wall made of concrete, at least 30 centimeters thick!

However, at this moment, a humanoid gap appeared on the concrete wall!

The body shape, size, height, and width are similar to those of Thunder Cloud Tiger!

Even Chen Bin can imagine that when Thunder Cloud Tiger flies out...

Wait, fly out?

Chen Bin's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, turned his head abruptly, looked at Lin Nan in horror, and trembled: "You killed Grandmaster Lei?"

His pupils were filled with horror!

"I didn't kill him, in front of my wife, I don't kill anyone!" Lin Nan answered lightly.


Chen Bin's pupils enlarged rapidly, staring at Lin Nan, trembling all over, and his legs trembling!

That's Thunder Cloud Tiger!

On the Huaxia Grand Masters list, the 12th Grand Master!

In the Chinese martial arts world, who does not know him?

"You—who are you?" Chen Bin was dumbfounded!

"Who I am, you don't need to know, you just need to remember that my words are commands!"

Lin Nan's eyes were indifferent.

His tone is very plain. If it had been not long ago, Chen Bin would have sneered at him and would not take it seriously!

But now, he has to be afraid!

Even Lei Yunhu lost to Lin Nan, how could he dare to disobey?


Chen Bin lowered his head deeply and bowed his head to Lin Nan!


After finding the half-dead Lei Yunhu in the backyard of the Wei family, Chen Bin took Lei Yunhu and fled the villa area of ​​the Wei family!

In the car.

"Master Lei, are you okay?"

Chen Bin looked at Lei Yunhu in shock!

At this moment, Lei Yunhu's old face was pale, and the whole figure seemed to be several decades old, and the depths of his eyes became dim and dull!

"Don't call me'Grandmaster'! Starting today, I am no longer a warrior! Alas!"

Lei Yunhu smiled bitterly, sighed and shook his head constantly, his eyes filled with regret!

"Master Lei? What are you talking about?" Chen Bin was stunned.


Lei Yunhu sighed again, helplessly said:

"My strength, just now, was abolished by that young man!"

"Now, I am just an ordinary old man, no longer a martial arts master! Any ordinary person, maybe I am not his opponent!"


Hearing this, Chen Bin was completely stunned. He stared at Lei Yunhu in horror, his eyes filled with astonishment!

"Master Lei? How could this be? Your strength..."

With Lei Yunhu's strength, defeat is not terrible, but being abolished by others, does it mean that Lin Nan's strength is too much ahead of Lei Yunhu?

"Why should I provoke him?" Lei Yunhu muttered to himself, seeming to be asking himself!

"Oh! This is a deity!"

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