There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 567: I take care of this!

Lin Nan glanced at Song Xichen indifferently, and said calmly: "Kneel here for a day and a night! To show punishment!"

With Song Xichen's physique, kneeling here for a day and night without kneeling and crippling his legs?

However, he didn't dare to refute that the bodyguard of his own great internal energy expert was slapped flying by Lin Nan. He didn't know his life or death. Where could he dare to talk?


There was a bit of bitterness flashing in Song Xichen's mouth, and he nodded, not dare to disobey!

Even if you kneel and mutilate your legs, it is better than losing your life, right?

Lin Nan and others ignored Song Xichen, and after getting on the elevator, they headed towards Zhouyi. Brother Zhou Rui, go for the room they opened!

After ten minutes, Song Xichen's legs were numb, but he still didn't dare to stand up!

At this moment, a group of people filed in from the entrance of the hotel and entered the lobby of the hotel!

One of them, a 60-year-old elder, stood in the crowd and saw Song Xichen kneeling on the ground at a glance!

"Song Xichen, why are you kneeling here?" The old man was very surprised.

"Old Ji! Why are you here?"

After seeing this old man, Song Xichen's eyes flashed with excitement, as if grasping the straw!

"Old Ji, you must save me!" Song Xichen said quickly.

The old man in front of him, named Ji Haifeng, is the head of the Dongdu Ji family!

The Ji family of Dongdu City has established a foothold in Dongdu since the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. After the development of Ji Haifeng's grandfather, the Ji family has become stronger and stronger!

At that time, Dongdu was still a concession!

The Ji family's status in Dongdu is just like Huang Jinrong and Du Yuesheng in Tianhai City. They are a powerful and gang leader!

Today, although the Ji family has fallen a bit, it has continued to this point!

The descendants of Huang Jinrong and Du Yuesheng have long since disappeared, and the Ji family is still ranked first in the Eastern Metropolis. It is unshakable. After a century of precipitation, it is already a century-old family!

On the inheritance of the family, three of Yanjing's big families may not necessarily have the Ji family's long history!

If it wasn't for bad luck, it was a little bit worse in the past!

With the background of the Ji family, if you become the master of Yanjing, you can become one of the great families of Yanjing!

It's a pity that people's wishes were not fulfilled. With the development of Yanjing's big families over the years, the Ji family has been left far behind!

However, the centipede is dead but not stiff, and a thin camel is bigger than a horse!

Compared with the Ji family, the forces in the East City are just a little trouble, and they can't shake the Ji family's status at all!

Therefore, over the years, the Ji family has been firmly in the position of the first family in Dongdu!

"what happened?"

Ji Haifeng asked strangely.

"Old Ji, I met a young man here just now, and I said a few words, my bodyguard, that young man, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead! Now, he told me to kneel here for a day and a night!"

"Elder Ji, you must save me! Otherwise, I really kneel all day and night, where can I still live!"

Song Xichen complained to Ji Haifeng, and his expression was full of sadness!

Ji Haifeng frowned, and Song Xichen had already taken refuge in the towering tree of Ji Haifeng in private!

Therefore, in fact, Song Xichen is also Ji Haifeng's person, otherwise he would not dare to do this, and directly ask Ji Haifeng for help!

Behind Ji Haifeng, there is more than one subordinate, and other rich and powerful people in Dongdu!

In the presence of so many people, Ji Haifeng is not easy to refuse, otherwise, the people under his hand will not be able to keep it, who will be willing to follow him in the future?

"Your bodyguard, do I remember being a martial artist? How can you be beaten to death?"

Ji Haifeng asked.

"Old Ji! I don't know, I just saw that young man, waved my bodyguard, and flew out! This is a master of internal strength, so I don't even have the power to fight back. How dare I disobey him? !"

"In case, he slapped me to death, this is Nanling Town, and no one will help me collect the body!"

Song Xichen said the truth.

Although he is a big boss, he really doesn't know much about the martial arts world!

Only then, as soon as Lin Nan raised his hand, he drove his bodyguard away, and even the concrete-cast wall was smashed, so Song Xichen was completely shocked!

Suddenly, a surprised voice came:

"Oh? You slapped the master of inner strength to death with one slap? Could it be that mysterious young master?"

Upon hearing this, all the rich and powerful men present turned their heads and looked at this person!

This is an old man in soap robes, with long gray hair, casually scattered on his back!

The soap robe on his body has long been washed and turned green, looking like a poor scholar in the old society!

However, this old man, with his head held high and his eyes sharp, he has an aura of watching sentient beings, who is not on me!

Everyone present, dare not neglect!

This person is named Yu Qinlong, comes from overseas, is a strong man beyond the realm of a master!

In addition, Yu Qinlong has a younger brother named Yu Fuhu, who is not domineering!

This pair of Yu brothers, in the underground world of overseas Chinese, is extremely prestigious, and their strength has surpassed the realm of masters and entered the realm of gods. Even the big brothers of the overseas Hongmen, they all respect them!

A large part of the reason why Yu Qinlong returned to China and participated in the martial arts gathering was to find the mysterious powerhouse of the Japanese Kingdom!

"Young Master?"

Ji Haifeng was taken aback!

"Yes! Brother Ji still remember that when we entered Nanling Town just now, we heard someone on the street outside talking about a young grandmaster who publicly abolished a half-step grandmaster from the Sun family in Qianxi Province!"

"And the Japanese country has posted that kind of thing again, so I think that this young master may have a connection with that mysterious powerhouse!"

Yu Qinlong nodded, his eyes flickering, as sharp as a falcon!

After thinking about it, Yu Qinlong stretched out a hand and gently dragged it towards Song Xichen!

Song Xichen's whole person was lifted out of thin air by an inexplicable force, and stood up from the ground!

"Brother Yu, the other party is a grandmaster after all, I should say hello first, and then let Song Xichen stand up!" Ji Haifeng said quickly.

Grandmaster ordered that even Ji Haifeng dare not easily violate it!

He wanted to help Song Xichen, and he had to go to Lin Nan and say something nice before he could get Song Xichen up!

How could Song Xichen get up directly like Yu Qinlong? One asks you to kneel for a day and one night, and the other asks you to get up. Isn't this the face of the person who gave the order?

"Haha! What is the grandmaster? I was thinking about meeting, this young grandmaster!"

Yu Qinlong sneered.

"No matter who he is, by tomorrow, no matter who he is, he will have to act! The mere young master is not a god, and I and I fear him?"

Yu Qinlong shook his head funny, and said, "I'll take care of this!"

After saying these words, Yu Qinlong strode towards the elevator entrance of the hotel!

"It seems that this martial arts party is a bit fun!"

Ji Haifeng smiled helplessly, and could only wave his hand, leading the other rich and powerful men to follow closely!

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