There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 568: Martial arts tournament?

On the second day, the town’s martial arts gathering officially began. Countless warriors gathered in the square in the center of the town, looking at it, it was very lively!

"Why so many people?"

Liu Ruqing, accompanied by Lin Nan, walked on the streets of Nanling Town!

"This is too lively, it's comparable to going to the market at the Jinling Lantern Festival!"

Yang Xueqi also nodded deeply.

The annual Jinling Lantern Festival, on both sides of the river, is full of pedestrians holding lanterns and parade, it is very lively!

Its scale is not much different from the number of warriors seen today!

Yesterday, when Lin Nan and others came to this town, most of them were resting in the house, recharging their energy and waiting for today's martial arts conference!

Today, is the first day of the martial arts conference, those warriors naturally emerged one by one!

These warriors come from all parts of China, with a mixed world, and there are also some rich and powerful people who have mixed up and opened the handicap in private!

When Lin Nan and others entered the crowd, a voice came from their ears:

"Have you seen the man with the upper body wearing a monk's robe? He comes from Dunhuang Daxing Temple! He is an Arhat monk. Waiting for his opponent is a crazy wolf from Mobei!"

"The weapon of the mad wolf is a profound iron sword weighing 172 catties! It has been in Mobei for more than ten years and has not met an opponent!"

"Now that the dealer has opened the market, everyone hurry up and place your bets. The buy will leave!"

A tall man with a cold breath and a centipede-sized scar on his neck said with a smile.

In front of him, there is a huge accounting book. As long as you are willing to place a bet, you can keep an account. When you leave Nanling Town, you can check the accounts outside!

Those who are able to come here are worth at least hundreds of millions, and they are all decent figures, and they won't fall back on accounts for this little money!

"I crush the mad wolf! One million!"

A little boss lit up and immediately went to place a bet!

"Fuck you! One million for you too? Too bad! I usually invite people to eat a meal, which costs three to four hundred thousand. What is the cost of two meals? I will crush five million. The monk wins!"

A rich man next to him sneered and slapped his big hand on the table, so proud.


The rich people all around made bursts of laughter!

The little boss who bet one million, his old face flushed with shame, even though he was worth over 100 million!

But those are all real estate, companies, and stocks combined, and the cash in his hand is only about 20 to 30 million. It is impossible to be like the person in front of him, who is 5 million!

"What's wrong? Can't one million be pressed?"

The little boss blushed and stretched out angrily.

"Hehe, of course it can be suppressed, but your million, I'm afraid it will be lost!"

"What do you mean?"

The little boss was surprised!

"Although the mad wolf hasn’t failed in more than ten years, haven’t you seen it? The Arhat monk, from the very beginning to the present, has been sitting on the stage, not moving, but the mad wolf, constantly wiping With your own treasured sword, this is a manifestation of a guilty conscience!"

The talking rich shook his head funny.


The little boss who crushed a million, looked in the direction of the crazy wolf!

Sure enough, I saw a middle-aged man in his early forties sitting in an imperial chair!

In his hand, he kept wiping a cold iron heavy knife!

At this moment, it has entered winter, and the temperature in the south has dropped to about ten degrees, but this mad wolf has been sweating on his forehead!

'Oops! Just wiping the knife, it's not heavy work, how can you sweat? ’

The little boss, who couldn't scream secretly, quickly walked to the betting table and asked embarrassedly: "That...cough cough...can you change who you bet on?"

"Huh! Buying away, why? Do you want to turn back?"

The man who kept the account had a smiling face when he first started placing bets!

Now, the smile on his face condensed, and the voice of the dark test made the little boss cold!

"Don't dare, don't dare!" He waved his hand quickly.

The man in front of him, nicknamed Scar Liu, was cut from his neck and almost cut off his artery, but he was rescued in the hospital after nine deaths!

In the position of Scar Liu's jaw, there is a scary scar of more than 20 centimeters, which is why this nickname comes from!

In Dongdu, Scar Liu is a famous and ruthless character. He dare not easily offend him. Otherwise, how can people have the courage to open a gambling market at the martial arts conference?

Liu Ruqing and Yang Xueqi also felt very strange to see this scene!

"Is anyone else betting on the periphery?"

"Of course, those who can come here are all billionaires who are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If you make a bet, your worth will increase a lot!" Zhou Rui explained with a smile.

"But, there are some people who went bankrupt overnight. Every time a martial arts meeting, this kind of thing would happen! It's no surprise for a long time!"

"That's it!"

Liu Ruqing and Yang Xueqi nodded, they were not interested in gambling on peripheral matters!

What's interesting is, wait for the fierce battle on stage!

The battle between warriors can only be seen in TV series on weekdays, and special effects are added. If you watch it live like this, how can you usually have a chance?

At this moment, a group of people came from outside the field towards the central square!

These people were divided into more than a dozen waves, dressed in different costumes, and the totems on the clothes were very clear, which obviously represented different camps!

Soon, these dozens of people were already seated, watching everything in the court indifferently!

Zhou Yi saw this scene, walked behind Lin Nan, respectfully said:

"Senior Lin, let's take a seat first, we'll start in a while!"

"Lead the way!"

Lin Nan nodded gently.

Zhou Yi didn't dare to neglect, he took Lin Nan to the stage and sat down, surrounded by warriors, crowded with heads surging!

It didn't take long for the appetizers before the martial arts conference to start!

The Arhat monk of Dunhuang Daxing Temple, and the two crazy wolves from Mobei began a wonderful contest!

The golden bell of the Arhat monk has almost reached the ultimate state, and the surface of the body blooms with a trace of energy, showing an earthy yellow light!


The meteorite iron knife of the mad wolf, slashed on it, made a clang of metal!

The mad wolf offensive is fierce, like a silver moon, and the Arhat monk's defense is not moving like a bell, and it is impossible to break!

The two went back and forth, fighting back and forth!


The ring in the center vibrated endlessly, as if being beaten violently by a giant with a heavy hammer!

After dozens of rounds, Arhat Monk and Crazy Wolf both fought equally well!

The wonderful battle between the two aroused cheers from the audience and raised the enthusiasm of the entire martial arts conference to the top!

"it is good!"

"Come on!"

Liu Ruqing, who was sitting next to Lin Nan, was also completely attracted by the fierce battle in the stands. Her excited little face blushed and was very pitiful!

At this moment, a cold shout came!

There is a hint of sarcasm and mockery in the tone!

"People in your country still like these fancy displays! After playing for so long, it should be over!"

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