There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 583: You Han family, servants of the Emperor for generations!

The audience is dead!

Everyone held their breath, their eyes widened, looking at Lin Nan!

Those rich and powerful men were so scared that their legs became weak. As for the celebrities and young models, they covered their mouths and tried not to shout out!

"Mr. Lin, we accept this punishment!"

Han Zhongyan knelt on the ground, his heart was bleeding!

In such a moment, his three sons were crushed by Lin Nan's souls alive and died!

The terrifying power that Lin Nan showed, made the last trace of luck in his heart, and disappeared!

Opposing this person is a dead end!

Han Tianchen lay on the ground, shaking with fright. He thought at first that Lin Nan was just a little ground-headed snake in the Jiangnan area!

With his status as the Han family in Tianhai City, there is no need to fear Lin Nan!

But who knows that Lin South Africa is not a local snake, but a dragon, with the power of earth-shaking and overwhelming!

"I accept the punishment now! It's too late!"

Lin Nan shook his head funny, and said: "How can you question my majesty? As the head of the Han family, when your son questioned me, you did not stop it. In your heart, you are not very convinced of me, right? "

Lin Nan stood there with his hands on his back, faintly watching Han Zhongyan!

Han Zhongyan trembled, knelt on the ground, raised his head in despair, and looked at Lin Nan!

"Mr. Lin, what can you do to spare our Han family?"

Han Zhongyan asked quietly.

Originally, with his position in the Han family, he didn't need to bend his knees to anyone at all!

Han Zhongyan never thought that one day he would kneel on the ground like this, begging for someone alone!

But it doesn't work anymore, the man in front of him is not an ordinary person at all, but a **** who can destroy the soul of a person by raising his hand!

"From today on, you Han family, the servants of the emperor from generation to generation, orders and prohibits, do not violate!"

"Otherwise, the fate of these people today is the fate of everyone in the Han family!" Lin Nan's voice was indifferent and ruthless, as if he had no emotion at all!


Han Zhongyan opened his mouth wide, his old face pale!

"Become your servant for generations?"

"Why? Are you unwilling?"

Lin Nan narrowed his eyes, his face flashed with murderous intent!

In his mind, he has his own thoughts!

Back in Tianhai City, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing had so many good memories!

According to Liu Ruqing's thoughts, this time she still wants to take an exam in the Finance Department of Tianhai University!

That being the case, Lin Nan will go to Tianhai City for some time in the future, until the day he and Liu Ruqing first met!

In this way, if you conquer the Han family and act in Tianhai City in the future, you will avoid those troubles!

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Han Zhongyan shook his head again and again, although his heart was bitter, but now is the best way!

‘If you don’t choose to surrender, I’m afraid that in the future, there will be no Han family in Tianhai City! ’

‘Furthermore, surrendering to this person’s hands is not necessarily a bad thing. With his strength, if the Han family can use his reputation, how can the future be limited to Tianhai City? ’

Thinking of this, Han Zhongyan's heart is hot!

Don’t know what a blessing?

"From today, everyone in the Han family recognizes that Mr. Lin is the master. If you violate this oath, you will live forever, and you will not be allowed to live forever!"

Han Zhongyan knocked on the floor nine times!

"Boom boom boom——!"

The floor of the banquet hall vibrated!

Seeing this scene, the rest of the Han family also kowtow!

"What a great spirit! The Han family in Tianhai City has been developing for more than a hundred years. Since the Qing Dynasty, it has been a prominent family. His ancestors have been a great official in Xinjiang, and later even served as weaving, governor, governor and other important official positions!"

"Such a huge family has been subdued by this son and a few words!"

Lord Hong stood there with an incredible look in his eyes!

Not only Hong Ye, but the other rich and powerful, popular celebrities and young models, all looked at Lin Nan, and deeply imprinted his appearance in their hearts!

"Get up!"

Lin Nan nodded gently.

"Thank you Mr. Lin!"

Han Zhongyan slowly got up, facing Lin Nan's direction, crouched like a loyal old servant!

"There is one thing, tell you to do it!" Lin Nan said lightly.

"Please, Mr. Lin ordered!"

Han Zhongyan didn't dare to neglect, stepped forward a few steps, came to Lin Nan, lowered his head, and waited for Lin Nan's instructions!

"Outside Tianhai University, there is a coffee shop!"

"All you need to do now is to buy this cafe and wait for my instructions!" Lin Nan said calmly.

At the same time, I told Han Zhongyan the address of this cafe!

In Han Zhongyan's heart, although he was puzzled, he did not dare to neglect because this was something Lin Nan explained!


Han Zhongyan agreed!

"Okay, you can withdraw!" Lin Nan waved his hand casually.


Han Zhongyan nodded respectfully, turned his gaze, and fell on Han Tianchen's body, and said in a deep voice, "Come here, take it away!"

Immediately there were a few members of the Han family who stepped forward to set up Han Tianchen and walked outside the banquet scene!


On that day, what happened in Shangri-La Hotel spread throughout the whole circle of Jinling and Tianhai!

"What? The old man of the Han family actually kneeled to someone?"

"what happened?"

"How could this be?"

"With the background of the Han family, do you need to kneel to someone?"

There is a lot of discussion among the big families!

"I heard that the Han family is a young man from Jiangnan, called Mr. Lin!" someone said.

"Mr. Lin?"

Many people were taken aback, but it was the first time they heard of this name!

After all, these people's circle is there, it is impossible to hear about Yanjing's affairs, even if it is Jiangnan City's affairs, they only heard about some things, and did not study them carefully!

"I've heard of this Mr. Lin, who seems to be quite powerful. The big guys in Haizhou and Lanzhou regard him as his head!" A middle-aged rich man touched his chin and said slowly.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it is true, otherwise do you think that Old Han would kneel down and admit his mistakes so easily?"

"Old Han knelt down?"

"Kneel down!"

"Is it true?" There are still people who can't believe it.


Upon hearing this, the hearts of all those who did not know were filled with doubts and astonishment!

What is puzzled is that this Jiangnan Mr. Lin is not very famous!

If you mention the Han family, who does not know, who does not know?

But Mr. Lin from Jiangnan, people from other cities and counties will ask, who is this person?

What was shocking was that with the status of the Han family, inherited for more than a hundred years, it stood firm, and even kneeled to outsiders!

After a long time, an old man sighed slightly:

"Mr. Lin, it's not easy! I have a hunch that before long, there will be one more hero in Jiangnan City!"

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