There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 584: Do you think she can be with Lin Nan?

In the next few days, Lin Nan was invited by the wealthy people in Jinling City!

However, he was indifferently rejected!

Early in the morning, Han Zhongyan personally came outside the Yang family's villa!

"Mr. Lin, I have done everything you explained!"

The dignified old man of the Han family, at this moment, is like a primary school student, standing there with his hands bound, as if waiting for Lin Nan's review!

"But the subordinates don't quite understand, what do you want that cafe for?"

Because it was Lin Nan's request, before Han Zhongyan bought the coffee shop, he made a special investigation!

That cafe is just an ordinary cafe. The owner of the cafe is a native of Tianhai City, without any background!

Han Zhongyan wondered why Lin Nan was so interested in an ordinary coffee shop with Lin Nan's terrifying power!

"Things that should not be asked, don't ask!"

Lin Nan gave Han Zhongyan a light look!


Han Zhongyan was shocked, and lowered his head in fear, not daring to look Lin Nan's eyes directly!

"Get out!"

Lin Nan's voice continued!


Han Zhongyan did not dare to neglect, and quickly retreated, his back was already soaked in cold sweat!

After Han Zhongyan left the Yang family's villa, he found another green-robed old man standing at the door of the villa. He looked more than sixty years old with a solemn expression on his face!

As soon as Han Zhongyan left his front foot, the old man walked into the hall of the Yang family!

"the host!"

Lin Canghai gave Lin Nan a deep salute!

"I have already bought the original coffee shop in Tianhai City. Within a few days, you can take it over!" Lin Nan said lightly.

"Master? What are you?" Lin Canghai raised his head in surprise.

"Everything is the same!"


Lin Canghai was overjoyed. During the time in the cafe, Lin Canghai felt that it was the most leisurely and pleasant time in his life!

"Master, I hope to bring Gala over, you see?"

"It's up to you, if he wants you, bring him back!" Lin Nan waved his hand!

"Thank you Master!"

Lin Canghai was overjoyed, and then he changed his words and said, "Master, Leng Yan said that he missed the two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong. They have already gone to Qiannan and are ready to take them back!"

"Let her go!" Lin Nan nodded lightly.



Near the end of the year, Jiangnan City finally fell its first snow!

Because it is close to the south, the snowflakes are not very large. They slowly fall from the sky, melt into the water, and condense into a layer of ice!

The entire Jiangnan area was shrouded in white, accompanied by a faint mist, as if the lady was covered with a veil!

In the north of Yanhu Lake, outside a luxurious villa!

"What a beautiful snow!"

Standing in front of the villa, Liu Ruqing, wearing a little white leather jacket, stretched out a delicate little hand, and picked up a few snowflakes!

It's a pity that the snowflakes just fell on her palm and were melted by the girl's body temperature!

"Oh, it's a pity, beautiful things are always out of hand!"

"That's not necessarily!"

Lin Nan smiled softly and stretched out a hand. After the snow fell in his hand, it did not melt!

"Huh? How did you do it?" Liu Ruqing was very surprised!

From small to large, whenever she holds the snowflakes in her hands, it will definitely melt!

"It's very simple. Try it now, the snowflakes won't melt in your hands!" Lin Nan smiled brilliantly.

"is it?"

Liu Ruqing followed Lin Nan's movements and stretched out her hand, letting the snowflakes fall in her hands!

Sure enough, she found that the snow ice did not melt, but quietly fell on her palm!

"Really, I caught Snowflake for the first time in so many years! Lin Nan, you are amazing, what's the matter?"

Liu Ruqing was very excited, her excited face flushed!

On the other side, Liu Anguo and Shen Qingxue stood in the distance, looking at Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

"This Lin Nan has made me feel fear now!"

Liu Anguo in silence suddenly spoke.

"Fear? Why do you say that?"

Shen Qingxue was stunned and looked back at her husband hesitantly!

"His methods are really terrifying!"

Liu Anguo stared deeply at Lin Nan in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "I got news from the circle that the Han family over Tianhai City has chosen to surrender to Lin Nan's feet!"

"Furthermore, the big family from Yanjing sent someone over to curry favor with our Liu family!"

"Don't you know, those families, just take out one of them, and dumped a few streets of the first family of our entire Central South Province, but now they are all one by one, all trying to flatter me!"

"You think it's weird?"

"Is it because of Lin Nan?" Shen Qingxue asked in surprise.

"Who is it if it's not him?"

Liu Anguo smiled bitterly, and said, "I still heard people say that the Yeh family of Yanjing regard Lin Nan as a guest of honor. Even Ye Fengyun and Ye Lao will speak in person. In the future, the people of the Ye family will see Lin Nan. he himself!"

"What? Ye Family! Ye Fengyun!"

Hearing this, Shen Qingxue was completely shocked, her eyes rounded in shock, and looked at her husband!

Although the Ye family is not among the four major families of Yanjing, it is indeed the first family in China!

Although, no matter from which aspect it is considered, the background, connections, financial strength, and influence, among China, have unilaterally surpassed the Ye family!

However, these comprehensive factors add up, and no family can surpass the Ye family!

Ye Fengyun, the old patriarch of the Ye family, values ​​Lin Nan so much, which is enough to show how important Lin Nan is!

"How is this going?"

Shen Qingxue's breathing became extremely rapid!

"I don't know the specifics, it seems to be related to the things on the Japanese side! Those people didn't tell me!" Liu Anguo shook his head.

Although he didn't know much news, but in his heart he repeatedly improved his evaluation of Lin Nan!

"Or, let's find a time to talk to Lin Nan?" Liu Anguo sighed!

"What do you mean by this?"

Shen Qingxue fixedly looked at her husband!

"Qingxue, such a character, our Liu family can't afford to climb!" Liu Anguo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Starting from the Jiangnan incident, the performances of Qin Ruhai, Li Sanshen, Wang Tianniu, and Zhang Lin, plus the incidents in Yanjing, plus the incidents in Jinling, as well as the Han family in Tianhai City, you Think Lin Nan is an ordinary person?"

"It's really not an ordinary person, isn't Lin Nan better, isn't it?" Shen Qingxue nodded thoughtfully!

"Excellent? It's more than excellent, it's a monster!"

Liu Anguo shrugged helplessly, and squeezed a bitter smile!

Said quietly:

"Lin Nan is a dragon in the sky, and our daughter, although very good, is obviously not a phoenix!"

"Do you think she can be with Lin Nan?"

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