There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 595: Sorry, I still can't hold back!

"You treat me like this, kid no matter who you are, you are dead!"

Although Qin Runde knelt on the ground, he had no intention of giving in!

"Really? You are like this, and you dare to be tough. It seems that the punishment you have received is not enough!"

Lin Nan grinned, he raised his hand to the void and pressed it lightly!



Qin Runde screamed again and again, almost fainting in pain!

His legs, like a pile driver, plunged into the depths of the floor, and his legs were bloody!

"Spare, spare! I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong!"

The hotel manager Ma, seeing this scene, was so frightened, he knelt on the ground and knocked his head like garlic, banging the floor!

"How about you? Do you want to send me to the police station?"

Lin Nan glanced around and glanced at the parents of Pan Lili, Zhou Mingfei, Wu Li and others!

These people stepped back subconsciously and glanced at each other!

"Don't be too proud. My cousin is the director of market supervision in Tianhai City. He knows many people. If you dare to commit a crime, even if you are an internal warrior, I guarantee that you will sit in prison!"

Wu Li's father, Wu Zhenxiong, had a pale complexion, but because of face, he still did not choose to be soft!


Lin Nan responded indifferently!

"Haha, be scared!"

Seeing Lin Nan's performance, Wu Zhenxiong's confidence surged again!

"If you are afraid, kneel down and confess your mistakes, and kowtow to everyone present. I can consider leniently sentenced you for a few years!"


As soon as Wu Zhenxiong's words landed, Lin Nan didn't even move, just a thought!

Wu Zhenxiong's whole person, turned into an afterimage, hit the wall of the hotel heavily, his whole body split, and he died instantly!

Until his death, Wu Zhenxiong did not expect Lin Nan to actually kill him!

On his face, there are still fears and surprises, and a trace of deep regret!



The wives of Wu Li and Wu Zhenxiong screamed screaming as they were splitting their livers and guts!

"Kill it! Hmm!"

All the female relatives present were trembling with fright. After a scream, they covered their mouths in horror, for fear of being noticed by Lin Nan, tears flowed out!

Quite a few rich people turned pale, almost like rice paper!

Although they have human lives in their hands, who has seen such a murder? The body hit the wall directly, and the flesh and bones were shattered!

If it weren't for clothes, I'm afraid Wu Zhenxiong's internal organs would all flow out through his broken body, terrifying!

"How dare he really kill someone?"

Wang Ziwen's body was stiff in place, looking at Lin Nan's profile, a deep awe flashed in his eyes!

"Sorry, I still can't hold back!"

Lin Nan turned around, sighed lightly, and shrugged at Liu Ruqing!

He once said that he would not kill in front of Liu Ruqing, but now he kills!

"It doesn't matter, because he deserves to die!"

Liu Ruqing has been standing by, with a faint smile on Qiao's face!

"Damn it?"

Lin Nan was taken aback, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help laughing!

"Hahaha! My wife is right, these people are all damned!"

If Lin Nan acted because of Liu Ruqing, maybe Liu Ruqing would still intercede!

But this involves Lin Nan's dignity. These people sneered at Lin Nan and didn't care about her man's face. Why should Liu Ruqing plead?

Even if these people might be her college classmates in the future, Liu Ruqing never thought of pleading!

She is kind, but not the Virgin!

If you accidentally made a mistake, I can forgive you, but you deliberately targeted Lin Nan, sorry, you have no chance!

Liu Ruqing had already figured out these things!

She was originally from a big family, and even her father Liu Anguo had suffered several lives!

What's more, Lin Nan?

With Lin Nan's mysterious identity and status, wasn't it killed with blood? This is not a child's play house!


And this time.

On the other floor of the hotel, a group of young and old people gathered together and seemed to be discussing something!

Han Zhongyan, the elder of the Han family, Bai Yuanshan, the elder of the Bai family, Hu Liangyong, the patriarch of the Hu family, and Huang Yishan, the patriarch of the Huang family, all gathered here!

"My dear brothers, it's been a long time since I got together to drink tea like this! My old man's body is getting worse every day!"


Han Zhongyan sighed, holding a frosted purple clay pot in his hand, and personally soaked a pot of West Lake Longjing!

"After the incident in Jinling City last time, the old man with white hair gave away the black-haired man and lost four sons and one grandson. Now the Han family is withered, I'm afraid it's far worse!"

"Brother Han, as long as we are here, your Han family will always be the first family in Tianhai City!" Bai Yuanshan's heart moved and he quickly stood up and expressed his opinion!

However, if this sentence is true or false, only he knows!

"no need!"

Han Zhongyan waved his hand again and again, as if he was ten years old all of a sudden, and said with a wry smile: "The old man has already had his heart and has given up the position of the first family in Tianhai City!"

"As long as you give it to me, as long as the old man dies, I guarantee that my Han family will not decline! The position of the first family in Tianhai City will be given to you!"

Han Zhongyan continued.

Next, he stretched out three fingers, shook them in front of everyone, and said:

"Thirty years later, my Han family will have a new generation of offspring. By that time, the old man has already settled in the land for safety. Whether the Han family rises or falls depends on the good fortune of the descendants!"

Upon hearing this, the three of Bai Yuanshan, Hu Liangyong, and Huang Yishan were very excited!

The name of the first family in Tianhai City is not just a fictitious name, but also a kind of benefit and a status symbol!

Once this name is obtained, the large and small families in the nine cities and eighteen counties near Tianhai City will all be attached to their own family names!

The benefits that follow are immeasurable!

Because of the support of such a group of people, the Han family can sit firmly in this position and not fall down!

Today, all of Han Zhongyan's sons have been killed by Lin Nan, and there is no successor!

The status and future of the Han family are in dire straits, and Han Zhongyan's move is really abandoning the car to protect his handsome!

If you don't do this, after he died, the last big tree would fall, and it would be strange if the Han family was not torn to pieces!

If it is now, Han Zhongyan voluntarily withdraws and speaks these words in front of everyone, the three big families of Bai, Hu, and Huang will not fall in the future!

Then the Han family, there won't be any problems!

If these three companies dared to attack the Han family, it would be treachery!

Faith is extremely important among large families. If any family dared to do something treacherous, it would definitely be attacked by the families in the circle and could no longer survive!

‘As expected of an old fox! These words are all said, if you don't agree, I'm afraid Han Zhongyan, the old guy, still has something to do! ’

Although there was a smile on Bai Yuanshan's face, he had begun to think secretly in his heart!

‘Han Zhongyan is not dead now, if he makes some movement! Using some more methods, I am afraid that there will be some turbulence in the Bai family, the Huang family and my Hu family! ’

‘Now, Han Zhongyan has said this, let us three compete for the position of the first family in Tianhai City! During the competition, the power and wings of the three families will probably also be damaged! ’

‘In this way, the power of the three families is weakened. The Han family relies on the previous background and the families who follow him desperately, and will not be slaughtered! ’

‘But, we can’t help but fight, after all, the title of the first family in Tianhai City is still very attractive, it’s a piece of fat! ’

‘Tsk tusk! High, really high! ’

The hearts of Bai Yuanshan, Hu Liangyong, and Huang Yishan could not help but admire!

Worthy of being a century-old family, Han Zhongyan has a few words, just like an ancient battlefield, the elders of several big families have secretly killed several times!

Just when the three human rights weighed the pros and cons and prepared to agree to Han Zhongyan!

The person in charge of the Pearl Hotel hurried in without knocking on the door!

"It's not good, Mr. Bai, something has happened!"

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