There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 596: Old slave Han Zhongyan, knock on the master!

Han Zhongyan, Bai Yuanshan, Hu Liangyong, and Huang Yishan looked up!

An invisible pressure hit his face and made the head of the Pearl Hotel numb!

These four people in Tianhai City are the kind of existence that stomped their feet and the entire Tianhai City trembled!

No one can bear the eyes of these four people at the same time!

"What's panicking? Didn't you see that I was talking about something big! The big thing, we will report it when we are over!"

Bai Yuanshan furiously said.

The person in charge of the Pearl Hotel was shocked, so scared that he directly knelt on the ground, and said in horror: "Old Bai, you should go check it out, something really happened!"

"A young man killed someone in the banquet hall on the fifty-fifth floor!"

"What? Killed?"

Hearing this, even Bai Yuanshan couldn't calm down!

The Pearl Hotel is the property of the Bai family. If people die here, the Bai family might be implicated!

"what happened?"

Bai Yuanshan asked in a deep voice.

The person in charge of the Pearl Hotel did not dare to neglect the slightest, and repeatedly explained:

"It's just a few young people. At first they quarreled. Who knows that young man has a bad temper, so he just started!"

"The two sides quarreled again. Several rich men are ready to use their power to send the young man to prison!"

"Who knows, that young man started killing people directly, please go and see Mr. Bai, now no one can shake the scene!"

Hear here!

"Sorry everyone, it's a big deal, and I can't accompany you more!"

Bai Yuanshan stood up, shook hands at Han Zhongyan, Hu Liangyong, and Huang Yishan, and then let the person in charge lead the way and hurriedly left!

Only three people sitting there, looking at each other!

"Let's go, let's go and see too!"

Han Zhongyan frowned slightly, and then followed him!

Hu Liangyong and Huang Yishan had to get up and followed!


At the same time, in the 50th floor banquet hall!

"What's the matter? Who is making trouble here?"

A loud voice came from the entrance of the banquet venue!

Everyone looked back, only to see a man in uniform appeared at the entrance of the venue, behind him, also followed by a dozen police officers!

Seeing this group of people, rich people at the banquet, a big rock in their hearts finally fell!

The police are here, but Lin Nan dare to be arrogant?

"Deputy Captain Wang, you are finally here!"

The hotel manager Ma was overjoyed. He wanted to stand up, but unfortunately his knee was completely broken, and he screamed in pain when he moved!

"What's wrong with you, Manager Ma?"

Wang Chao is a man in his early thirties. He looks very strong. He used to work in special forces!

Later, because of a mistake, he left the special forces and came to Tianhai City and became the deputy captain of a police force!

Wang Chao is responsible for all public security issues in the Pearl Hotel area!

"Deputy Captain Wang, save me! This young man just killed someone!"

Manager Ma shouted loudly, as if caught the straw!

"What? Killed!"

Wang Chao was shocked and looked in the direction pointed by Manager Ma. As expected, at the end of the crowd, a corpse was lying there, already dead!

"Come here, give me the murderer handcuffed!"

Wang Chao shouted sharply!

Just when the people brought by Wang Chao were ready to do it, there was a riot at the entrance of the banquet hall!

The person in charge of the Pearl Hotel came in with Bai Yuanshan, followed by Han Zhongyan, Hu Liangyong, Huang Yishan and others!

"It's Mr. Han, Mr. Bai, Mr. Hu, Mr. Huang, why are they here too?"

There are many rich and powerful people who exclaimed in exclamation and made a sensation!

These people, on weekdays, they burn incense and worship Buddha, and they can’t even see the lanterns. They didn’t expect to see real people here today!

Even if the murder had just happened here, it couldn't stop the enthusiasm of these rich men, everyone leaned forward and showed a bright smile!

"Old Han, hello!"

"Lao Bai, I am Xiao Liu, the president of Tonghong Real Estate. Last time you celebrated your 80th birthday, I gave you a toast!"

"Elder Hu, you are still so energetic. Do you still like the century-old wild ginseng that you gave you last time? If you still need it, say hello to me, and I will find it for you in the north!"


There were waves of greetings, and the voices of these rich men were full of joy and excitement!

Han Zhongyan raised his head and looked suspiciously at Lin Nan's back, always feeling very familiar!

However, the voices of these rich men present made him upset, and he couldn't help but shout:


As soon as he said this, everyone present closed their mouths and looked at Han Zhongyan eagerly!

"This person is so familiar! Wait, could it be..."

Han Zhongyan's expression changed slightly, and he hurried forward. He saw Lin Nan's profile when he was halfway there!

this moment.

Han Zhongyan's heart twitched slightly, then fell to his knees without hesitation, and said loudly:

"Old slave Han Zhongyan, knock on the master!"

"the host?"

When Han Zhongyan called out this master, everyone present was stunned!

The whole audience was silent and silent!

The expressions of everyone present were different, some were astonished, some were shocked, some were shocked, and there was also a hint of doubt and confusion!

Even Pan Lili, Zhou Mingfei, Wu Li and others who were lying on the ground were dumbfounded and stopped screaming!

But one by one, dumbfounded, the breathing stopped!

"Wait, Mr. Han actually called his master. Could it be that he is - Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

A rich man, full of excitement, as if there is an electric current, from the soles of his feet straight into his forehead, making his slightly fat body tremble slightly!

His voice made everyone recover from the shock!

During the recent period, the affairs of the Han family have been circulated in the upper circles of Tianhai City!

Almost everyone has heard of it!

Now, in front of everyone, Han Zhongyan called Lin Nan's master, Lin Nan's identity, ready to show!

"Mr. Lin? Is he Mr. Lin from Jiangnan?"

"How could it be him?"

"This is too young!"

"But in the legend, the Jiangnan Mr. Lin is very young, still in high school!"

Everyone present suddenly shrank their pupils, looked at Lin Nan in disbelief, and talked a lot!

He-turned out to be Mr. Lin from Jiangnan?

"No wonder! No wonder! It turns out that he is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

Wang Ziwen gently closed his eyes!

Pan Lili, Zhou Mingfei, Wu Li and others were so scared that they lowered their heads and trembled all over!

'How could it be him? My goodness, the person we are targeting is him? ’

A deep remorse surged in the hearts of several people!

Mr. Lin from the south of the Yangtze River is now in the wealthy circle of Chinese people!

Who does not know, who does not know?

Even the Han family, a century-old family, has been subdued. These rich and powerful men can't even match the Han family, let alone them!

Under Lin Nan's prestige, there is only one to bow his head!

"How is it possible! How is it possible!"

"How could he-Mr. Lin from Jiangnan?"

Qin Haoxuan stood there, his eyes filled with horror and disbelief!

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