There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 610: The master is the only **** in this world!

In the afternoon, seven o'clock.

Han Zhongyan arrived outside the presidential suite where Lin Nan lived early. He originally thought that Lin Nan would not board the Atlantis!

Who ever thought, in the afternoon, I met Lin Nan by chance!

Under Han Zhongyan's arrangement, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were sent to this presidential suite!

In addition to Han Zhongyan, Lin Canghai also stood respectfully outside the door, standing with his hands behind him, like a faithful old servant, waiting quietly!

"Brother Lin, your surname is Lin. Are you and Mr. Lin a family?"

Han Zhongyan lowered his throat and asked quietly!


Lin Canghai shook his head lightly.

"Then how did you and Mr. Lin meet? Can you tell me something? Brother, I'm very curious!" Han Zhongyan's old face had a kind smile!

"Since you want to know, it's okay to tell you!" Lin Canghai rarely smiled, and he was not indifferent and ruthless like outsiders!

"Actually, like you, I was once the enemy of the master! I naively wanted to abolish the master's limbs and let him jump into the sea!"

"There is such a thing?"

Han Zhongyan's eyes flashed with surprise!

He has seen Lin Nan's terrorism, taking people's souls while raising his hands, killing people invisibly, and even modern medical technology can't detect them!

Lin Canghai's mouth showed a helpless wry smile!

"When I think about it now, the master didn't kill me at the time, it was my luck!"

"Later, I was overwhelmed by the supernatural powers displayed by the master, so I took refuge in the master's name!"

"What happened then? What happened? With Brother Lin's strength, I'm afraid he has surpassed the realm of Grand Master, right?" Han Zhongyan asked with interest.

"Grandmaster? Haha!"

Lin Canghai snorted, his old face was full of arrogant expression, as if the majestic man who smashed Southeast Asia back then was back!

"The master is the only **** between this world! Up to nine days, down to the yellow spring, omnipotent!"

"My cultivation is the master's gift! Budo master? You look down on the master too much!"

"so smart?"

Han Zhongyan's old face was shocked!

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from the presidential suite!

"Stop talking, the master is coming out!"

Lin Canghai regained his expression and returned to the appearance of a loyal servant!


Lin Nan just opened the door of the presidential suite. He and Liu Ruqing, both of whom had changed into casual clothes, stood there like a pair of golden boys and girls!

"the host!"

Han Zhongyan and Lin Canghai bowed slightly to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!


Lin Nan nodded gently.

"Master, today's dinner will begin soon. There will be representatives or heirs from many large consortia at home and abroad. The venue is very lively. Would you like to go and see?" Han Zhongyan asked respectfully, lowering his head.

"Lead the way ahead!"


Han Zhongyan did not dare to neglect, leading the way!

After walking through the long corridor and turning around a few corners, it didn't take long for Lin Nan and the others to arrive in the Atlantis, the largest venue!

The entire venue is divided into three floors and three parts!

The outermost layer is the place for ordinary rich people to stay, and the number of people is the largest, with more than two thousand people!

The second level is for some countries, the top wealthy, the bosses of the 500-year-old companies in the world, can enter it. The number of people is relatively small, only a few hundred people!

The people in the third level, their status, status, and power, almost completely crush the people in the lower two levels!

Although there are only about a hundred people, these more than one hundred people represent the heads of the world's major super consortia and international banks, and they control more than half of the world's assets!

It can be said that they are the leaders of this world!

As Han Zhongyan, although he is the father of the Han family, the first family in Tianhai City, China, Han Zhongyan's identity is not too noble to look at the entire China!

Let alone on the Atlantis, with his qualifications, it is only enough to enter the first floor!

When Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing entered the venue!

On the third floor of the venue, a blond servant walked to Prince William's ear and whispered: "His Royal Highness, Mr. Lin, they have already entered the venue! Look, do you invite them to come up?"

"Go! Be sincere!"

Prince William nodded.

"Okay, Your Royal Highness!"

After the blonde servant responded, Prince William called him again as he turned and left!

"and many more!"

"His Royal Highness, please speak!"

The blond servant stopped, turned and bowed to Prince William and asked.

"I'll go there myself!"

Prince William slowly got up and got up from the sofa!

Beside him, the heirs of several other consortiums and descendants from some ancient families all looked over in surprise!

"William, who is it? Need you to pick him up on the first floor?"

A white woman with tender skin and squeezed water like an angel asked suspiciously!

Her appearance and temperament are really comparable to those of angels. It is not a joke. With a smile and a smile, those world-class actresses will be blown up!

Especially the aristocratic aura on her body, it seems to be inborn, comes from the bones, and makes people unable to give birth to the slightest blasphemous heart!

"In your capacity, even if the president of a small country comes, it doesn't need to be like this, right?"

A white young man next to him, holding a goblet in his hand, also looked curious!

"You'll find out later!"

Prince William smiled mysteriously, ignoring the two of them, and instead walked towards the lower level of the venue!


Just entering the venue, Liu Ruqing was immediately shocked by the scene in front of her!

The huge crystal chandeliers, the one-inch-thick leather carpet, all kinds of expensive sofas, tables and chairs, furniture and artworks are all placed in the venue!

At a glance, there are world celebrities, leading tycoons from all walks of life, and rich people everywhere!

You can see these familiar figures on international websites, news, financial daily newspapers, and fashion magazines!

At this moment, they, living in suits and shoes, or in evening dresses, or in fashion, are expanding their interpersonal circle!

"Lin Nan, these are the richest people who are sitting on the sidelines. The combined assets they own exceed 50% of the world's total capital!"

"This is what the book says, wealth is in the hands of a few people!"

"Did you know? These rich people will become richer and richer. It is really too difficult for ordinary people to stand up! The reason why I choose finance is to change the status quo so that more people can control wealth! "

Listening to Liu Ruqing's words, Lin Nan's mouth showed a faint smile!

His face is also full of petting expressions!

Although, for Lin Nan, money is no longer a big deal, he only needs a thought to become the richest man in the world!

However, in order to cooperate with Liu Ruqing, Lin Nan still smiled and said, "Really? Then you have to work hard!"

"Hehe, of course I will work hard!"

Liu Ruqing smiled, scanning the entire first floor venue dizzyingly, and couldn't help but admire:

"There are so many people, so grand!"

As soon as the voice landed, I heard a sneer of sarcasm not far from the side!

"Hehe! How come you are like a hillbilly, this is only the first level, what style?"

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