There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 611: You should say-kneel down!

Lin Nan and others frowned and looked at the source of the sound!

I saw a beautifully dressed woman standing there, holding the arm of a rich man, proud like a peacock!

Seeing Lin Nan and the others looked over, this glamorous woman continued:

"What? I want to introduce you to you?"

"Well, looking at your appearance, it seems that this is also the first time to board the Atlantis! In that case, I will kindly introduce you to you!"

A trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of the glamorous woman!

Which celebrities and rich people who enter this venue are not dressed up in suits and leather shoes?

Like Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, who came here in plain clothes, they seemed a little out of place among the guests at the scene!

What is the origin of people who do not understand even the most basic etiquette and rules?

Therefore, when his female partner spoke, the rich man did not choose to say anything more, but with a smile on his face, quietly watching Lin Nan and others!

The voice of the beautiful woman continued:

"The second floor is where the world-class rich meet, and there are even works of art borrowed from the Louvre for people to appreciate. It is the most luxurious and grandiose place!"

"As for the third floor, it is the heirs of the major super consortia and the gathering place of royal family members. That's magnificent!"

"This is only the first level, so I'm so surprised? Really ignorant!"

Speaking of this, this glamorous woman pouted her lips!

"Who didn't do it for the first time? It's the first time we boarded the ship, but you mocked us like that, so you are very graceful?" Liu Ruqing's brows were twisted together!

"What? Don't let people talk yet!"

"Madam, please speak carefully! Apologies, this matter is over!"

Han Zhongyan's face sank, and his tone had become very unhappy. Lin Nan was brought in by him, so Han Zhongyan felt that he had an obligation to come forward!

"Brother Han, according to the master's temper, you shouldn't say that!"

Lin Canghai stood aside, reminding lightly.

"Oh? Brother Lin, please enlighten me?"

Han Zhongyan froze for a moment, and fisted at Lin Canghai for advice!

"You should say-kneel down!" Lin Canghai smiled deeply!


Han Zhongyan was shocked. After all, he was just the old man of a big family, and he used various methods to make the other party surrender!

Like Lin Nan, the method of using force to directly make the opponent surrender is not mature enough to understand!

"Kneel? Haha, you let me kneel?"

That glamorous woman's pretty face suddenly became extremely cold!

"How come you guys? Do you know who I am? Dare to make my woman kneel down?"

The rich man beside the glamorous woman also smiled without a smile!

Behind him, the three bodyguards have already stepped forward, ready to do it at any time!

Lin Canghai glanced around and found that these three bodyguards were all great masters at the pinnacle of inner strength, only a short distance from the martial arts master!

If you can hire such a person to be a bodyguard, you won't be worth too much if you want to come, at least he is also a figure of a country's bigwig!

If it's someone else, I'm afraid I'll forget it!

However, in front of Lin Nan, no one is enough to see!

Lin Canghai knew this even more. He directly slapped the rich man's cheek with his hands!


There was a muffled noise!

The rich man was like a dead dog. He turned a dozen or so circles on the spot, knelt down on his knees, his face was swollen and his face was full of anger and shock!

"Kill him for me!"

The rich man shouted angrily!

His roar also attracted the eyes of other people in the entire first floor of the venue!

The three bodyguards of this rich man rushed up together, but they were slapped in the air by Lin Canghai. They all slapped flying, lying on the ground and fainted!

Suddenly, the entire first floor of the venue fell into a dead silence!

A second later, fierce discussions broke out again!

"what happened?"

"Someone else is doing it here?"

"Who? So bold, don't you know that this is the Atlantis? Do it here, don't you want to kill yourself?"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd!

There were only a few people, because they had seen Lin Nan's true face on the deck, when they saw Lin Nan again, their expressions changed slightly!

‘It’s him again! ’

‘What is the origin of these people? Why dare to do it again and again on the Atlantis? Isn't anyone in charge? ’

These people's hearts are thinking strangely, full of endless doubts!

At this time, Lin Canghai's expression turned and fell on the beautiful woman, saying:

"Now it's your turn. Kneel down and admit your mistake to my mistress! Then get out of here!"

Lin Canghai's eyes were cold, and his eyes were full of indifference!

Hearing this, many people who did not know Lin Canghai's identity stood up and sternly scolded:

"Old sir, you are too much!"

A young man, who looks about twenty-seven or eighty-year-old, has a righteous expression on his face!

"What the **** did this beautiful lady do wrong? You want her to kneel down and admit her mistake?"

The guests around nodded their heads in agreement, and joined the crowd scolding Lin Canghai!

"She was sneer at my mistress, so she should kneel down and admit her mistake!" Lin Canghai looked cold and looked up at the group of people who came out!

However, these people are not ordinary people, facing Lin Canghai's gaze, they are not afraid at all, and they can even look straight back!

They have been in high positions for a long time, and have seen a lot of big scenes!

A look can not scare them temporarily!

"The beauty is not guilty, you are a big man, don't you think that you are too gentlemanly to rely on force to deal with a woman?" A well-mannered rich man in a bow tie stood up holding a wine glass!

Another rich man, also showing his gentlemanly demeanor, shook his head and talked freely:

"Even if she ridiculed your mistress, just apologize verbally!"

"What age is this, and still kneel down and admit your mistakes? Are you from feudal society?"

"This is your master? He looks so young!"

Many wealthy people in the audience all cast their eyes on Liu Ruqing. The invisible pressure made Liu Ruqing a little panicked!

Human words are the most awesome!

Lin Nan, Lin Canghai, and Han Zhongyan can ignore the words of these people, but how can Liu Ruqing, a little girl, withstand the interrogation of everyone?

"Lin Nan, I think I should forget it?"

Liu Ruqing shrank back towards Lin Nan, she was a little afraid of the eyes these people looked at her!

Just as Lin Nan wanted to do it, he heard a voice from the top of the stairs:

"Oh? Really? How do I feel that this old gentleman did the right thing?"

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