There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 612: Mr. Lin, please!

After the voice came, the few rich men who stood up and spoke, looked back and couldn't help frowning:


"What nonsense?"

"Yes, do you know the state of the matter? Just talk casually!"

The voices of several people fell to the ground, and they just turned around and saw Prince William who was standing at the top of the stairs with a smile on his face!

The faces of the rich men who were talking stiffened slightly, and they looked at each other awkwardly!


"It turned out to be Prince William!"

Just now, the rich and powerful people who had a righteous and awe-inspiring expression, ready to stand for the weak, are now all persuaded, with a smile on their faces!

"His Royal Highness, you still don't understand the situation, let me explain it for you!"

The gentle young man at the beginning, after seeing Prince William come out, immediately pushed away from the crowd and stood up!

‘It turned out to be Prince William. Didn’t he attend the banquet on the third floor? What a great opportunity! ’

‘I’m just about to apply for the postgraduate entrance examination of the Royal College of the British Empire. If there is a relationship with Prince William, wouldn’t it be a good deal? ’

This gentleman was secretly excited in his heart and decided to seize this opportunity!

"who are you?"

Prince William still had a faint smile on his face!

‘Opportunity is here! ’

The gentleman was overjoyed and walked a few steps forward, reaching the center of the crowd, saying:

"Hi, your prince, my name is Li Angzhi, I am from the Philippines, and I am a Chinese identity! I just got a graduation certificate from Cambridge University last year and I am ready to apply for a graduate student at the Royal College of the British Empire!"

"Oh? It turns out that you applied for a graduate student at the Royal College of the British Empire!"

Prince William was slightly interested, and looked up and down Li Angzhi's eyes!

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, I am very interested in the culture of your country! Especially the noble royal family, sincerely yearning, I hope that I will enter the Royal Imperial College and serve the royal family of the British Empire in the future!" Li Angzhi was humble Smiled.

He feels about himself, and Prince William feels very good about him!

‘Prince William feels pretty good about me. If I can be called a hot iron, and even get the favor of Prince William and enter the Royal Academy of the British Empire, wouldn’t it be a sure thing? ’

Thinking of this, Li Angzhi is already determined to pay attention!

"What? Do you think the old gentleman's approach just now was wrong?"

There was a bright smile on Prince William's face!

The whole hall on the first floor fell into a dead silence!

Those present, if they return to their own territory, they are all rich and powerful!

However, the existence of Prince William, the crown prince of the British Empire, and the future heir to the throne are no longer enough!

After all, no matter how much your wealth, even the richest man in the world, how do you compare with the heirs of a country?

Therefore, those present did not even dare to take a breath!

Everyone's eyes, all gathered on Prince William's face!

Li Angzhi knew that this was a great opportunity for his performance!

"His Royal Highness, I think so. Although the lady just now made a mistake too! But it is definitely not that serious. This old gentleman beat his male partner and bodyguard, and now he wants this lady to kneel down and admit it?"

Some tens of billions of billionaires met Prince William, like a mouse meeting a cat!

Xiang Li Angzhi is so young, and in front of Prince William, he can remain calm, speak clearly, and be able to express his own opinions. It is very rare!

"I think this is a total fuss! The behavior of that old gentleman is also very ungentleman!"

"Furthermore, now that we have entered a modern society, people still kneel down and admit their mistakes? Are there still feudal ideas?"

Li Angzhi spoke slowly and talked freely, completely denying Lin Canghai's behavior!

Moreover, he tilted the balance completely and stood on the opposite side of Lin Canghai!

However, what Li Angzhi did not expect was that after listening to his opinions, Prince William shook his head slightly and said:

"Kneeling is a kind of respect for the strong!"

"Any strong man should have his own majesty. It has nothing to do with whether kneeling is feudal or not! The knights of the British Empire, when they see Her Majesty the Queen, they still kneel down. Don't you say that we are also feudal?"

"His Royal Highness, I didn't mean that!"

Li Angzhi suddenly panicked and confused!

He felt that something was not good, it seemed that it was not developing in the direction he expected!

"With such aptitude and awareness, don't enter the Royal Academy of the British Empire!" Prince William didn't seem to listen to Li Angzhi's explanation.


Seeing Prince William's performance, Li Angzhi's face suddenly changed, and his heart sank into the valley!

He was so good, he immediately understood that Prince William seemed to agree with Lin Canghai's approach more!

He immediately changed his words: "His Royal Highness, I haven't finished talking yet!"

"The old gentleman's method is not right, but the lady is wrong! If you kneel down and apologize, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Ha ha!"

Prince William shook his head amusingly, and a trace of contempt flashed across his handsome face!

"You really have no position at all! Originally you applied for the Royal Academy of the British Empire, I would not interfere!"

"However, based on your behavior just now, according to Huaguo's words, you are greeted by the wind! You are not eligible to enter the Royal Academy. I will tell Dean Kim Presley Hope about this and cancel your application. Of places!"

Prince William's words made Li Angzhi's whole person like an ice cave!

At this moment, his face was as gray as death, as if he had eaten a child to death!

In his heart, a trace of deep regret flashed through. He had known this before, no matter what, he would not stand up and say this!

"His Royal Highness... please, give me another chance!"

Li Angzhi still holds the last trace of luck!

However, Prince William ignored him, strode forward, and came to Lin Nan's side, smiling all over his face:

"Mr. Lin, originally I wanted to send someone to invite you to the banquet. I didn't expect you to come by yourself!"

"There are too many people here, so it's not suitable for chatting. Come with me to the meeting place on the third floor. It is quieter and there are other friends. I can introduce you to it!"


Everyone present was dumbfounded!

Prince William was extremely humble, just like facing his elders!

However, Lin Nan's appearance looks too young, seven or eight years younger than Prince William himself. What is the origin of such a young man, so that Prince William can be respected?


Lin Nan nodded lightly.

When Lin Nan agreed, Prince William was overjoyed, and the gentleman made a very pleased gesture:

"Mr. Lin, please!"

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