There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 614: I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?


After a short silence, the entire first floor of the venue, Weng exploded the pot!

"How could it be him?"

"Yeah! How could it be him?"

Everyone present was unbelievable and couldn't help but marvel!

Li Angzhi had also heard of the prestigious name of the "God Killer". At this moment, his body was stiff, his eyes widened in horror, and his old face was pale!

Everyone at the scene can't calm down!

Anyone who knows the underground world basically knows the name of the godslayer!

"Oh my God! The Godkiller is in the underground world and is known as the'quasi-dark giant'! If he grows up, he can be a big country in the future!"

The dark giants are almost like gods in the underground world!

They are the ones who rule the world, some dark giants, and even their subordinates control several small countries, and hundreds of millions of ordinary people serve him alone!

Although this kind of words can not be brought to light, but it is real!

"CiA, **** angels, gangsters, overseas Hongmen, and the major societies of the Japanese nation all hope to contact this person and win him over!"

"He actually appeared here? On the cruise ship of the Atlantis!"

"No wonder so, no wonder so!"

Many people lowered their heads, looked at the floor under their feet, and muttered to themselves, their eyes filled with horror!

The glamorous woman who mocked Liu Ruqing saw that the rich people around her were so shocked that she was also terrified in her heart!

"Bozhong, what's going on? What is a godslayer?"

The glamorous woman walked to her man and asked weakly!


Uncle Zhang was angry and slapped his woman's face with a swollen face!

How can this beautiful woman withstand the slap of a man?

She immediately fell to the ground, and the prosthesis on her chin was beaten crooked. It is conceivable how cruel Zhang Bozhong's slap was!

The rich people around, just glanced at it lightly and chose to ignore it!

If it were them, because a woman had offended a god-killer, I am afraid that he would even feel like killing someone!

You know, that's a godslayer!

Even the emperor of the country of Japan, representing the face of a country, was forced to kneel down and gave up his dignity. What about them?

"Bozhong? I...who is that person?"

The glamorous woman lay on the ground, her face was ashen as she asked!

The harsh and arrogant arrogance on her body disappeared completely without a trace the moment Prince William appeared!

Now, in her heart, there is only deep fear and panic!

"Who is he? Hahaha, who is he?"

Zhang Bozhong was so scared that he laughed to the sky, looking crazy, his eyes were full of anger, and he shouted: "You should ask in the next life, who is he!"

"Remember, after reincarnation in your next life, keep your eyes brighter, find your own death and don't involve others!"

"Come here! Throw me this stupid woman into the sea to feed the sharks!"

"Yes, boss!"

When the voice fell to the ground, several entourages immediately rushed over, set up a beautiful woman, and walked outside the venue!

Upon seeing this, Zhang Bozhong looked up towards the entrance of the stairs and couldn't help but shiver!

Finally, he took a deep breath and rushed towards the stairs!

Just when Lin Nan and others were invited by Prince William to enter the third floor of the venue, an entourage came over!

"His Royal Highness, a rich man came up on the first floor. He said that he was Zhang Bozhong. He had offended Mr. Lin just now. He had a misunderstanding. Now he has come to apologize himself!"

"As for that woman, he has been thrown into the sea! I hope Mr. Lin can let him go!"

A messenger came and said respectfully!

"I've heard the following things! I didn't expect William to come to meet him, it turned out to be the famous Godslayer!"

Before Lin Nan spoke, he heard a fair-haired man sitting on the sofa not far away.

He looks extremely handsome, his face is well-defined, just like a knife, full of three-dimensionality!

More importantly, he is very tall and looks extremely strong, but he is not that kind of muscular man, but like a top male model. Just sitting there, he has an aloof vibe!

Although he was sitting there, there was a trace of pride on his face. He raised his chin and looked at Lin Nan lightly!

"Mr. Lin, let me introduce him to you. His name is Khan, one of our ancient nobles in Europe, and also a good friend of mine!"

"This is Saint Avril, from the Holy See! This time, representing the Holy See, boarding the Atlantis!"

Prince William introduced with a smile.

Near Khan, the woman who looked like an angel, with a smile on her face, nodded gently to Lin Nan!

There are also several heirs of large consortia, all of whom were introduced by Prince William one by one!

The heirs of these big consortia, even the presidents of some small countries, can't afford them!

However, at this moment, they were very respectful to Khan and Saint Avril. They just quietly accompanied them, and did not speak!

"Hello Mr. Lin!"

Khan greeted casually, picked up a glass of red wine on the table, took a sip, and looked at Lin Nan unscrupulously!

Lin Nanli ignored him, but took Liu Ruqing to the dining table aside and smiled:

"My wife, haven't eaten yet, this lobster is quite big, it looks good!"

Feeling ignored, Khan's face sank!

Liu Ruqing also felt it, Khan's yin and yang tone, took Lin Nan's arm and walked to the dining table!

"Such a big lobster, I just missed dinner!"

"Okay, I'll peel it for you!"

Lin Nan smiled softly and supported Liu Ruqing to sit at the dining table!

Khan’s voice continued:

"Hehe, this kind of lobster is an extremely cold lobster from the Arctic Ocean. It has the best meat quality! It is not usually eaten, and it is extremely rare in the market!"

"Only when the fishing boat is passing by, maybe you can catch a few by luck!"

"Mr. Lin, it's probably your first time to eat this kind of lobster, right?"

Khan said without a smile, his eyes were full of indifference and hostility!

With the huge power behind him, and the race with several dark giants, there is no fear of Lin Nan!

Others may fear the ‘God Killer’, but he—not at all!

Lin Nan chose to continue to ignore it, and he didn't even mean to look at Khan more!

He picked up the tableware and cut open the lobster very skillfully, revealing the tender shrimp inside!

Next, Lin Nan made the sauce personally and placed it next to Liu Ruqing's dinner plate, and then put the lobster meat on it!

"Try it!"

Lin Nan said with a smile, completely ignoring the aside, stunned everyone!

Even Prince William looked weird, and Avril's eyes flickered, looking at Lin Nan curiously!

The heirs of that group of consortium looked at each other in shock and dumbfounded!

‘With the character of Khan, I’m afraid I will be born! ’

Avril Lavigne thought secretly.

At the next moment.


Khan stood up and smashed the red wine glass in his hand!

After all, he is still a young man, his status and status are incomparable. When has he suffered this kind of frustration?

"I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

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