There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 615: Mr. Lin, you may be in big trouble!

Seeing Khan is on the verge of rage!

"Khan, Mr. Lin is a guest, don't get angry!"

Prince William quickly began to persuade!

"Khan, forget it! It's a trivial matter, don't worry about it!"

Avril Lavigne also persuades!

However, the more they persuaded, the more angry Khan became, and his face became extremely cold!

"Lin Nan, God-killer, you are amazing? You really thought that the Emperor of the Kingdom of Japan was made to kneel down. Do people all over the world want to turn around you?"

Khan narrowed his eyes and his murderous aura soared!


"To shut up--!"

Lin Canghai stepped out and shouted sharply!

"The host and the hostess are eating, what are you, dare to interrupt? Get out!"

"what did you say?!"

Khan's eyes widened, as if he had heard the most incredible words in the world!

His eyes widened, his face was extremely gloomy, and he stared at Lin Canghai with a sneer, as if looking at a dead person!

The heirs of the major consortiums present subconsciously stepped back, not daring to face Khan's eyes!

Prince William and Avril frowned and locked together tightly!

If Lin Nan said such things, forget it!

After all, Lin Nan stared at the prestige of the "God Killer" and was qualified to say such things!

However, Lin Canghai is just a servant, and even daring to say this to Khan is already a crime!

Prince William and Avril exchanged glances, and at the same time shook their heads lightly, without any choice to continue to persuade them!

Prince William and Avril Lavigne, although they also want to befriend Lin Nan!

But as both of them are nobles, the last trace of pride still has to be retained!

Dignity is not to be humiliated, Lin Canghai's servant scolded Khan, exactly the same as slapped them in the face on the spot, so the two chose to be silent at the same time!

"Hehe! I want to see, what is your master's ability, isn't he the ‘God Killer’ of the underground world?"

"Does he really think he can walk sideways in this world?"

Khan said with a smile, but the chill in his eyes made the surroundings freeze like!

"And you, a dog slave, not even a dog, dare to yell at me? Wait until I tear your mouth and see how you bark!"

Khan's eyes locked on Lin Canghai!


He gave a long scream, his entire popularity suddenly changed, and there was a crackling sound all over his body!

A top-level Italian master-level handmade suit, at this moment, there was a crackling sound of ‘stabbing’, and the whole suit was torn apart!

Khan himself, from a terrifying height of 1.9 meters, directly skyrocketed to more than two meters!

His handsome face was instantly covered with blue hair, like steel needles, and the muscles of his hands and feet were also bulging in terror, like big rocks, indestructible!

"Let's step back!"

Except for Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, the other people on the third floor saw this scene, their expressions changed slightly, and they all backed away!

However, although their faces changed, there was no hint of surprise or shock. They seemed to have known for a long time that this khan is not a human!

"I thought, where did you come from, dare to challenge my master, it turned out to be the werewolf clan!"

Lin Canghai was slightly surprised, but he quickly calmed down!

The other side.

"Khan, don't do this!"

When Prince William saw that things had developed to this state, he couldn't help but remind him!

"William, I treat you as a friend, otherwise, I would even attack you!"

His eyes were filled with bloodthirsty rays, reflecting the shadows of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing in the distance!

At this moment, Liu Ruqing also put down the big lobster in her hand, looking at Khan in horror!

"Lin Nan, what monster is this?"

Liu Ruqing was a little nervous, and firmly held Lin Nan's arm!

Just in Liu Ruqing's ear, Lin Nan's faint voice came:

"This is a werewolf with impure blood. It should be the product of a cross between a wolf demon and a human! It is like a cross between a large dog and a small dog, giving birth to a pet dog!"

"That's it!"

Liu Ruqing thoughtfully, seem to understand but not understand!

"What are you talking about? The dignity of the wolf race is inviolable, the offender-death!"

Khan's voice, like a low growl from deep in the throat!

Lin Nan's words actually compare the noble wolf race with dogs? These words angered Khan even more than the behavior just now!

"Oh? Really? If that's the case, then you go and die!" Lin Nan shook his head funny.

"What a big breath! When I kill your servant, I will dig your heart and drink your blood!"

Khan lifted a foot, but stomped **** the floor!


The entire third floor of the venue trembled slightly!

In the next second, Khan's whole person turned into a cyan afterimage, rushing towards Lin Canghai!

The wolf is full of shadows, and the wind howls!

The whole scene is like a typhoon passing by, and the momentum is terrifying!

There was a hint of horror in everyone's eyes!

Many people have seen with their own eyes that after an adult werewolf is completely exposed, one paw can tear the steel plate of an armored vehicle!

Where does the Khan at this moment look like just gentle, handsome and suave?

At this moment, he is completely a humanoid beast!

"I can smell blood!"

There was a low roar in Khan's throat, only ten meters away from Lin Canghai!

When there was only the last meter left, Lin Canghai raised his hand and slapped him in the direction the Khan was attacking!


There was a muffled noise!

Khan felt like he had hit a speeding truck, his whole body trembled, and then he flew out!

His whole person, rotated three hundred and sixty degrees in the air, before lying on the ground like a dead dog!


"How could this be?"

Prince William and Avril Lavigne, as well as the heirs and leaders of another group of super consortiums, were dumbfounded!

They thought that Lin Canghai was not the opponent of Khan, after all, Lin Canghai was just an old servant!

However, who could have thought that their ideas were so wrong and outrageous!

Khan couldn't even catch Lin Canghai's slap. He was hit like a dead dog, lying on the ground!

Just as everyone was shaking, Lin Canghai's voice came:

"My strength, compared with my master, is a hundred and eight thousand miles away. You can't even slap me, and you want to provoke my master?"

"Do not!"

"No—impossible! What kind of strength are you? Why can you beat me with one trick!"

Khan yelled, his tone was full of humiliation and unwillingness, he got up again, and rushed towards Lin Canghai!

"Huh! Looking for death!"

Lin Canghai snorted coldly and patted Khan's eyebrows!


Khan shook his whole body, his whole body fell softly, and the light in his eyes dimmed completely!

At a glance-it's dead!


Seeing this scene, everyone present, including Prince William and Avril, couldn't help taking a breath!

Everyone felt that there was a chill surging behind them, and they got goose bumps!

It's not that they have never seen a dead person, but the identity of Khan!

Khan, can't die!

Such a person who couldn't die, died, and died in front of everyone. It seemed that everyone had expected the terrifying situation after the werewolf race became angry!

"Mr. Lin, you may be in great trouble!" Prince William said solemnly.

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