There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 626: Ha ha! act recklessly!

"Who am I? Shen Qingxue is my mother!"

Liu Ruqing glared at Wang Xukun and the others, and said, "You are too unconscionable. My mother has used so many resources and wasted on you. You want to leave the company?"

"People like you don't deserve to be public figures at all! I will tell Miss Mi later that even if you leave my mother's company, you will not be able to go far in the entertainment industry!"

Liu Ruqing said angrily.

Under normal circumstances, she would not be so angry!

But the object of Wang Xukun and others' ridicule just now was Liu Ruqing's mother. No matter how good Liu Ruqing's temper is, there will be no concession on the issue of his parents!

"Sister Mi? Do you know Yang Mi?"

Wang Xukun was taken aback!

"Haha, I'm so ridiculous. Sister Mi is also an artist under the banner of our Floral Brothers, and they have a very big relationship with them. How can you know Sister Mi with your company?"

Another member of the men's team shook his head unbelief!

"Yes! What qualifications do you have to know Sister Mi?"

"Even we have only met Sister Mi a few times. Do you know her? Did you meet her in a dream?"

There are two more members of the boy group, sneered and shook their heads!

Hear here.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xukun also chuckled, his handsome face full of sarcasm!

"Okay, I'll call Sister Mi now!"

Liu Ruqing also got angry, and angrily took out her hand from her shoulder bag and dialed Yang Mi's phone!


Hundreds of kilometers away, somewhere in the studio!

Yang Mi just finished filming and was about to take the opportunity to take a rest, but the phone rang suddenly!

"Sister Mi, your phone rang!"

The agent reminded with a smile.

"Who? I'm exhausted, so I won't pick it up. I will call him back when I finish filming!"

Yang Mi lay on the recliner, covered her pretty face with her sun hat, and waved her hand!

It’s been a day of filming, now I just want to take a good rest and don’t want to care about anyone!

"Sister Mi, you must answer this call!"

The agent said with a smile.

"Who? You have to pick it up. Could it be that the big boss came here?"

Yang Mi took off the sun hat suspiciously, looked at her agent suspiciously, waiting for the other party's answer!

"It's not the big boss, it's Liu Ruqing. Didn't you say it last time? Anytime, as long as she calls, even if you are sleeping, you will be woken up!" The agent explained with a smile.

"Ruqing? Why did she call me! Get the phone quickly!"

Yang Mi was overjoyed and jumped out of her chair!

Ever since she knew Lin Nan's terrifying energy, even the people of Yanjing's major families rushed to favor Lin Nan, she desperately wanted to establish a relationship with Lin Nan!

However, there has been no way out, so I can only rely on Liu Ruqing's relationship to see if I can make friends with Lin Nan!

Unfortunately, Yang Mi has not found a chance since this time!

However, now Liu Ruqing had taken the initiative to call, Yang Mi did not dare to neglect, and quickly took the call from the agent!

"Hey! Sister Mi, I am Ruqing!" Liu Ruqing said.

Heard this.

"Hahaha! I'm so ridiculous, and pretending to look alike, do you know Sister Mi too?"

A member of the boy group shook his head funny!

"Do you know what Sister Mi's identity is? She will listen to you? Sister Mi is now the first sister of Flower Brothers, and the company even has shares in her!"

"Every year I am a big boss, personally discussing the contract with Sister Mi, do you know Sister Mi?"

The other members of the men's team also showed funny expressions on their faces, shaking their heads constantly, not believing them at all!

Liu Ruqing ignored everyone's words!

"Hey, Ruqing, why are you free to call me?" Yang Mi asked with a smile.

"Sister Mi, it's like this..."

Liu Ruqing told Wang Xukun and others about the contract to Yang Mi on the other end of the phone!

"Oh? There is such a thing?"

Yang Mi frowned!

"In the entertainment industry, the most taboo thing is that the last owner's contract is not fulfilled, and he will switch to the next one! Under normal circumstances, such an artist will be blocked by several companies!"

"Sister Mi, this boy group belongs to your floral brothers!" Liu Ruqing shrugged helplessly.

"Ahem! Really?"

Yang Mi coughed slightly, a little embarrassed!

"Okay, don't pretend, little girl, Oscar owes you a actor, we all know!"

The members of this group of men's groups said, their tone was full of sarcasm, and they did not believe that Liu Ruqing would know Yang Mi!

"Whose voice is this? So familiar!"

Yang Mi on the other end of the phone frowned!

"Sister Mi, he said his name is Wang Xukun and he is the leader of the men's team!"

Liu Ruqing glanced at the members of the men's team!

"Wang Xukun? I know this person. Give him the phone and I will tell him!"

Yang Mi moved in her heart and said after thinking about it.


Liu Ruqing nodded gently, and according to Yang Mi's intention, handed the mobile phone in her hand to Wang Xukun, "Sister Mi is looking for you!"

"Find me?"

Wang Xukun raised his brow, and he had a bad feeling in his heart!

The other men's team members didn't seem to notice the seriousness of the problem at all, and couldn't help but sneer: "Xukun, you just pick it up!"

"Yeah! People have taken the initiative to ask you to answer the phone. If you don't agree, it would be bad!"

"Xu Kun, don't expose her in public in a while! Have a good chat with'Sister Mi'!"

The other members of the men's team all booed with joking smiles on their faces, and they said with deep meaning!

"okay, I get it!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Xukun's face was filled with a faint smile, and he unceremoniously accepted the call from Liu Ruqing's hand!


"Wang Xukun, what's the matter with you? What are you doing?" Yang Mi asked angrily.

"Oh, it looks like it! Are you Yang Mi?"

Wang Xukun gave a strange cry!

"What do you mean?"

Yang Mi on the other end of the phone, after a moment of stunned, her face sank!

"Hehe, you guys are very interesting. You do a whole set of dramas. Your voice is really ugly! But the imitation is quite similar. Although Yang Mi’s own voice is not good, it’s like a duck. , And pretend to be a baby voice!"

"It's really unbearable! It's a pity that she is my senior and one of the shareholders of Huayi Brothers. There is no way, she must be flattered! Alas!" Wang Xukun said, couldn't help but sigh lightly!

"Wang Xukun, you are really looking for death! You are ready to bid farewell to your acting career!"

Yang Mi narrowed her eyes, her voice was full of chill!

"Puff! What's the matter? Still pretending to be addicted? Are you going to block me?"

Wang Xukun almost laughed, and suppressed the smile on his face, feeling very uncomfortable!

"Hehe! Live and die!"

After Yang Mi sneered, she hung up the phone!

Then, she made a call to the big boss of Brother Huayi!


After only three rings, the chairman of Huayi Brothers on the other end of the phone answered the call!

"Hey, what are you doing, boss, do you have time?"

Yang Mi asked with a smile.

The tone changed suddenly, and the cold tone and expression just now disappeared!

"It turned out to be Miss Yang, why did you call me? I'm in a meeting!"

The chairman of Huayi Brothers said jokingly.

In the meeting room, the other shareholders all held their breath. During the meeting, others were forbidden to answer the phone, but the chairman is obviously an exception!

"Boss, I want to discuss something with you!" Yang Mi smiled.

The chairman of Huayi Brothers smiled and scolded: "I know you, everything is up to the Three Treasures Hall. When I was in the meeting, I called me, what can I say? Try to satisfy you!"

"Hee hee, thank the big boss first. That's it. There is a boy group... I have a friend who called me..."

Yang Mi also roughly said this to the chairman of Huayi Brothers!

"Oh? What do you want?"

The chairman of Floral Brothers raised his brows and asked with a smile.

"I want the company to terminate the contract with them, what do you think?" Yang Mi asked tentatively!

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