There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 627: Ridiculous, so ridiculous!


The chairman of Huayi Brothers frowned and hesitated. He also knew that this boy group was very popular recently and had a lot of fans!

If it works well, it will cause a huge impact in the country, and it will be comparable to the Korean super boy team, opening the domestic market from then on!

"Big boss, if you have any difficulties, forget it!"

Yang Mi didn't answer when she saw the other party, her words changed!

"Haha, no, I promised you, isn't it just an ordinary boy group? It hasn't been completely popular yet. There are many such boy groups in the country, and it is not irreplaceable. Change to another group and find someone Just run it!"

The chairman of Huayi Brothers laughed and said relaxedly.

Only such a big entertainment company can have such confidence!

If it is a general entertainment company, it has signed a super boy group that is booming, and can’t wait to treat them as bodhisattvas!

Who can be like the Flower Brothers, who can terminate the contract when they say it is cancelled?

"Hehe, thank you big boss, next time I return to the company, I will invite you to dinner!"

Yang Mi smiled playfully.

"Then it's settled! By the way, what kind of friend is it that you care about so much?"

The chairman of Flower Brothers asked curiously.

"Just a girl, still studying!"

"Oh? Girl? Still reading?"

"Yes! But her husband is very good. If we help the big boss, you will definitely not regret it in the future. I don't know Mr. Lin from Jiangnan, have you heard of it?" Yang Mi nodded, a little serious Rhetorical question!

"Mr. Lin from Jiangnan? Does this matter have anything to do with him?"

The chairman of Floral Brothers moved in his heart!

In Yenching, he knew a lot of big people, and he had heard a lot about it. Mr. Lin in the south of the Yangtze River has been very hot in recent months!

Countless families want to curry favor with this person, but they have nowhere to go!

"Of course it matters. It's his fiancée who begged me for help. That's why I called and begged you, boss!" Yang Mi nodded and smiled.

"That's it!"

The chairman of Huayi Brothers suddenly realized that his expression was indeterminate, and he kept changing, but Yang Mi on the other end of the phone couldn't see it all!

Finally, the chairman of Huayi Brothers casually changed the subject and said: "Haha! I understand, I can help with this. By the way, I have to continue the meeting and hang up first!"

"Good!" Yang Mi nodded.

After hanging up the phone, the chairman of Huayi Brothers frowned slightly and fell into contemplation!

The shareholders below all looked at the chairman of Huayi Brothers, and no one chose to speak!

The whole conference room is very quiet!

After a while, the voice of the chairman of Huayi Brothers came:

"Xiao Xiao, call the agent Alie, and said that the contract of the boy group he brought, the company is about to terminate!"

The originally quiet conference room was boiling!

"Ah? Chairman? What's the matter!"

"Yes! Chairman, what's the matter? The boy group under Alie is a super boy group that has exploded recently. If it works well, it will bring at least 3 billion yuan in profits to the company in the next three years. !"

"For such people, it is too late for us to catch them. Why should we terminate the contract?"

"Yes, chairman, why?"

The shareholders below all showed their incomprehension!

"Compared with these men's teams, another person is obviously more important!"

The chairman of Huayi Brothers smiled mysteriously!

Ignoring the puzzled expressions of everyone, he continued: "Since I want to give that person some good impressions, sincerity...hehe, just give it all!"

"Not only will I cancel their contract, but also block all the members of this boy group! I don't need to talk about how to do it, right?"

In the entire conference hall, there was a moment of silence!

The shareholders present looked at each other in shock, wondering why the chairman wanted to block a cash cow!

"it is good!"

Secretary Xiao Xiao took a deep breath. She knew that this boy group was completely finished!

In a word, the chairman of Huayi Brothers completely blocked a boy group!

In the entire entertainment industry, which director and company dare to sign them?


Inside Shen Qingxue's office!

After Wang Xukun hung up Yang Mi's phone, the members of the men's team approached and asked:

"What's wrong, Kun Kun?"

"Haha! The woman on the other end of the phone pretended to be sister Mi! I took the opportunity to give her a bite!"

Wang Xukun shook his head, tidyed up his sleeves, and said slowly: "That fake Yang Mi, why did you want to block us? You say it is ridiculous!"


"It's ridiculous, so ridiculous!"

The members of this group of men's team laughed presumptuously!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly, a ringing of the mobile phone rang out, and amidst the laughter of everyone, it seemed unusually abrupt!

Everyone's laughter stopped abruptly!

I don't know why, the sudden ringtone of the mobile phone made everyone's heart sink!

The agent Alie took out the mobile phone in his pocket, and after seeing the caller ID, his face changed suddenly!

‘It’s not so coincidental, is it? Is it true? Alie answered the phone with hesitation!

"it is good!"

"okay, I get it!"

"No problem, I know what the big boss meant!"

Alie's face was full of respectful expressions, and he kept nodding and bowing, nodding every time he said a word, and he was extremely respectful!

Wang Xukun and other men's team members also held their breath, staring at the agent Alie and finishing the entire call, feeling that the atmosphere was not right!

Wait until Alie hangs up!

"How's it going?"

"Alie, what's the situation?"

The members of this group of boys couldn't help but asked.

Even Wang Xukun himself, a heart mentioned in his throat, his eyelids throbbed, and his heart panicked inexplicably!


Alie took a deep breath, glanced at everyone, and said quietly: "The headquarters called just now, and the big boss personally ordered to terminate the contract with you!"

"And, Brother Floral, I won't cooperate with you all my life!"

"Because you violated the contract with Ms. Shen Qingxue's company, our floral brothers do not accept artists with moral problems!"

"Brother Huayi is preparing to ban you from the entire entertainment industry! All your works and film and television materials will be removed from the entire network, and Baidu and Wikipedia will be deleted!"

These words are like a bolt from the blue!

The voice fell, and the whole office fell into a dead silence!


"Impossible! Alie, you must have lied to me, I want to talk to the big boss myself!"

Wang Xukun and others are unbelievable, they are all roaring in anger!

It's like they flew to the cloud, but in the next moment, they fell directly from the 10,000-meter-high cloud, which is unacceptable!

Shen Qingxue behind the desk also had an expression of astonishment!

She never expected that her daughter made a phone call and went out within five minutes before and after this happened?

Even the big boss of Huayi Brothers personally ordered this boy group to be blocked?

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