There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 628: Sorry, this is your own self-inflicted feeling!

"Fake! It must be fake!"

"We have so many fans, and the company has promised us. We have events, special topics, and concerts! Why did you terminate the contract with us?"

The people of this boy group simply couldn't accept it!

"Alie, this is fake, right? You lied to us, right?"

Wang Xukun's handsome face turned pale, with no expression, almost like rice paper!

At the same time, with hope on his face, he looked at Alie, hoping that the other party would admit that this was a joke and deceived them!

However, Alie looked solemn and completely ignored Wang Xukun!

He got up and walked to Shen Qingxue, bowed to her ninety degrees, and said:

"Ms. Shen, sorry, I was wrong just now, our big boss has already ordered, Wang Xukun and their boy group, and our Flower Brothers Pictures will terminate the contract with them!"

"As for the previous things, there was a misunderstanding. The chairman of our Huayi Brothers has already conveyed his apology through his secretary. I hope you can accept it!"

Alie's arrogant attitude just now disappeared completely, replaced by a strong respect!

Upon hearing this, the faces of Wang Xukun and others became paler!


Shen Qingxue was very surprised. She looked at Alie in surprise, and her eyes swept across Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing at the same time!

"it is true!"

Alie nodded seriously, and continued: "And the big boss also said that he wants to cooperate with your media company. If you are interested, you can always go to our floral headquarters to discuss cooperation matters!"

"Huh? Is this true?"

Shen Qingxue's face was full of surprises!

Huayi Brothers is one of the largest companies in the Chinese entertainment industry. It has signed many top superstars. You can imagine its weight in the Chinese entertainment industry!

If so, Shen Qingxue's company can cooperate with Huayi Brothers, the benefits for the company can be imagined!

"of course it's true!"

Alie still has a smile on his face, the secretary of the big boss just now has already explained it on the phone!

If Shen Qingxue is angry, or if the matter is not handled properly, he will be able to get rid of it!

In Alie's heart, he was surprised, what is this small company capable of? Can the boss of a listed company, the chairman of Huayi Brothers worth tens of billions, personally order such a thing?

‘Is it? Is it really the girl just now, the phone call worked? ’

'impossible! Even if the call she made just now was really for Yang Mi! ’

‘Yang Mi’s relationship with the big boss is good, but it’s not as good as that! How could it be possible for the big boss to terminate the contract with a popular boy group in a word? Why on earth? ’

The agent Alie's heart is full of endless doubts!

"By the way, the big boss also said that although our floral company has terminated the contract with Wang Xukun and others, this contract still has legal benefits, and we are ready to give him to you!"

"As for how you deal with them, it depends on what you mean!" Agent Alie added.

"Then do it for me, thank you big boss!"

With a smile on Shen Qingxue's face, she took a deep look at Lin Nan!

I saw Lin Nan sitting aside, and seemed not to mind this matter at all!

In Shen Qingxue's heart, in just a few minutes, he sorted out the cause and effect of the matter!

Her daughter, Liu Ruqing, she grew up looking at. It is impossible for her to have this kind of ability. When she makes a call, the big boss of the Flower Brothers will permanently block a popular boy group!

And Shen Qingxue did not do this thing!

In the entire office, there were only three people: Shen Qingxue, Liu Ruqing, and Lin Nan, although Lin Nan did not move at all during the whole process!

However, Shen Qingxue still knew that this matter was inseparable from Lin Nan!

When I thought that Lin Nan would be his son-in-law in the future, he stopped thinking about it, and his face bloomed with a smile!

"This is Wang Xukun's contract. Just sign it!"

Agent Alie said with a smile.

The contract signed by Wang Xukun and others was handed over. Shen Qingxue glanced roughly and found that there was no problem with the contract, so he signed his name in the column of the beneficiary!

The contract came into effect, and Wang Xukun and others returned to Shen Qingxue's company again!

"Sister Shen!"

Wang Xukun and other men's team members turned pale when they saw this scene!

"Don't call me that again! Wang Xukun, I can't bear this Sister Shen!"

Shen Qingxue's pretty face is cold, almost unfavorable!

Wang Xukun felt a cold heart and quickly said: "Sister Shen, I was wrong! I really know that I was wrong. Please don't block me. I am willing to participate in various activities and commercial performances of our company. I don't want to pay, really don't pay. !"

"Just ask Sister Shen, don't be like this! Have you forgotten our previous relationship?"

Wang Xukun said, making a pitiful expression like a woman!

If the average female fan meets, I am afraid I will be heartbroken for Wang Xukun's expression!

However, in Shen Qingxue's heart, there was only a deep nausea and nausea!

"Love points? Hahaha! Do you still remember love points, how I begged you just now? You want to terminate the contract, I agreed! I only ask you to finish the company's arrangements!"

"What did you say? I still remember, you said it doesn't matter to you!"

"I want to come back now. I really thought that Shen Qingxue's company was yours who came and left as long as you wanted?" Shen Qingxue sneered again and again.

In her heart, she has made up her mind to completely block Wang Xukun and others, without leaving any affection!

"Sister Shen!"

"Sister Shen, don't be like this, we kneel down for you!"

The other members of the men’s team, all crying, knelt on the ground, knocking their heads on the floor!

However, Shen Qingxue ignored Wang Xukun and others. She got up and walked to Liu Ruqing's side, took her little hand, and said, "Let's go, Mom will take you to dinner!"

After speaking, Shen Qingxue raised her pretty face, like a proud queen, and left the office with Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

After Lin Nan and the others left, Wang Xukun felt even more desperate. He raised his head and looked in horror, and said, "Is there no room for Alie to recover?"

"We have so many fans, why does the big boss give up on us?"

"Yeah! We can make a lot of money for the big boss. Alie begs you to intercede with the big boss again?"

Faced with the pleading of Wang Xukun and others, Alie was indifferent and sneered: "Sorry, it's your own conscience!"

After saying this, Alie also turned and left, ignoring the wailing behind him!


On the other side, Shen Qingxue brought Lin Nan and others to the booked hotel!

When I first arrived at the hotel, I was told that my reserved box was robbed!

"what happened?"

Shen Qingxue frowned and looked at the manager in front of him!

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