There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 649: In one thought, waste land immortal cultivation base?


The corner of Lin Nan's mouth showed a hint of amusement!

He didn't look at Venerable Yinglong, but took Liu Ruqing and sat down on the sofa. He knew that this was the ruler of China, and he was showing kindness to him!

After all, Lin Nan's performance this morning was really shocking!

At this moment, not only China, but other countries in the world, I am afraid they will try their best to come to favor Linnan!

"Yes! From now on, as long as you nod your head, you will be our marshal!"

Venerable Ying Long nodded solemnly and fixedly looked at Lin Nan, his eyes full of desire!

Today, Venerable Ying Long came with a mission!

‘Promise him, promise him! ’

Shen Qingxue's two hands were tightly twisted together, and her knuckles were squeezed against each other white. She very much hoped that Lin Nan could nod and agree!

What does it mean to be a marshal of a country? She knew it very well!

After all, Shen Qingxue is just an ordinary woman, and when such a position appears in front of her, she cannot remain calm!

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Ruqing noticed her mother's abnormality and leaned in!

"Do you think I am rare for the position of Marshal?"

Lin Nan sat on the sofa and asked calmly.

Venerable Ying Long was taken aback for a moment and opened his mouth, unable to say a word!

‘Yes, with his current position, as long as he just nods, isn’t Russia and even the American marshal come at his fingertips? ’

‘Even if he is willing, no one can stop him from traveling far away in Africa and supporting an emirate as president! ’

Although the status of the marshal is extremely high among the Chinese, looking at the whole world, the rank of marshal is really nothing!

"Lin Nan, don't you think about it anymore?"

Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Nan in surprise.

"Marshal of the district, I don't care about it!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.


Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Nan in surprise, because she didn't see any reluctance or pity in Lin Nan's eyes!

‘Does he really look down on the rank of Marshal? ’

Shen Qingxue thought with surprise in her heart.

"Mr. Lin, don't you think about it anymore?" Venerable Ying Long's tone became hurried.

"There is nothing to consider, let's go!"

Lin Nan waved his hand. He was in a better mood today, and he was not interested in arguing with Venerable Ying Long!


Venerable Ying Long sighed, then gave a helpless smile, and said, "Mr. Lin, since you don't want to be the marshal of Guohua, since you are a Chinese citizen, don't join other countries, okay? "

"In the past few years, although China has slowly risen, it is also very difficult under the squeeze of Russia and the United States. If you join any of them, it will not be a good thing for China!"

Except for Russia and the United States, Venerable Ying Long is not worried about other countries!

Seeing that Lin Nan did not express his opinion, Venerable Ying Long glanced at Lin Nan and said with a smile: "Besides, the person you care about is still in China!"

"Oh? So, are you threatening me?"

Lin Nan's face sank.

A coercion, rolling towards Venerable Yinglong!


Others felt nothing unusual, but Venerable Yinglong fell to the ground with a tremor as if being crushed by Mount Tai!

Everyone is shocked!


"Why are you kneeling?"

A group of non-commissioned officers brought by Venerable Ying Long, their faces changed wildly, they wanted to go up and support Venerable Ying Long!

"do not come!"

Venerable Ying Long quickly raised his hand and made a forbidden sign in the air to prevent the group of non-commissioned officers from coming up, his eyes were full of horror and horror!

"It was I who said the wrong thing and offended Mr. Lin. I asked for it!"

Venerable Ying Long's voice was trembling slightly, and his body was soaked in cold sweat!

"This time, it's a small punishment for you, next time something like this happens, I will destroy your whole family!"

Lin Nan's voice was still calm, but it was beyond doubt.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for not killing!"

Venerable Ying Long's mouth was bitter, and he could no longer bear the slightest resistance!

The light in his eyes also dimmed, and the whole person seemed to be tens of years old suddenly!

Just now, Lin Nan directly abolished Venerable Yinglong's cultivation base of Earth Immortal Peak!

And all this, only Lin Nan and Venerable Ying Long knew about it, the others had no idea!

Next, Venerable Ying Long and the others, left dingy!

I just got on the military jeep outside and drove away from the villa area in Yanhu.

Several officers in the vehicle immediately became angry and said:

"What a god-killer, it's too much! Don't want the rank of marshal? What does he want? Is he satisfied with a president?"

"Too arrogant! I actually want you to kneel down!"

"Who, according to his appearance, is at least a Chinese? If he doesn't help his motherland, does he really want to join another country?"

These officers talked about it.

Venerable Ying Long has been silent and his face is very ugly. From now on, he has no immortal cultivation base. He is just an old man among ordinary people.


An officer discovered the anomaly of Venerable Ying Long!

"Huh? General, what's wrong with your face?"

"Ah! General, how are you getting old!"

"What exactly is going on?"

Five minutes ago, Venerable Ying Long still looked like a middle-aged person. Now Venerable Ying Long looks like he is eighty years old, his face is full of wrinkled skin, and his eyes are blank!

Inside the jeep, everyone was shocked and looked at Venerable Ying Long in horror!

If it weren't for Venerable Yinglong just now, he followed the crowd and got into the car, and had been sitting there, never moving!

Everyone even thought that someone had dropped Venerable Yinglong on the way?

"I was abolished by Mr. Lin! I am just an ordinary old man now!"

Venerable Ying Long spoke with an extremely hoarse voice, no difference from an old man who was about to die!


"how is this possible!"

"General, you are the peak cultivation base of the Earth Immortal, and you are only one step away from the Tianxian. When did Mr. Lin abolish your cultivation base?"

"General, when did this happen?"

The officers in the jeep were so shocked that they couldn't believe it!

They are all born in the dragon group and belong to the special forces department. They deeply know what it means to be an earth fairy peak!

"Just now, just between thoughts!"

Venerable Ying Long smiled helplessly, and his eyes were full of regret. If he hadn't said a word, it wouldn't be the case!

"What! In one thought, waste land immortal cultivation base?"

The audience was shocked and everyone was shocked!


A sound of inhaling air-conditioning came, and the inside of the jeep fell into a dead silence!

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