There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 650: Huh? Still not convinced?

The matter of Venerable Ying Long did not cause any fluctuations in the lives of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

On the contrary, it was Shen Qingxue, feeling a pity in her heart, after all, what Lin Nan lost was not a little thing, but the rank of a marshal!

To know.

How many people have spent their entire lives without reaching this position. Lin Nan faintly rejected them with a word?

If his son-in-law agrees to that general, even if he is not known to the world, the status of the Liu family will rise in the future. Who will compete in the entire southeast region?

Now it's all out of play!

It's not a pity, it is impossible!

of course.

This is only Shen Qingxue's wishful thinking!

With Lin Nan's identity, he would be underestimated when a master of the universe, the marshal of a country? How could Lin Nan look good?

In the next two days, China sent people many times to act as a lobbyist, hoping that Lin Nan could join the army!

Not only China, but also the two superpowers of the United States and Russia have extended their olive branches to Lin Nan. However, the messengers of these two countries did not see Lin Nan, so they were caught by Lin Canghai and Leng Yan. Dismissed!

Lin Nan didn't want to be disturbed!

However, the underground world is still discussing things about the godslayer. After all, this incident has fallen to six dark giants, and the influence is too great!


A few days later, early in the morning.

Liu Ruqing received a call from her girlfriend Mu Wanqing!

"Hey, Qingxue, are you free today?"

"Yes, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Liu Ruqing leaned on the sofa, holding the fruit plate in her arms.

"My cousin got married today, so if you have time, you can bring your husband and send me money together!" Mu Wanqing said jokingly.

The two have a good relationship, so as soon as they speak, they ask for money!

"You **** girl, I haven't said such a big thing too early, so I'm not ready!"

Liu Ruqing quickly dropped the fruit plate in her arms.

Mu Wanqing smiled and said, "Isn't it afraid that you won't have time? Last time I asked An Ran. She said that she went on a cruise on vacation and only knew that you were back in the morning!"

"Okay, okay, blame me for not telling you in advance, where is the location? Lin Nan and I promise to be there!"

Liu Ruqing agreed.

"It's more than 300 kilometers in the southeast province next door. I'll pick you up in a while!"

"Okay, we are waiting for you at the villa!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ruqing immediately took Lin Nan and went to prepare!

After some sorting, the two changed their casual clothes at home. Lin Nan wore a small suit to match his tall figure, like a model from a TV!

Liu Ruqing is innocent and pleasant, and she stops by Lin Nan, like a pair of golden boys and girls!


Mu Wanqing, the driver, and Wei Anran arrived outside Lin Nan's villa, and the three girlfriends reunited again!

It's just that after seeing Lin Nan, Wei Anran no longer dared to be unscrupulous and self-willed like before. Instead, he was cautious everywhere, looking at Lin Nan, full of awe!

Liu Ruqing thought it was Wei Anran who was afraid of Mr. Lin Nanlin's identity.

He stepped forward and took Wei Anran's little hand, and smiled: "Well, An Ran, Lin Nan is actually a very good person, you don't need to look at him with such a look, are you right, Lin Nan?"

Wei Anran smiled, but didn't dare to neglect in his heart!

‘Ruqing, ah Ruqing, don’t know where your luck comes from? Don’t you know how powerful your own man is? He is a **** to our world! ’

Wei Anran is one of the few people who knows the origin of Lin Nan's terror!

and so.

In her heart, she also deeply knew how powerful Lin Nan's power was, and how could she dare to be disrespectful?

On the way to greeting the three girls, they got into the car, and the three chose to sit in the back. As for Lin Nan, he sat in the position of the co-pilot!

The speed of the car was very fast, and it drove away from the shore of Yanhu Lake all the way. After getting on the highway, it drove in the direction of Southeastern Province!

The southeast province and the Jiangnan city of the central south province are just separated, not very far, more than 300 kilometers away!

Along the way, Liu Ruqing and Mu Wanqing talked and laughed, but Wei Anran, who had always been very cheerful, couldn't let go of Lin Nan's existence!

When the car drove halfway, the driver noticed that the fuel was low and frowned:

"It's strange, this Mercedes-Benz has just been bought, and it cost 660,000 yuan. When I went out in the morning, it was filled with gas. Why did it suddenly run out of gas?"

"Uncle Jiang, is there an oil leak?"

Mu Wanqing asked.

"It shouldn't. Maybe it's because the fuel gauge is showing an error. I'll go to the front service area and take a look. You'll get off and take a rest. Anyway, it's still early. I'll check it and add some gas by the way!"

Uncle Jiang smiled softly, and after driving a few kilometers, he entered the service area in front of him.

Lin Nan and the others got out of the car and went to the rest area to rest!

Uncle Jiang drove the car to the side of the gas station. When preparing to refuel, a Porsche Cayenne rushed over and inserted the front of Uncle Jiang's Mercedes-Benz!


There was a sudden braking sound!

The situation is extremely dangerous, making people feel a cold sweat!

"Haha, Wang Jun really has you, you dare to insert it!"

"Hey, what's this? When I was in the army, I drove more dangerous cars than this!"

The man in the driver's seat spoke proudly, then opened the door and said to the gas station staff:


"It's a nonsense!" Uncle Jiang frowned, looked at several people angrily, and said angrily: "What are you doing? This is a gas station. Do you know how dangerous your behavior was just now?"

The young men and women in this car have extraordinary temperaments. The driving man shaves a delicate short hair. Although it is winter, he still wears a military green vest, and he is not afraid of the cold!

In addition to him, the other two men and two women, dressed in fashionable, look like rich or expensive!

Otherwise, these people would not dare to do such a dangerous action in the gas station and just overtake and refuel!

"Old guy, you dare to talk to me like this when you drive a low-profile Mercedes? I am in a good mood today. I don't care about you, go away!"

Wang Jun glanced at Uncle Jiang with disdain, and made a big deal!


Uncle Jiang was so angry that he trembled all over!

"Huh? Still not convinced?"

Wang Jun sneered, and slapped his hand at Uncle Jiang's face!


There was a crisp sound, and Uncle Jiang turned around on the spot, a scarlet palm print appeared on his old face!


Uncle Jiang's eyes rounded angrily, and the blood vessels in his forehead burst!

"What are you? Look at Lao Tzu and beat you immediately! Get out!" Wang Jun said coldly.

These people look like the children of the rich family.

If it really does cause trouble, maybe even the wedding will not go on, Uncle Jiang can only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach!

When Wang Jun and others finished refueling, Uncle Jiang finished refueling, and then shouted Lin Nan and others to get in the car!

"Uncle Jiang, what happened to your face?"

Mu Wanqing frowned when she noticed the palm print on Uncle Jiang's face!

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