There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 656: You came to Southeastern Province, why didn't you notify me!

"Impossible! Impossible! Didn't Xiaojun just retreat from the army? He came back as promised today. I haven't seen him yet. How could he die?"

"Liu Ye! Your sorrow, Xiaojun retired from the army today, but on the way back, there was a little conflict with others, so I took a group of people to find trouble, who knows... "

Ahu shook his head slightly.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Wang Mingde felt like he had suffered a bolt from the blue!

How can he die if he is such a son who has been raised for decades?

"Who is it? Who killed my son! I want him to pay for his life, blood for blood!"

Wang Mingde jumped into thunder, as if he was mad, his eyes were red, he looked forward, his hands kept slapping the desk, making a bang!

Manager Hu in front was almost shocked, looking at the angry Wang Mingde in horror!

Wang Mingde is such a son, but he unexpectedly...dead!

"Liu Ye, the guests over there also said that after the young master was killed, the Mu family who held the wedding was not even afraid! Mu Zhenrong of the Mu family also called the emcee of the wedding on the spot and played festive music! "

"Young master's body, just hang it aside, no one cares!"

"Haha! Hahahaha, good! Good!"

Wang Mingde laughed in anger, his eyes twitching constantly!

"Gather everyone for me, all go to Jiangzhou, and surround me with that hotel! I want to see who killed my son. I want him to pay for it. I want everyone in his family to follow along. Go to the funeral!"

Wang Mingde roared, like a beast roaring!

"There is also the Mu family! My son is dead, and still playing festive music? Let's be buried together!"

After saying this, Wang Mingde got up and walked out of the office!

"Liu Ye? What about that piece of land?" Hu Jing hurriedly moved up.

I finally got things done, and I don't want to cause the negotiated business to collapse because of this!

"That piece of land, I keep it useful!" Wang Mingde growled.

"Ah? You want to use it? What is it for?" Manager Hu asked strangely.


"Buried?" Manager Hu was stunned!

"Yeah! Buried! Maybe that piece of land is too small and not enough! I need to borrow a piece of land from Chairman Wan when I look back!" Wang Mingde sneered again and again.


Manager Hu couldn't help but took a breath, only feeling that his back was chilling, Wang Mingde's killing intent was too heavy!

‘Who is it? Even Liu Ye's son dared to kill, this time Southeast Province, is it going to change? ’


The Mu family’s wedding scene is still singing and dancing. Except for Mu Zhenrong, it seems that all Mu’s family members are very worried!

After Mu Zhenrong knew Lin Nan's identity from Mu Siya, he was on the sidelines and carefully accompanied!

As for Lin Nan's table, since the people at the same table have witnessed him raising his hand to kill, they all fled, standing in the distance, his face pale!

Only Mu Siya sat back calmly back to her original position, as if she was all right, and continued to eat!

However, from the corner of her eye, she was secretly looking at Lin Nan!

‘Is he Mr. Lin from Jiangnan? It looks no different from other ordinary people? ’

‘Are the rumors true? It is said that this Mr. Lin possesses magic-like means...many big men surrender to him...’

Mu Siya thought secretly.

Suddenly, a majestic and angry voice broke through the lobby of the hotel and came in!

"Who killed my son?"

The guests at the scene were shocked and yelled badly, looking towards the entrance of the hotel!

I saw Wang Mingde personally arrive, with a large group of subordinates in black suits, like swimming fish, burst into the lobby of the hotel one after another!

This group of little brothers, there are hundreds of people, and the entrance and exit of the entire hotel are blocked!

"this is……"

"Hi! Six masters!"

"It's Liu Ye!"

Someone recognized Wang Mingde and exclaimed!

"It's over, it's over, this time it's really big!"

Some people, seeing Wang Mingde aggressively, were full of hostility, secretly shouting bad!

At this moment, everyone did not dare to move!

A figure pushed aside the crowd and walked in the direction of Wang Mingde!

"Liu Ye, you are here!"

"who are you?"

Wang Mingde's eyes are like eagles, condescending, staring at the young man who is walking!

"Liu Ye, my name is Xu Zhenghao, and my father is Director Xu from Jiangzhou. I called and told you about the things here!" Xu Zhenghao said with an invitation.

"Zhenghao, why are you..."

Mu Siya looked at Xu Zhenghao in astonishment!

"Siya, this person killed Junjun and offended the Wang family. He will definitely die today! I just informed Liu Ye about this matter!" Xu Zhenghao smiled faintly.

"It turned out to be you! After this matter, there must be a great thank you!" Wang Mingde's expression was relieved!

"Thank you Liu Ye!"

Xu Zhenghao was overjoyed and almost jumped up excitedly. Who doesn't know Wang Mingde's status in Southeastern Province? As long as Wang Mingde says something casually, Xu Zhenghao can walk sideways in Southeastern Province in the future!

"Liu Ye, this is the man who killed your son!"

Xu Zhenghao said, with a bright smile on his face, pointing at Lin Nan!

"Huh? You killed my son!"

The moment Wang Mingde saw Lin Nan, the corner of Wang Mingde's eyes twitched slightly, glaring at Lin Nan!

"Huh! Wait, you look familiar, you are... Mr. Lin?"

When Wang Mingde saw Lin Nan's appearance clearly, he was shocked and asked uncertainly.

"What? You know me too?"

Lin Nan looked at Wang Mingde lightly, and asked calmly.

"It's really you!"

Wang Mingde's face alternated with blue and red. He never expected that the person who killed his son would be Lin Nan!

'Oh my God! ’

At this moment, Wang Mingde's heart was full of stormy waves!

If it is someone else, if Wang Mingde doesn't say anything, he will immediately let people do it and punish the murderer!

But the opponent was Lin Nan, and Wang Mingde was shocked in an instant!

Regarding Lin Nan’s news, others don’t know. Does Wang Mingde still don’t know? Even his uncle, Wang Annan, the retired general of China, praised this man!

Even Wang Annan learned from some sources that the senior officials of the Chinese nation once awarded the rank of Marshal Lin Nan!

However, Lin Nan directly refused!

The origin of this horror, even if he gave Wang Mingde a hundred courage, he would not dare to attack Lin Nan!

If you really did it, even if Lin Nan didn't kill him, his uncle, the king's old man, would never let him go after he returned!

"You came to Southeastern Province, why didn't you tell me!"

The angry look on Wang Mingde's face all of a sudden disappeared without a trace. Instead, there was an expression of exclamation and pleasing, and at the same time, he bowed deeply to Lin Nan!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

What's happening here? Wang Mingde actually bowed to the murderer who killed his son?

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