There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 657: People who can't afford it!

"Liu Ye? What are you?"

Ahu's face changed drastically and he looked at Wang Mingde hesitantly. He had originally thought that once Wang Mingde ordered the group of subordinates he brought, he would immediately take action and besiege Lin Nan!

However, judging from the current situation, Wang Mingde actually bowed to Lin Nan?

And what do you call him Mr. Lin?

"Could it be... he is..."

Ahu thought in his heart, and suddenly his heart shook!

"what happened?"

"Why did Liu Ye suddenly change his face?"

"This is the murderer who killed Liu Ye's son. Why is this happening?"

The people around were talking in surprise, their faces filled with doubts!

‘I’m sure now that he is Mr. Lin! Unexpectedly, I, Mu Siya, was able to meet the legendary big man here! ’

Mu Siya's small face flushed with excitement, her eyes kept sweeping across Lin Nan's face!

"Liu Ye? He is the murderer of your son! Young Jun was killed by him himself, why are you..."

Xu Zhenghao felt that his mind was a little confused!

"Your name is Xu Zhenghao, right?"

Wang Mingde's face sank!

"You can call me Xiao Xu!" Xu Zhenghao smiled and nodded.

"Haha, Xu Zhenghao! Who told you that my son was killed by Mr. Lin?" Wang Mingde looked at Xu Zhenghao with deep meaning.

"Lin...Mr. Lin?"

Xu Zhenghao opened his mouth slightly, his pupils shrank suddenly, swallowed a mouthful of foam, and said, "Could he be--!"

"——Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

After uttering this sentence, Xu Zhenghao's face was like ashes, like a concubine!

"Not bad!"

Wang Mingde nodded blankly!


After receiving Wang Mingde's reply, Xu Zhenghao couldn't help taking a breath, feeling his scalp numb, and looking at Lin Nan, his eyes were full of panic!


All the seats are in an uproar!


"He is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

"How is it possible? The rumors are true? Mr. Lin from Jiangnan does have someone?"

"Too young! How come you are here? Right in front of our eyes?"

The group of Mu Siya and Xu Zhenghao's classmates all showed expressions of astonishment and looked at Lin Nan in surprise. Not long ago, they were still talking about Mr. Lin, but they didn't expect the Lord to be right in front of them!

"It really is him!"

Mu Siya sighed lightly!

From the initial suspicion, speculation, and conjecture to the current determination, the mood is very complicated!


Zhou Yiyang couldn't help but swallowed secretly and hid in the crowd!

‘Oh my God, I just talked about him like this, if he retaliates against me, just say a word, do I have a chance to survive? ’

At the table just now, the few people who were disrespectful to Lin Nan were scared like quails. They stood beside them, shivering, and didn't even dare to lift their heads!

But obviously, Lin Nan didn't take this group of people at heart, he didn't even mean to look at them more!

While everyone was shocked, Wang Mingde’s voice came in a timely manner:

"My son Wang Jun, he died of a heart attack, and the forensic identification will also be the result. Do you have any other opinions?"

"No! No!"

The guests present shook their heads!

Wang Mingde's expression was indifferent, he continued to look around, and asked calmly: "Anyone of you saw that, did Mr. Lin kill my son?"



Everyone shook their heads again!

They are not stupid, everyone can see that Wang Mingde dare not offend Lin Nan at all!


In the hearts of everyone, the awe for Lin Nan became more and more intense, Wang Mingde could even put aside his hatred of murder, enough to say how much he was afraid of Lin Nan!

"Very good! Come here!" Wang Mingde nodded lightly, very satisfied.

"Liu Ye!"

Ahu stepped out and bowed to Wang Mingde!

"Take Xu Zhenghao down!"

Wang Mingde said lightly.

"Yes!" After Ahu agreed, he took his men to get Xu Zhenghao!


Xu Zhenghao exclaimed, his handsome face was completely distorted, and he said in horror: "Liu Ye spare my life, Liu Ye spare my life!"

Wang Mingde walked towards Xu Zhenghao and laughed in a low voice: "Xu Zhenghao, you are a smart man. You should know the fate of a smart man? You are between me and Mr. Lin, sow discord! So, go with peace of mind!"

After speaking, Xu Zhenghao was taken out of the hotel amidst the horrified shouts!

Everyone on the scene knew that Xu Zhenghao might be too bad, but no one dared to intercede for him!

Including Xu Zhenghao's classmates, everyone is in danger!

At this time.

"Brother Mu, this is a misunderstanding today. My son originally wanted to give your son a gift for his wedding. Alas! Who knows, he suffered a heart attack and died at the wedding. I am really embarrassed!"

"Wait for me, I will punish myself for three cups, and I will make amends for you Mu Family!" Wang Mingde walked back and smiled at Mu Zhenrong.


Mu Zhenrong stood up from the chair in surprise, looked at Wang Mingde in surprise, opened his mouth wide, and did not recover for a long time!

"Why, brother Mu won't accept my apology?" Wang Mingde said with a smile.

"No! No! Just do what you want!"

Mu Zhenrong nodded quickly, flattered. How he didn't understand that Wang Mingde was able to speak like this, all because of Lin Nan!

Below, the whole wedding scene has resumed the excitement from the beginning!

The arrival of Wang Mingde made the atmosphere of the scene even more intense. It seemed that everyone had forgotten the unpleasantness just now!

At the dinner table, Wang Mingde always wanted to toast Lin Nan, but Lin Nan ignored him at all, which caused Wang Mingde to be very embarrassed, but he did not dare to be presumptuous!

‘This young man, it’s really not easy! According to the news I got, no matter which one fell on a young man, it was enough to shake the world! ’

‘But, these things are all in one person, no wonder even the high level of the country hopes to draw him in and grant him the rank of marshal! I really cannot offend such a person! ’

Wang Mingde thought secretly in his heart.

After half an hour!

Suddenly, there was another turmoil at the entrance of the wedding scene!

"what happened again?"

The guests at the scene looked at the entrance of the wedding scene with a strange mood!

I saw an old man wearing a Chinese tunic, striding forward, and with the help of another man in military uniform, walked into the wedding scene and became the focus of the audience!


"this is--!"

The moment they saw the old man, the little bosses had their eyes straight, and they frequently took in cold air!

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Wang Mingde also stood up in shock and looked at the old man in the crowd!

"Uncle? Could it be that this is-the king's father!"

"What? Mr. Wang is here?"

After getting the news, the audience fell silent!

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