There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 658: Dead Lin Nan, you quickly explain!

This time, everyone stood up and looked at the old man in tunic suit eagerly!

The status of the Wang Family in Southeastern Province is equivalent to that of the Ye Family in Yanjing, and Wang Annan’s position in the Wang Family is equivalent to that of Ye Fengyun in the Ye Family!

More importantly, the relationship between Wang Annan and Ye Fengyun is still a comrade-in-arms relationship. They had fought side by side back then and had a life-long friendship!

"Master Wang? How could it be possible!"

Many people can't believe that Wang Mingde is here, which is already shocking enough. How could Wang Annan come here!

Next second!

The old man in tunic suit walked over with steady steps!

"Uncle, why don't you notify me when you are here, so I can pick you up!" Wang Mingde hurriedly greeted him, stretched out his hands, and helped the old man in tunic suit!

The old man in the tunic suit waved his hand, ignoring Wang Mingde, but fixed his gaze and arched his hands in the direction Lin Nan was.

"Old King Annan, met Mr. Lin!"

After hearing this, no one doubted whether this person was Wang Annan's problem!

Just ask, who would dare to pretend to be the prince of the Wang family in front of Wang Mingde? Unless you are tired of living!

"Hi! It's really Old Man Wang!"

"What did Mr. Wang do here? In his capacity, he is also here! Is this Mr. Lin's weight so high?"

"Elder Wang has rarely appeared in public since he retired to the second line ten years ago! What kind of big event in the province, he did not invite him to participate, and he actually appeared in person today?"

People were talking in low voices, it was hard to conceal their excitement!

‘Even Mrs. Wang is here! 'Musia's beautiful eyes are full of shock!

She felt that she still underestimated Lin Nan!

In the entire scene, only Liu Ruqing, Wei Anran, and Mu Wanqing were relatively calm!

As Liu Ruqing's best friend, many things have been learned through Liu Ruqing, so there is not much shock!

"Are you looking for me?"

Lin Nan looked at Wang Annan lightly, frowning slightly!

Before restarting the era, this person was just a guard of a certain chief, and now he has become a general at the general level!

History is somewhat different from the original track!

Listening to Lin Nan's answer, everyone on the scene held their breath, pricked their ears, and listened to the dialogue between the two great men!

Only Mr. Lin from Jiangnan dared to speak like this. He changed to an ordinary person, and when he saw Wang Annan, he became a quail immediately?

Who can be so calm?

"Haha, the old man learned that Mr. Lin is here to attend the wedding, so he came right away, uninvited, did not disturb Mr. Lin?"

Wang Annan burst into laughter, then rolled his eyes, and fell on Mu Zhenrong who was aside, saying:

"Patriarch Mu, I'm here to ask for a wedding drink, don't you mind?"

"Wang, what's the matter... you are here... here, for... our Mu family, it is the blessing of... 18 lifetimes! It's too late to welcome, where... where would you mind!"

Mu Zhenrong was so excited that she stood up in shock, even her words became uncomfortable and she didn't know where to put her hands and feet!

However, no one laughed at him!

If it were not for Lin Nan's relationship with today's Lin Nan, such a small person like Mu Zhenrong would never have the opportunity to meet Wang Annan in his entire life!

Today, Wang Annan's visit to his son's wedding was a blessing for the Mu family!

"President... please, please take a seat!"

Mu Zhenrong is very sensible!

He had long noticed that Wang Annan was here for Lin Nan, so he specifically moved aside and brought Wang Annan to Lin Nan's side to sit down!

Wang Annan did not refuse, and sat Lin Nan's sideways position!

Everyone held their breath, and Lin Nan's table once again became the focus of the audience!

As for Wang Mingde just now, he was like a child, standing respectfully behind Wang Annan, not daring to take a breath!

"Mr. Lin, I am here this time because of the love of my old friend Ye Fengyun, I am looking for you specially!"

There was a kind smile on Wang Annan's face.

"Oh? Ye Fengyun, why didn't he come by himself!" Lin Nan asked amusedly.

Wang Annan sighed lightly, and said helplessly:

"Mr. Lin, Brother Ye said, he has no face to meet you, so I'm really sorry! Ye Qi is young and ignorant, I don't know that you are a real dragon, so what I did is wrong in many ways!"

Lin Nan knew that Ye Fengyun was regretting this!

He had already given the Ye Family a chance at the beginning, but the Ye Family couldn't grasp it!

"I said that if the Ye Family is in trouble, I can help once! As for other things, the Ye Family should stop thinking about it!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.

"This... well, I see, I will definitely go back this sentence and tell it to Brother Ye truthfully!"

Wang Annan opened his mouth and said nothing more!

When a person in Lin Nan's realm is in this state, it is enough to say some words once, if they say it again and again, it will arouse Lin Nan's disgust, and the gain is not worth the loss!

‘Brother Ye, I’m doing my best! Wang Annan sighed secretly.

The atmosphere of the entire wedding, due to the arrival of Wang Annan, reached its peak!

After the wedding, Lin Nan declined the Mu family's retention, and together with Liu Ruqing, he prepared to return to Jiangnan!


In the car.

Liu Ruqing pulled Lalinnan's sleeve and rolled her eyes:

"You, you, why no matter where you go, why do you cause such a sensation?"

"What can I do, I am also very desperate! I blame your husband for being too powerful, no matter where he goes, he is all eye-catching, and you can't keep a low profile, alas!"

Lin Nan made a helpless look and sighed lightly!

In front of other people, Lin Nan stood high and looked down on all beings!

But in front of Liu Ruqing, he is just an ordinary man, who can be glib and talk naughty!


Liu Ruqing chuckled, was completely amused, and dropped Lin Nan's shoulders and said: "You are so stinky! You can't keep a low profile!"

"What is stinky beauty? Your husband is always suave, like a star in the night sky, dazzling!" Lin Nan said proudly.


Wei Anran and Mu Wanqing couldn't help but laugh secretly, watching the young couple quarrel!

"Also a star in the night sky? Oh!"

Liu Ruqing made an expression of nausea and patted her chest!

"Oh my wife, are you pregnant? How many months have you been?"

Lin Nan made a worried look and cried strangely.

"Huh? Ruqing, you are pregnant?"

"When did it happen? Oh my god, we are still studying, how can you do that?"

Wei Anran and Mu Wanqing both exclaimed!

"Ah! No! No, dead Lin Nan, you quickly explain!" Liu Ruqing was embarrassed, staring at Lin Nan angrily!


There were bursts of laughter in the car, and the atmosphere was very pleasant!

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