There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 662: Even if it is the king of heaven, I want him to pay for my life!

"what did you say?"

In a luxurious office in Tianhai City, a middle-aged man was furious and slammed the huanghuali table in front of him with a muffled noise!

"Xuan'er was killed in school?"

Wang Zhong's eyes were wide, and he couldn't believe that his son was killed in his own territory in Tianhai City!

Moreover, it is funny that he is also one of the shareholders of Tianhai University!

"Yes, Chairman!"

A person who looks like a secretary, standing at the desk!

"Who did it?" Wang Zhong roared.

"It's a young man. According to the reaction of people on the scene, this person is probably an internal warrior! Can hurt people in the air! That young man lives in a cafe next to Tianhai University. Chairman, this matter Something tricky!" the secretary explained in a low voice.

"Tricky? Haha! Killing my son, even if he is the king of heaven, I will have him pay for his life! Call me "Ye Blade" immediately!" Wang Zhong said solemnly.

"What? Chairman, you want..."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Wang Zhong raised his head abruptly, staring at his secretary like a poisonous snake!

The secretary trembled with fright, quickly picked up the phone on the desk and dialed out!

Within a few seconds, someone answered the call!

"Hey! Is it'Night Blade'?"

"it's me!"

In a certain village in Tianhai City, a young man lying on a bed, pushed away the beauty in his arms, and answered lazily!

This woman's appearance is at least eight points or more, the model's body, white and tender skin can squeeze out water!

Originally, such a woman should be in the top villa, should not appear in the city village of Tianhai City, and it is still a low-rent house!

However, the young man who answered the call had a handsome profile face, as if a knife was cut, and it was extremely cold!

During the day, Ye Blade is just one of the tens of thousands of ordinary people. Once it is night, he will become a bounty hunter and a killer in the night!

"what's up?"

Ye Jian recalled the past and asked lightly.

"Help me kill someone!" Wang Zhong continued.

"Yes, I want ten million!"

Ye Yan didn't even ask, who Wang Zhong was going to kill!

"Okay! I'll call your Swiss bank bank card immediately. This time the other party is an internal warrior. The address is in a cafe next to Tianhai University. After you go..."

"Inner strength warrior? Ha ha, I have killed all martial arts masters!"

Ye Blade sneered disdainfully, and a wicked sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth!

Ye Ren hung up the phone and said to the woman on the side: "You wait a while, I will kill someone!"

After speaking, he strode forward, disappearing into the night like a king in the dark!


In the office, the corners of Wang Zhong's mouth were filled with a thick sneer!

The murderer who kills his son by Ye Blade is dead!


Suddenly, the phone on Wang Zhong's desk rang!

"Hey! Who, I'm annoying now, what's the matter waiting for me to finish it?" Wang Zhong furiously said.

"Wang Zhong?"

There was a faint voice on the other end of the phone, very calm!

Wang Zhong was startled, his voice was so familiar, and he even called his own name directly, definitely not an ordinary person!

"you are?"

Wang Zhong's tone suddenly softened a bit, with a hint of questioning tone!

"I'm Han Zhongyan!" the person on the other end of the phone said.

"What Han Zhongyan? I don't know! My son has just died, what? Amao Agou called my office, get out!"

Wang Zhong yelled, thinking at the same time, who is this Han Zhongyan? The name is a bit familiar, but I can't remember it!

"Hehe, Wang Zhong, you are so bold, dare to talk to the old man like this?"

Han Zhongyan's voice suddenly became freezing cold!

Although he is Lin Nan's servant, in front of outsiders, he is still the Patriarch of the Han family in Tianhai City, and a hero on the side!

A rich man like Wang Zhong dare to make trouble in front of him?

"Old man?"

Wang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and then a chill flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help taking a breath!

"Wait, Han Zhongyan... hiss! Are you Old Han?"

"Ha ha!"

Han Zhongyan sneered twice!

Wang Zhong was so scared that his scalp was numb, his hair was standing upright, his scalp was about to explode!

Han Zhongyan is the first family in Tianhai City, the elder of the Han family, the rich and powerful man in Tianhai City on weekdays, will call Han Zhongyan when he meets Han Zhongyan!

Who will remember, what is Old Han's name? Even if you know Han Zhongyan's name, you are not qualified to call it!

Therefore, Wang Zhong has long forgotten the fact that the old man of the Han family in Tianhai City is named Han Zhongyan!

"Old Han, I'm sorry, I really didn't know it was you, and my son was just killed in school! So he's getting angry now!" Wang Zhong was so scared that he was so scared that he kept apologizing!

This is the old man of the Han family!

If you offend the Han family, your own listed company will probably be eaten by the other party without leaving any bones!

"Humph! I know about this!" Han Zhongyan snorted coldly!

" know?"

Wang Zhong was very surprised, his son died, he even alarmed Old Han? What exactly is going on?

"Yes! I'm here for this! Wang Zhong, you don't need to investigate the death of your son anymore, and I don't want to hear any news from tomorrow morning, do you understand?"

Han Zhongyan said lightly, but his tone was like an emperor's order, which was beyond doubt!

"What? Old Han... you are!"

Wang Zhong's eyes widened in astonishment!

"Haha! If you are superfluous, you don't need to ask! If you don't want your Wang Group to be destroyed, just do what I said!" Han Zhongyan sneered!


Wang Zhong was even more surprised. If someone else said these words, Wang Zhong would only sneer!

The Wang Group’s assets exceed 10 billion and it is also a listed company. Although it is nothing in Tianhai City, who would dare to say that it would just swallow the Wang Group?

However, because Han Zhongyan said this sentence, he dare not believe it, he has to believe it!

Because the Han family does have this ability!

"Old Han...this...this...why is this?"

Wang Zhong was trembling with fright and his old face was pale. He wanted to break his scalp, but he couldn't figure out how he had offended the Han family!

"Because, the one who killed your son is my master!"

"Your master?"

Wang Zhong was taken aback, Master Han’s master?

Then he got up from his office chair, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he trembled: "He...he is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

At the next moment, Wang Zhong exclaimed:

"That's okay! Yeblade him--!"

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