There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 663: Look, there's another one to die!

Eight o'clock at night.

In Lin Nan's cafe, it was the peak time at this time, and the couples in the school took advantage of the evening time to date in this cafe!

After Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing returned to the cafe, they did not affect their mood because of the incident in the school auditorium!

"What's the matter? You don't worry at all, what happened in the auditorium will be spread out? It's good to be low-key, this time you enter university, you start again!

Liu Ruqing sat down and shrugged helplessly!

"Madam, who dares to offend the majesty of the teacher? The perpetrator must die! If it is normal, the teacher can bypass those people, but that Wang Xuan must die. This is a matter of principle!"

Leng Yan explained with a smile.

"I seldom kill people anymore. If I had followed my previous character, these people would have died dozens of times!" Lin Nan shrugged after learning Liu Ruqing's appearance!

"I know Mr. Lin!"

Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes!

At the beginning, Liu Ruqing also felt that Lin Nan was always killing people and his methods were too bloody!

However, after Shen Qingxue's explanation, Liu Ruqing was gradually relieved!

Obviously, from Lin Nan's current status, he is no longer a person in the ordinary world!

Shen Qingxue also explained a lot about the underground world, the Chinese martial arts world, and even the hidden Shen family!

Therefore, Liu Ruqing has been relieved a lot now, and there are many times when Lin Nan does it because of her!

"Hey, look, there's another death-dealer here!" Lin Nan lightly sighed!

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan strangely.

"One hundred and fifty meters from the coffee shop, to the southeast, a man is coming here with a murderous body!" Lin Nan explained.


Ye Blade walked very fast. From the perspective of pedestrians on the road, Ye Blade was only walking slowly, but he stepped out one step at a time, and the next moment he appeared ten meters away!

At a distance of more than 100 meters, Ye Blade took only ten breaths to get outside Lin Nan's coffee shop!

However, Ye Blade didn't do it directly, but took a faint glance at the furnishings in the cafe!

"A cup of cappuccino!"

Ye Jian walked to the counter and said lightly.

"OK, just a second!"

Chu Yao nodded slightly, thinking that Ye Blade was just an ordinary guest, so she didn't neglect!

She and Chu Qiong have already been taken over by Leng Yan and are studying high school in Tianhai City. If nothing else, they can take the college entrance examination next year, but they don't know their memories before the restart era!

Ye Blade didn't say much, walked to a table, walked down slowly, took out his lighter, and lit a cigarette!

"Sir, our cafe, smoking is forbidden!"

Leng Yan got up, walked towards Ye Blade, stretched out a hand, and took away the cigarette that Ye Blade had lit!


Ye Jian's eyes lit up, his gaze swept across Leng Yan's delicate body, and he nodded and said, "You are very good, why don't you follow me?"

"Do you think you are qualified enough? Ye Blade!" Leng Yan chuckled lightly.

"Who are you? Do you know me?"

Listening to Leng Yan's words, Ye Jian's face changed slightly. As a bounty hunter and killer, he was very sensitive!

Therefore, at the moment Leng Yan spoke, Ye Jian assumed an attacking posture!

Although he was still sitting on a chair, he had hidden weapons between his wrists, pocket pistols on his chest, the mechanism of sneakers on his feet, the soft sword hidden in his belt, and a dozen poisoned silver needles hidden in his hair. Already aimed at Leng Yan!

As long as Leng Yan does anything unruly, Ye Blade will immediately attack!

"Okay! Put away your hidden weapons, by your means, it is not my opponent at all!"

Leng Yan glanced at Ye Blade with a sneer!

"Yaan, twenty-eight years old this year, a Malay Chinese national, ranked thirty-first on the killer list when he was in the underground world!"

"I was once ordered by the U.S. military to go deep into some countries in Europe and Asia to collect intelligence. There is another identity as a mercenary, often doing some dangerous tasks!"

"Five years ago, I took a team of eleven people and went deep into the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. The whole team was wiped out. Why did you only come back?" He calmly looked at the man in front of him and said slowly.

"You...who are you?"

Ye Blade's forehead was surging with cold sweat. At this moment, he felt that this cafe was like **** of Yama!

"Why do you know my origin? Are you investigating me?"

"Oh. You think too much, I just learned a new spell from the teacher, you can call him mind reading!" Leng Yan's mouth raised a smile!

"Mind reading?"

Ye Blade frowned. He didn't think there was such a spell in the world!

"You do not believe?"

"How do you know?" Ye Blade opened his mouth!

"I also know that your left hand is ready to take a knife, and the pocket pistol on your chest is also ready to pull the trigger! But I can warn you, before you do it, I promise to unscrew your head!" Leng Yan continued Smiled.


Ye Blade's eyes widened in horror, his eyes burst out, and his heart was cold!

"Okay, I know what you are here for, now you can go away. If you disturb my teacher and madam's Yaxing, you won't even have the chance to raise your head!" Leng Yan waved his hand in disgust!


Ye Jian wanted to speak, but found that his throat was so dry, he nodded and ran out of the cafe in a panic!

However, just halfway through, a cold voice came from behind again!

"and many more!"

Ye Jian looked like a big enemy, like a frightened quail, looking back at Leng Yan in horror!

"Your cappuccino, thirty-eight yuan, pay the bill before leaving, our shop does not owe you!"

Leng Yan said lightly, with a trace of contempt in his eyes!

With this kind of city, can you become the king of killers?

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ye Jian nodded repeatedly, like a child who had made a mistake, with his tail clamped, he went to the counter, took out a hundred yuan bill, put it on it, and fled in embarrassment!

"Young man, looking for your change!"

Lin Canghai smiled softly, then threw the change in his hand towards Ye Blade!

At this time, Ye Blade had already escaped from the cafe and ran towards the night!



Ye Blade trembled all over because he felt that there was something in his pocket!

He stretched out his hand, touched it in his pocket, and grabbed a handful of change!

Just now, Lin Canghai dropped it casually and threw the change he found into Ye Blade's pocket intact!

After thinking about all this, Ye Jian couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath: "Hi! What's the origin of that cafe?"

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