There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 665: What are you guys? roll!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing both turned their heads and saw Ning Xin standing in sorrow, tears in her beautiful eyes, and she couldn't help apologizing!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I thought you were going to sit down, but I didn't expect you to run over!"

Ning Xin apologized while cleaning up the coffee cup residue on the ground!

Customers in the jewelry store were also attracted by the sudden movement!

"What's the matter?" Manager Li came quickly.

"Manager, just now this lady said she needed coffee, so I brought a cup, but I didn't expect that she would suddenly get up, ran in the direction behind me, and hit me!"

Ning Xin explained in a low voice with red eyes!

Just now, she was holding coffee and preparing to put it down, but she didn't expect that this middle-aged woman would suddenly stand up and ran behind her!

Ning Xin couldn't dodge, all the coffee in her hand was spilled!

"Hehe, what do you mean, or mine is wrong?"

The middle-aged woman sneered, her eyes full of sarcasm!

"The customer is God, and of course our shopping guide is wrong!"

Manager Li hurriedly accompany him!

At the same time, he darkened his face and shouted in a low voice, "Ning Xin, apologize to this guest!"

As soon as Ning Xin wanted to speak, she was roughly interrupted by the middle-aged woman!

"Fuck off! The apology is over? My mink, worth 380,000 yuan, missed my face at Paris Fashion Week, and this LV satchel with a floor stand of 520,000 yuan, which adds up to almost 1 million. Things, did you stain me like this?"

In the eyes of this middle-aged woman, a thick anger spurted out!

"What! One... one million..."

Ning Xin's face instantly turned pale, without a trace of blood!

"I can wash it for you!"

Ning Xin said weakly, lowering her head, not daring to look up, hoping this middle-aged woman would show mercy!


The middle-aged woman sneered, her face full of mockery, and she shook her head: "Are you brain-dead? This kind of luxury, from the time of design, has not considered the cleaning situation, because it will not stain at all, even If it’s dirty, just replace it! Why wash it?"

"Moreover, even if you wash my mink and LV, the value will be lost! It is impossible to wash, you pay me!"

"Huh? Lost money?"

Ning Xin panicked, feeling at a loss!

She is from a poor family. In order to make up for the family, she is taking advantage of her professional advantages to work as a shopping guide in this jewelry store!

Due to excellent business ability, a month’s salary is only about 5,000 yuan. If this mink and LV are really as the middle-aged woman said, they would add up to almost one million!

With Ning Xin's current salary, at least about 20 years without food or drink!

"Forgive you for not being able to afford it! For the dog that doesn't open your eyes, kneel down for me, learn how to bark, and then crawl out from here, forget it!" the middle-aged woman said coldly.

"Kneel? Learn to bark?"

Ning Xin's expression became even more ugly, and a wave of humiliation and anger came to her heart!

"My wife, I think it's better..."

The rich man on the side frowned slightly, thinking that his wife was a bit too much!

"Haha, forget it? Didn't you keep looking at her with your eyes just now? What's wrong? Are you feeling distressed now?"

The middle-aged woman looked at her husband with a sneer!

Just now, she found her husband's eyes were swept over Ning Xin's body, so she deliberately knocked over Ning Xin's coffee, ready to teach her a lesson!

Now, when her husband spoke to help Ning Xin speak, the middle-aged woman became even more angry!

"Hey, this little girl is also pitiful!"

"I saw it just now. It was this woman who wanted to drink coffee. After the little girl took it, she was about to put it down. This woman stood up on purpose and overturned the coffee. She was suspected of touching porcelain!"

"Shhh! Don't talk about this kind of thing, it's better to do more than less!"

Customers in the jewelry store, whispered!

This kind of thing, even if you have witnessed everything, no one will come out to testify!

Who would offend a rich man for the sake of a small shopping guide? Unless there is a problem with the brain!

At this moment, a sound came into the field!

"You mink wool is fake!"


All the gazes of everyone on the scene looked in the direction of the sound source, and saw Liu Ruqing standing at the door of the jewelry store, did not leave, but turned and walked in!

"What are you talking about? Whose mink is fake!"

The face of the middle-aged woman was extremely gloomy!

"Your mink is fake! At Paris Fashion Week, although there have been several appearances of mink, there is absolutely no such style as you!"

Liu Ruqing came over, straightened a finger, shook his head lightly, and continued:

"Moreover, your mink fur looks very luxurious, but the quality is very average, but ordinary people can do it. As long as professionals look at it, they will know that your mink fur is fake!"

"And your LV. Although it is genuine, it is actually sold at the counter? It sells for five hundred and twenty thousand? You can sell for fifty thousand, which is not bad!"

"You nonsense!"

This middle-aged woman panicked, her eyes became erratic!

"Who are you? What nonsense, my wife's mink and LV, how could it be fake? Manager Li, we are the diamond ViP of your jewelry store, please call your security guard and blast this woman out for me! "

The middle-aged woman's husband, his face sank!

"Yes, yes, don't you mind Mr. Zhou!"

Manager Li nodded quickly, and shouted at the same time: "Come here, don't hesitate to blast these two eyesless guys out according to Mr. Zhou's intentions!"

The couple in front of them are worth billions, although they are nothing in Tianhai City!

However, for this luxury store, it is already a big customer!

As for Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, they are not rich at first glance. Compared with boss Zhou, they are decisive!

Manager Li's words landed, and a group of bodyguards in suits came over aggressively. Without a word, he started directly and prepared to blast Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing out of the jewelry store!

"What are you guys? Get out!"

Lin Nan gave a soft slap and slapped it out!

The group of security guards who rushed over flew out one after another, crashing the showcases of the jewelry store!

These jewels, worth tens of millions, were scattered all over the ground, and the alarm kept sounding!

The whole jewelry store was in a panic!

"So courageous! Do you dare to fight back?"

Manager Li was furious, his eyes were red, staring at Lin Nan, and said coldly:

"Boy, no matter who you are, you are dead today!"

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