There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 666: you know me?

After speaking, Manager Li directly took out the phone, found a phone number, and dialed it out!

"Hey! Mr. Jones, things are not good. This is the Tianhai City branch. Someone started to break many showcases and lost at least 100 million yuan!"

Manager Li spoke to the phone and said all the things here!

"What's the situation? Someone dared to do something in the jewelry store?"

On the other end of the phone, a blond white middle-aged man frowned!

The jewelry store where Manager Li is located is a luxury store opened in Tianhai City by the top Italian consortium Conner Consortium!

The power and heritage behind the Conner Consortium are terrifying!

Even the top wealthy people in Tianhai City, as long as they enter this jewelry store, they immediately become honest, and dare not make any trouble!

After all, although the worth of these rich people is as high as tens of billions, they are not enough to look at the top consortium!

Even if the Conner Consortium behind the jewelry store is far away in Italy, once they do it, these rich people simply cannot bear the thunderous anger of the Conner Consortium!

The two of Zhou Zhengxiong and his wife were just looking for trouble with the shopping guide. They really did not dare to run wild in the jewelry store!

Therefore, after Manager Li took out his mobile phone and made a call, the two of them knew that the matter was serious, bowed their heads and shrank their necks, and hurriedly walked outside the jewelry store!

"Mr. Zhou, where are you going? It can be said that this matter started because of you, so let's stay!"

Manager Li sneered!

Zhou Zhengxiong's forehead burst into endless cold sweat, and he trembled: "Manager Li is the hand of this young man. It has nothing to do with us!"

"Haha, it's okay? Boss Zhou, this is your wife, the dispute caused by it!"

"And you Ning Xin, this matter also has a lot to do with you, you people, you can't eat it!"

Manager Li said, scanning everyone present!

Ning Xin's pretty face was scared white long ago. She sat on the ground, shivering and trembling, and she didn't hear what Manager Li said!

When Liu Ruqing saw this picture of Ning Xin, his heart softened, and he took Lin Nan's arm and said:

"Lin Nan, let's wait and see, if we leave, Ning Xin will be involved!"


Lin Nan smiled faintly, nodded, walked to the sofa aside, and sat down calmly!

Liu Ruqing walked towards Ning Xin, helped her up, and comforted her: "Okay, Ning Xin, it's okay, don't worry!"

"Ruqing, what should I do? The jewelry store has become like this. I can't afford to lose so much money in my life!" Tears gushing out of Ning Xin's big eyes, she couldn't stop it. !

"Don't worry, you will not lose money if Lin Nan and I are there!"

Liu Ruqing smiled and comforted, patted Ning Xin's back lightly, helped her to sit down on the sofa, and said, "I promise it's okay, don't you believe me?"


Ning Xin raised her head and looked at Liu Ruqing with her eyes widened!

"Of course it is true, Lin Nan is amazing, hehe!" Liu Ruqing said, with a sly smile!

When Ning Xin saw this, she felt suspicious in her heart, but seeing Liu Ruqing's calm appearance, the worry in her heart suddenly disappeared and she stopped crying!

The customers in the jewelry store were all staring at this scene!

"What's the matter with this young man?"

"This is too calm, right? Broken so many jewelry showcases, the loss is immeasurable,"

"It's just a poor boy who not only broke the showcase, but also injured the bodyguard of the jewelry store. I'm afraid this time I won't be able to eat it!"

Customers in the jewelry store whispered.

‘Hmph, I don’t care who you are. This jewelry store is not an ordinary jewelry store. Even the Han family of Tianhai City’s first family would not dare to be presumptuous in this jewelry store! ’

Manager Li's face was green, with sneers in his heart, waiting quietly!

Ten minutes later.

Three Rolls Royce stopped outside the jewelry store, and a group of white men in suits and leather shoes came down from above!

The headed white man is an old man who looks like he is about fifty years old. Wearing a top-level handmade suit, he looks very valuable!

"Mr Jones, here you are!"

Seeing the incoming person, Manager Li hurriedly greeted him and saluted the white man!

"What's going on? How did it happen? These showcases are specially customized, and most of these jewels are broken!" Jones asked in a deep voice, looking at everything in the jewelry store.

"It's this kid who hit the security guards and smashed all these showcases! These things should be compensated by him!"

Manager Li pointed to Lin Nan's direction!

Jones had a sullen face and looked in the direction pointed by Manager Li!

I saw that a young man sat calmly on the sofa, and there were two Chinese women sitting beside them, talking in a low voice!


The moment Jones saw Lin Nan, he was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened, and he stretched out his hands unbelievably and rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was wrong!

'is it him? Is it really him? But... how could he appear here? ’

‘Envoys from so many countries all came to see him, hoping to establish a good relationship with him. I didn’t expect that he came to our consortium’s jewelry store today! ’

Jones's excited hands trembled!

Lin Nan's reputation has reached its peak in the underground world!

Countless superpowers in the world, such as the United States, Russia, etc., want to crack their heads, scratch their scalp, and want to curry favor with Linnan!

That day, the president of the board of directors of the Conner Consortium, on the Atlantis, had seen Lin Nan's true face!

After the president of the board of directors of the Conner Consortium returned to Europe, he immediately promoted Lin Nan's portrait to the top of the consortium. No matter who it is, as long as he sees Lin Nan in the future, he must treat the other party as a VIP of the highest standard!

Now that Lin Nan appears in Bi, how can Jones not be excited?

"Mr. Lin!"

Jones couldn't help his excitement anymore and shouted!

When he shouted out, the entire jewelry store fell into a dead silence!

Everyone can't figure it out, the head of the Conner Consortium in China, does Mr. Jones know this young man?

Moreover, listening to his tone, it seems to have a sense of joy!

'What exactly is going on? ’

Just when everyone looked at Jones with hesitation!

Jones as a whole has already walked quickly towards Lin Nan, and extended his hands to Lin Nan, saying: "Mr. Lin, welcome to the jewelry store of the Conner Consortium!"


Everyone was stunned!

Jones actually spoke with such an attitude to the culprit who broke the jewelry store?

"Mr. Jones, what's the matter with you?"

Manager Li opened his mouth wide in surprise, his face was full of doubts and puzzles, staring at Jones!

Jones did not answer!

"you know me?"

Lin Nan sat there and asked faintly, he did not reach out to hold Jones's outstretched hand!

Jones was not angry at all, but with a smile on his face. The person in front of him was the famous godslayer in the underground world!

"Our chairman of the Conner Group, Mr. Wilson Smith, has a fate for you. He said that no matter where you are, Mr. Lin, you are the best friend of our Conner Consortium!" Jones face Condensed, solemnly said.

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