There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 679: Countries shake!

Listening to Lin Nan's explanation, everyone felt like a fairy tale!

In Yang Mi's eyes, although Lin Nan's origin is very mysterious, he did not expect that there really is such a place as the Devil in the world, as if he was listening to myths!

Yang Xueqi was even more stunned, looking at Lin Nan, not knowing what to say!

As for Qian Senyu, he was completely frightened, lying on the ground, dare not say a word!


"The Devil? Hehe!"

Liu Ruqing smiled playfully, blinked her big eyes, and asked:

"Are you the kind of peerless powerhouse? We met in a previous life, and then you were with me, and now you came to the earth to protect me?"

"Almost, Huh? How do you know?"

Lin Nan gave Liu Ruqing a surprised look!


Seeing Lin Nan's performance, Liu Ruqing snorted again, laughed, and looked at Lin Nan and said, "Hahahaha! I don't read that kind of rebirth novels less! It's not all male protagonists trying to make up for any regrets, then Stay with the heroine and protect her secretly?"

Lin Nan shrugged helplessly, and explained, "It's almost like this!"

"If you can't accept it, I can erase your memory!"

"I don't want to lose my memory!" Liu Ruqing shook her head.

Lin Nan thought for a while, nodded and agreed!

"Well, if you want to know other things, I can tell you! But the memories of these people, you can't keep them!"

After saying this, Lin Nan raised his hand and pointed, Yang Xueqi and Yang Mi trembled all over, and after a trace of confusion flashed in their eyes, Lin Nan completely erased the memory of just now!


Qian Senyu screamed, looked at Lin Nan in horror, turned around and fled!

He knew that if he did not leave now, he would never have a chance to survive!


Lin Nan snorted and watched Qian Senyu escape from the lounge, but did not stop him!

However, at the moment Qian Senyu rushed out of the lounge, a silver flame suddenly burned all over his body, enveloping him!

At the same time, Zhao Tianming and Qian Zhonglin also hurriedly rushed to see this scene!


The two of them took a breath, their bodies stiff in place!


Next, Lin Nan immediately ordered that the werewolf army of Siberia, across Eurasia, deep into Europe, looking for traces of blood!

Thousands of kilometers away from Tianhai City, in the Siberian Plain, somewhere in a hot spring valley!

The commander-in-chief of the three wolf gods Greed Wolf, Kill Wolf, and Break Wolf almost simultaneously received a voice from Lin Nan!

"Looking at the wolf, killing the wolf, breaking the wolf's order!"

A sound, like thunder, exploded in the void!

The commander-in-chief of the three wolf gods looked up at the sky in horror, then knelt down on the ground without hesitation, and spoke together:

"The wolf..."

"Kill the wolf..."

"Broken Wolf..."

"See the master!"

"Now there is one thing, I leave it to you to do, immediately dispatch the power of your werewolf legion to annihilate the blood!"

Lin Nan commanded, his tone was beyond doubt!

The voice falls!

The three wolf **** commanders raised their heads in horror at the same time, and the three pairs of eyes were full of surprises!

"Master, are you going to fight against the blood clan?"

Greedy wolf was trembling with excitement!

Even he had never thought of bringing his own werewolf army into Europe!

Because if you really do this, it will arouse the world's fear, this is not a trivial matter!

"Master, please think twice! Your decision is not a trifling matter. If you go to war with the blood race, it may even trigger the Third World War!"

Po Wolf said repeatedly.

"Master, as far as we know, there is a blood ancestor in the blood clan. If I wait to enter Europe and attack the blood ancestors, that blood ancestor will really show up. I am afraid that our entire werewolf army is not an opponent!"

Killing wolf knelt on the ground and spoke.

"Don't worry about this, you only need to find out the location of other blood races! As for the blood ancestors, you don't need to be responsible!"

After saying this, Lin Nan cut off the voice transmission directly!

The commander-in-chief of the three wolf gods, Greed Wolf, Kill Wolf, and Break Wolf, still kneel there!

After a long time, the three of them got up and sighed lightly!


"What to do? Do you really want to do it?" Greedy Wolf asked helplessly, looking at the distant valley.

"Hmph, what can you do if you don't do it? Don't forget the master's majesty, dare you not listen to this kind of command?" Shalang grunted coldly!

"However, the blood ancestor is powerful, our last wolf **** was not his opponent, can we shake the blood ancestor with the three of us?" Po Lang gave a wry smile!

"Didn't the master tell me? We don't need to be responsible for the blood ancestors, we just need to find out the location of the other blood ancestors. It seems that this time, the master is really angry, otherwise, how can we order the blood ancestors to be destroyed?"

A strange light flashed in the eyes of Greedy Wolf!

After a quarter of an hour.

Within this valley, there were waves of howling wolves!


An army of 100,000 werewolves quickly gathered together, like a fellow army ant, heading towards Europe!

The Werewolf Legion, known as the most powerful army in the world, whether it is the Russian Special Forces, the US Marine Corps, or even the Chinese Dragon Team, can’t match this terrifying army!

Now, the entire werewolf army, one hundred thousand troops are heading towards Europe, and the whole world is alarmed!

Countries all over the world are shocked and feel that something big is happening!

"what happened?"

"Why would the Siberian werewolf army be dispatched?"

"In the end what happened?"

The high-level leaders of various countries opened the meeting in an instant, especially some small countries in Europe, scared to death!

"How could this be?"

"Damn! The werewolf army hasn't left the Siberian plains for decades? Last time they almost entered the territory of China, and now they are going to Europe again, what do they want to do?"

"Quickly notify the countries and prepare for the battle. These werewolves are very powerful, bullets can't penetrate their skin, and ordinary artillery can't hurt them. Tanks and armored vehicles are a joke in front of them!"

In the small country on the marching route of the Werewolf Legion, anxious like ants on a hot pot, they all have their strongest strength and are ready to resist this group of monsters!


They were surprised to find that the werewolf army had no intention of starting a war at all. After seeing these ordinary soldiers, they just passed by and gave a glimpse. They no longer stopped in a certain country at all, but went all the way west!

From the satellite map, it can be seen that a large number of werewolf legions, starting from the Siberian plain, crossing the grassland, passing by the plateau, and entering Europe at a very fast speed!

"My God, what are they trying to do?"

"Why don't you do it? No war?"

Looking at the satellite map, everyone murmured to themselves.

Their eyes are full of endless doubts, they want to know the purpose of the werewolf army, but in any case, they can't imagine it!

"No, you see, these werewolf legions did not stop in a certain country, but went around the border, you see..."

"Wait! Where they are going, there is--!"

Everyone's eyes condensed, and they looked at a place on the map, and their hearts shrank suddenly at the same time!

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