There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 680: Am i right? Shao Zuo Beichuan?

Everyone looked at the map, pointing to a small country in Europe!

This small country is not well-known in the world, and even a little unknown, not many people know it, and some people can't even call it by his name, but this is only for ordinary people!


For those big countries, this is a restricted area, no matter who it is, dare not send agents into it, because this is the base camp of the blood race!

In the satellite monitoring bases of countries all over the world, everyone is holding their breath and watching the werewolf army's every move!

No one dares to take the initiative to attack the werewolf legion, because this is a group of monsters, ordinary shells can not hurt them at all!

At the beginning, on the battlefields of World War I and World War II, all the countries all saw the terrifying combat effectiveness of the werewolf army.

This army of werewolves, although only about 100,000, is comparable to an army of millions!

Have you ever seen a person whose head is beheaded and can kill an enemy with consciousness?

Have you ever seen a terrifying soldier who was run over by a tank and was still safe, and violently ripped apart the tank?

Have you ever seen a soldier with a cannonball falling on him, just knocking it down, only slightly injured?

These are the individual qualities of the werewolf army. If it weren't for the ancestors of the werewolf clan, signed a peace agreement with people, and cultivated in the Siberian plains, it would be costly to wipe out this werewolf army!


The army of one hundred thousand werewolves left the Siberian plains, like crucian carp crossing the river, entering Europe with great strength. Who is not surprised? Who is not afraid!

One is not good, maybe it will trigger the third world war!

An army of 100,000 werewolves, soon Eurasia, not a day or two, but a long time!

On the side of Tianhai City, everyone in the sports center at that sunrise thought they were just watching a holographic projection movie technology, and they didn't know that the bloodthirsty demon thing was true!

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, just among ordinary people, they are still talking about the sports center last night!

"Don't you know, at the sports center last night, it was really a visual pleasure!"

"I heard that there is a holographic projection appearing above the sports center. Is the technology of the Flower Brothers so powerful? It's close to Hollywood!"

"What does it mean to approach Hollywood? Is this the first time this holographic projection technology appears?"

Many viewers are talking excitedly!

Even some of the videos shot on the spot were posted on the Internet, causing a great sensation!

While everyone is discussing these special effects, countries are also paying close attention to this matter. Their technical staff found that this video is not fake, it is very likely to be real...

As for Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, they were not affected in any way, and they still returned to the coffee shop to lead a college life!

Early in the morning, Lin Nan got up and cooked breakfast for Liu Ruqing himself!

Since the two were not officially married, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing did not live in the same room!

Smell the aroma of breakfast, coming from the kitchen!

Some of the guests in the cafe could not sit still!

"Yaoyao, what does it taste like? It smells good, is someone cooking? Does your coffee shop offer breakfast?"

A customer called Chu Yao and asked curiously.

"No, Sister Hong! This is our boss, who is making breakfast for the lady boss, and the boss will cook it himself every day!" Chu Yao explained with a smile.

In these days, Chu Yao and her sister Chu Qiong are very familiar with Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

"Boss? That young man? He seems to have just grown up, married so early?"

The customer named Hong Jie continued to ask, seemingly casual.

"Hehe, no, but the boss and Sister Ruqing are already engaged. They will get married after graduation. The boss is such a good one, Sister Ruqing is so happy!" Chu Yao smiled and put down the coffee. He explained with a smile.

"Yaoyao, a cup of black tea!"

In the distance, a customer shouted!

"Okay, come soon!"

Chu Yao stretched her neck, and after replying, she turned her head back and said, "Sister Hong, I'm going to work first!"

"Well, you go!"

Sister Hong nodded slightly, and when Chu Yao turned and left, her face condensed and she lowered her head to think!

‘Is this Lin Nan really a dark-level giant? Actually like to cook? Going to university when nothing is wrong, this kind of unsuccessful thing, with his ability, even if he escapes from Africa, establishes a country, and becomes the leader of a country, is it possible? Why do you like this life! ’

‘However, it can be seen that this god-killer is very concerned about the woman named Liu Ruqing. If you can, take that woman down. Will the god-killer be obediently arrested? ’

‘But taking a step back, would such a powerful person really succumb for a woman? To wash away the shame of my Great Japanese Empire, some methods are still needed! ’

Sister Hong lowered her head, thinking secretly!

Sister Hong is just her pseudonym. In fact, she is an agent of the Wa country and has been hiding in China for more than 20 years!

Except for her identity as a Japanese agent, there is no difference in other places from ordinary Chinese, and no one will find her problem at all!

In the heart of "Sister Hong", when thinking about this, a beautiful shadow came slowly and sat opposite her!

Sister Hong raised her head and saw the woman in front of her, her pupils shrank slightly, a little messy, but she was calm again!

"Ahem! Hello!"

As an agent, at no time can you show emotional abnormality!

"Miko Kitagawa, female, twenty-five years old, was born in Okinawa County, Wa, she was adopted by an old farmer in China since she was four years old. She has been educated in China since elementary school until she graduated from university!"

Leng Yan sat there quietly, speaking casually!

Sister Hong's face changed a little, although stormy waves had already appeared in her heart, her face still remained calm!

"What are you talking about? Why don't I understand? I'm a Chinese, how could I be a Japanese?" Sister Hong forced a smile.

Leng Yan ignored her and said to herself:

"You declare to the outside world that you like traveling and photography very much! Actually, you are spying on intelligence in various parts of China! Thanks to years of intelligence transmission and extraordinary special supply capabilities, your military rank has been improved for more than 20 years. Among the Japanese intelligence personnel, one of them is young!"

"Even among peers, there are very few who can climb to the position of Shao Zuo, let alone you are still a woman! It's pretty good, I admire you!"

"Am I right? Beichuan Shaozu?"

After saying this, Leng Yan put down the tea cup in her hand and raised her head!

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