There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 688: Son of the King of Gamblers?

"Miss Ning, let me see!"

Upon seeing this, Ning Xin's driver Zhou Bo quickly parked the car, and then walked forward to understand the situation!

The end of the road.

"Does the hotel do this business?"

"Yes, what do you do? I booked a box to invite guests to dinner. Why don't you let us in?"

"Manager Ma, you have to give me an explanation today. I spend more than one million in your hotel every month. Just do you treat me like this?"

"If you don't explain it clearly today, we won't leave! Why have you booked a room and a private room, and even the door of the hotel won't let us in?"

The owners of those luxury cars were very angry.

The person in charge of the hotel, Manager Ma, stood within the cordon, with cold sweat on his forehead, nodding and bowing, apologizing and apologizing!

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm really sorry, the hotel was booked today, so please go back, we will return the money you reserved for the box and banquet, and we will give you a VIP card! Within 100,000 RMB , You can consume once for free!"

Manager Ma explained.

He is really embarrassed, and he can't afford to take care of the entire hotel!

However, the group of rich people in front of him, he also can't afford it!

"What the hell?"

"Are we short of money?"

"One hundred thousand yuan? Are you sending a beggar!"

This group of car owners retorted fiercely, their faces livid, many of them came with customers!

Unexpectedly, such a scene happened. If they retreat today, they still don't know how much face they will lose!


"What is noisy! Shut up!"

An angry shout came, a middle-aged man, looking for his voice, stood in the position occupied by the hotel manager!

He held his head high, looking down at the people in front, and sneered:

"Our young master, came to Tianhai City today, so this hotel has been booked by our young master! Are you guys getting out of here? If a good dog doesn't get in the way, get out of here!"

Upon hearing these words, the owners of these luxury cars became even more angry!

They are worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions. Sometimes face is more important than lizi. Just let them go if they are worth 100,000 yuan? How do you mess up after that!

"What **** master!"

"Even the heirs of Yanjing's big families are not qualified to let us go!"

"That's it, let us go away? Even if the prince of Yanjing comes, he won't be so arrogant, right?"

The dozens of rich people present sneered again and again, their eyes filled with cold light!

If it's an ordinary person, you can't bear such a look!

However, the middle-aged man who spoke to the crowd just now chuckled and said:

"If I tell you, the person who came is the son of the king of gambling-how little is He Xiao?"

"What kind of gambling son? Shit!"

A slightly fat man with a big belly, who didn't even hear clearly, yelled and spit!


He suddenly discovered that the people around him all held their breath and looked at him in horror, with a sense of horror in their eyes!

"Wait! Who are you talking about? Son of the King of Gambling? Hiss!"

This rich man with a big belly took a breath of air-conditioning, his mouth opened wide, his eyes popping out!

The gambling king's personal worth is as high as 500 billion Hong Kong dollars, and he controls more than half of the Australian island, 90% of the casino business!

All over the world, who doesn’t know the Macau Island Casino?

Whether in China or other countries in the world, every year there are a large number of rich people who go to Australia to gamble, and there are so many world-class rich people who have irreversible relationships with the gamblers!

Almost all the rich and powerful of the world-class super consortium are good friends of the gambling king!

Even some royal nobles have close contacts with the gambling king!

The prestige of the king of gambling may not be big in China, but it is well-known in the world. There is no comparison between the big families of Yanjing and the king of gambling!

The sphere of influence of Yanjing's several big families is only within the scope of China, and the influence of the king of gambling is all over the world!

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the surprised look of these rich men, the middle-aged man sneered, looking at the rich man with a big belly, he asked coldly:

"What did you say? Dare to say it again?"

The whole audience was silent!

Everyone at the scene lowered their heads and dared not look at the middle-aged man!

"I...I...I...I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly!"

The rich man with his stomach stubbornly stubbornly spoke, and he was shaking all over!

With his worth, he was just over 100 million yuan. In front of ordinary people, he still said the past, but compared with the gambling king of Australia Island, it is a comparison between ants and elephants!

Although the power of the gambling king is not in the mainland, but if you just say hello, I am afraid that someone will come to clean him, and you don't even need to do it yourself!

The middle-aged man couldn't help but feel amused when he saw this little rich man who was listening to his stomach.

‘This is the case with the mainlanders. At the beginning, they were all arrogant. Now I know that the young master is coming, one by one is like a quail, and he doesn't even dare to breathe! A group of cartilaginous heads, bullshit! ’

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up! Shao He is coming soon. You blocked He Shao's road for a while, so you can't eat and walk!"

Seeing this group of people still not moving, the middle-aged man shouted angrily!

"We're leaving now!"

This group of little rich people, like a mouse meeting a cat, their tails shrunk, fled the scene dingy, driving their luxury cars, and left one after another!

Ning Xin's driver Zhou Bo, after seeing this scene, also returned to the Audi car, and said exactly what he had seen and heard!

"Miss Ning, the hotel is booked by He Xiao, the son of the king of gambling!"

"Son of the King of Gambling?"

Ning Xin frowned. Both ordinary people and rich people have heard of the name of the Australian Island Gambling King!

"Mr. Lin? Are we going?" Ning Xin asked, looking at Lin Nan in general.


Lin Nan nodded slightly, Ning Xin was just about to speak and let her driver reverse the car!

Lin Nan's voice continued, "But it's not going back, but going forward!"

As Lin Nan Tiandi, although he is now living as an ordinary person and experiencing college life with Liu Ruqing, there is no one who can make him take a step back!

Not to mention the son of a mere gambling king, even if a country’s president’s car is in front, the opponent can only retreat, not Lin Nan!

"go ahead?"

Ning Xin was taken aback for a while, and then a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she took a deep look at Lin Nan!

"Okay! I see, Uncle Zhou, drive into the hotel!"

"What? Miss Ning, are you... Are you serious? Drive into the hotel? That's the son of the gambling king to clear the floor! You just became the manager of the jewelry store. If you do this, I'm afraid the position will not be guaranteed!"

The driver Zhou Bo opened his mouth in surprise!

Continue to persuade me painstakingly: "Miss Ning, take a step back, let's leave, and it's the same when changing a hotel!"

"Uncle Zhou, you don't need to say much, let's drive!"

Ning Xin shook her head slightly, without explaining anything!

She didn't need to explain at all, just because Lin Nan was in the car!

Can the gambling king's reputation, no matter how big it is, be comparable to the chairman of the Conner Consortium Wilson Smith?

Even the chairman of the Conner Consortium attaches so much importance to Lin Nan, what does a gambling king's son count?


The driver Zhou Bochang sighed!

‘It seems that it won’t be long before I’m going to change the owner, I’m still too young! Do not understand the hidden rules of upper class society! ’

Uncle Zhou shook his head secretly, stepped on the accelerator reluctantly, and drove toward the hotel!

Thus, a very interesting scene happened on the scene!

Among the dozens of retreating luxury cars, an unremarkable Audi car, avoided the traffic and continued to drive towards the hotel!

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