There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 689: Master, you are here!

All the luxury cars on the scene were retreating, only the car that Lin Nan was riding in was still moving forward, heading for the hotel!

How can it be inconspicuous?

Everyone's eyes, all focused on this car, looked over!

"Who is this? Is it crazy?"

"I haven't heard from others, this is He Xiao, the son of the king of gambling! He dare to do this?"

"Is driving an Audi? Isn't it a stubborn little boss?"

"Crazy! Crazy! Really crazy!"

The rich people on the scene shook their heads and sighed after seeing this scene!

You don't need to think about it, you know, the fate of offending the son of the gambling king, just a word, can make you unable to mix in Tianhai City!

For these people, the gap between the gambling king of Australia Island and them is like the gap between the emperor and the common people, not just a little bit!

At this moment.

Manager Ma and the middle-aged man next to the son of the king of gambling also found the Audi car Lin Nan was riding in, and his face sank slightly!

This middle-aged man, why is his name loyal? Originally he did not have a surname, but since his father, he has been a servant of the king of gambling and has been working for most of his life!

The gambling king thought his father was loyal, so he let him follow the surname He, whose status is high in the gambling king's family, otherwise he would not be solely responsible for all the travel and safety of the gambling king's son He Xiao!

"What a courage!"

He Zhong chuckled, and when he raised his hand, the group of black suit thugs behind him all stood up, one by one, they were fierce and violent, and the Audi car that Lin Nan and the others were riding in, the surrounding water could not leak!

Uncle Zhou's face turned pale for a while, and he quickly stepped on the brakes, not daring to move on!

"Oh, this is bad luck!"

"That's it, I knew it so, why bother!"

The group of rich people who had retired a long time ago did not leave immediately, but parked their car on the road outside the hotel and stopped to watch!

As for stopping here, whether it violates the rules, they don't mind at all!

The big deal is to let the traffic police come to post the ticket. They don't care about the hundreds of dollars. They want to know what will happen to the owners of these two Audi cars in the end!

"Get off the car, I want to see, who the **** is, so courageous, I said why Shao has taken the entire hotel, you still dare to go inside?"

He Zhong sneered while walking!

"Open the door for me!"

"Mr. Lin?"

This time, Ning Xin became a little nervous and her pretty face turned pale. Although she is now the manager of the Conner Group jewelry store, she is actually a 19-year-old girl!

Surrounded by so many thugs for the first time, it is impossible to say not to be nervous!

"Hehe, don't get out of the car? Then no one can blame me!"

Upon seeing this, He Zhong sneered three times!

"Get on me and smash the car!"

Dozens of thugs in black suits rushed forward and rushed towards the Audi car. Lin Nan just wanted to do it!

"You are not allowed to kill, just let them back away!"

Liu Ruqing took Lin Nan's arm. She came here to have dinner with Lin Nan, and she didn't want to see the dead!

"Well, since you don't want to see blood, then I won't kill anyone!"

Lin Nan smiled softly, then looked back at Liu Ruqing dozingly, and stretched out a hand, lightly flicking Liu Ruqing's forehead!

"Hehe, you are the best!"

Liu Ruqing smiled!

The next moment, an invisible aura burst out in Lin Nan's body!


The surrounding space of the Audi car shuddered slightly, and a great pressure, like a mountain, weighed on everyone's hearts, causing the thugs who rushed to tremble as if struck by lightning!



Dozens of thugs, just like praying for gods and worshiping Buddha, just rushed out a few meters, they directly faced the direction of the Audi car, and fell to the ground as if they were cutting wheat!


"I'm going! What's the situation? Why are they all kneeling? Are you kidding?"

The group of rich men in the distance, seeing this scene, subconsciously exclaimed!

No one had expected that this was the result, and the thugs who rushed out kneel down out of thin air? what is happening?

"This is? A spell?"

He Zhong was the only one, his face changed slightly, and he looked at the Audi car in horror, thinking that he had encountered some magical expert!

He has lived in Australia for a long time, and he has also followed the gambling king and has seen some real people with magic techniques!

Those top-notch cultivators can do it!

He Zhong once saw a master of magic on Hong Kong Island, stepping over the sea, three feet high from the waves, detached from the shackles of gravity, and flew out of thin air!

Therefore, at the moment He Zhong saw all the thugs kneel down, he subconsciously thought that there was a master magician sitting in the Audi car!

"how is this possible!"

Ning Xin's driver Zhou Bo was completely dumbfounded!

‘Mr. Lin? Amazing! ’

Even Ning Xin sighed in her heart, she just remembered that that day in the auditorium of Tianhai University, Lin Fan killed Wang Xuan in one thought!

Isn't it easy to let these thugs kneel now?

‘I seem to understand a little bit, why the chairman of the Conner Consortium attaches so much importance to Mr. Lin...’ Ning Xin thought in surprise.

The group of thugs who were kneeling also gave way for the Audi to pass!

"Let's go!"

Lin Nan's voice awakened Ning Xin and Uncle Zhou from the shock, and recovered!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Uncle Zhou nodded quickly, not daring to neglect the slightest, and lightly stepped on the gas pedal, and the Audi car drove towards the entrance of the hotel!

During the whole process, no one dared to stop!

All the people on the scene have been watching Lin Nan's Audi car, disappearing from view!

"I'm going, I want to know who is sitting in the Audi car!"

"This is too powerful! How did he do it? Make so many people kneel?"

Among the group of rich people who stood on the road and watched the excitement, they completely exploded the pot, and everyone was talking in a gossip!

"Looking at the style of this car, I seem to know that this is the car provided by the manager of the Conner Jewelry Store!"

A rich man frowned. He is in the car business and has handled this Audi car, so he has some impression!

"Conner Consortium? Is it a director of Conner Consortium in it?"

The rich people at the scene were all taken aback, with incredible faces!

"I don't think it's possible. Even the board members of the Conner Consortium have no ability to let these bodyguards kneel down?"

"makes sense!"

Everyone was discussing, and at the same time they were puzzled, it was another train, coming from a distance!

He Zhong was overjoyed and rushed over, stood there, and bowed to the direction of the convoy ninety degrees!

"Master, you are here!"

Everyone was taken aback, and everyone's eyes were drawn to the past!

The real big man, son of the king of gambling-here it is!

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