There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 690: Master, what do you want?

The scene is dead!

He Xiao looked at Han Rongda in astonishment, thinking he had heard him wrong!

He Zhong, who was on the side, was even more stunned, his mouth opened wide!

The two of them stared at Han Rongda blankly, did not recover for a long time, and even forgot to say something!

"You...what did you say?"

He Xiao's eyes widened, his eyes full of anger, looked at Han Rongda, and said solemnly: "What did you just say?!!!"

"Oh, our father, let you—get off!" Han Rongda nodded and smiled.

"What did you say? Dare to say it again!"

He Xiao glared at him. Ten minutes ago, Han Rongda was still a dog-legged, respectful to himself!

How long has it passed? Does the other party dare to talk to himself like this?

Without Han Zhongyan's words, Han Rongda would naturally not dare to speak to He Xiao like this!

However, after the conversation with Han Zhongyan just now, Han Rongda is no longer afraid, what about the son of the king of gambling?

The power of the king of gambling is on the island of Australia, and he can't reach out to mainland China!

Besides, He Xiao's attitude just now, if it weren't for his gambling king's son, how could Han Rongda be willing to bow down? Han Rongda now feels extremely comfortable!


Han Rongda sighed lightly, and said helplessly: "Since he wants me to say it again, then I'll say it again! Me! Man! Old man! Son! Say! Let! You! Get out!"

This time, Han Rongda halted every word, as if he was afraid that He Xiao would not hear clearly!


He Xiao's face instantly turned into pig liver color!

He didn't even think that it would be such a result!

"Do you know who I am? I am the son of the king of gambling, and the king of gambling in Australia is my dad!"

He Xiao furiously said, there could be fire from his eyes!

"Know! Know! You are the son of the king of gambling, and the king of gambling on Australia Island is your dad!"

Han Rongda nodded in cooperation.

However, his attitude made He Xiao even more angry!

He Xiao only felt that he punched into the cotton, he had nowhere to do it, and there was a feeling of being ignored and ridiculed in his heart!

It seems that Han Rongda played him on purpose!

"Okay! You wait! After this incident, I will never finish with your Han family!"

He Xiao gritted his teeth, angrily, he turned his head and left, not staying for a moment!

"The old man also said, that princess, let her-get out!"

Looking at He Xiao's back, Han Rongda added another sentence!


He Xiao trembled all over his body when he heard these words. He turned his head abruptly, looked at Han Rongda, and said coldly: "Okay! Today, you, the Han family in Tianhai City, I remember!"

"Excuse me!"

Han Rongda still smiled. Since the old man gave the order, what else is he afraid of?


After He Xiao hummed heavily, he left without looking back!


Inside the private room where Elis rested.

"What are you talking about? They let us go?"

Elis had just finished washing, changed into casual clothes, was about to go to dinner for a while, but was told the news!

Looking at He Xiao in front of him, Elis couldn't believe it!

The princess of her own magnificent French royal family has an extremely noble status. No matter which country she is in, she enjoys the highest diplomatic courtesy!


In China, even a hotel dare to drive her out?

"Yes, Elis! The owner of this hotel said, let us all get out of here! Haha!"

He Xiao stood there and said without a smile.


Seeing He Xiao's attitude, Elis was furious, glaring at He Xiao and said:

"Johnson, are you confused? It's already night! Where do you want us to go? Don't forget that I am the Princess of France!"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter to me!"

He Xiao sneered, and no longer had the respectful attitude just now!

After saying this, He Xiao turned around and left, never staying for a moment, not wanting to be humiliated here!

Anyway, for him, there is no longer any possibility with Elis!

If it's impossible, why lick a face to flatter her? It's better to explain the situation directly, and then leave directly, the big deal is not to deal with Elis in the future!

There are too many countries in Europe. Without Elis, he can change his goal!

"Tom, negotiate with me right now, I will stay in this hotel anyway today!"

"It's really embarrassing! As a princess, after I checked into the hotel, I was kicked out!" Elis's pretty face was pale, and his chest was ups and downs violently!

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

Elis’ servant Tom, bowed respectfully to her, and went to the person in charge of the hotel himself!

Ten minutes later, Tom returned to the presidential suite where Elis lived with the same expression!

"Your Royal Highness, the other party did not allow you to continue to live here, and issued an eviction order, saying that you are a princess. You must pack up your things and leave within ten minutes, otherwise they will force an eviction!" Tom Sullen face.

Elis couldn't believe it, looking at Tom in astonishment!

"Did you not say who I am?"

"I said! You are the respected Princess Elis of France!"

"Then why are they driving me away?" Elis felt that his brain was not enough!

In other countries, no matter where she is, she is regarded as a star holding the moon!

Unexpectedly, in China, you would be swept out?

It's incredible!

"The person in charge of the hotel said! Because you had to drive their owner to leave at the beginning, this hotel cannot accommodate you, the princess!" Tom shook his head. It was the first time even he saw this. Kind of situation!

"Master? What master?" Elis asked suspiciously.

"It's the Audi that broke into the hotel at the beginning..." Tom explained.

"That Audi?"

Elis opened his mouth!


Outside the International Hotel on the Bund, Tianhai City.

He Xiao's Rolls-Royce still did not leave, and stopped quietly on the side of the road!


He Xiao was sitting on the leather sofa in the back row, his face sinking like water, his eyes fixed on the door of the hotel, his eyes were unblinking, his eyes were filled with endless bloodshot eyes!

After a while, there was a commotion at the door of the hotel. Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing and Ning Xin walked out of the hotel surrounded by a large group of people!

Han Zhongyan, the elder of the first family in Tianhai City, Han Zhongyan personally arrived and waited for Lin Nan outside the door. After dinner!

Finally, he personally sent Lin Nan and others to the Audi car when they came and left the hotel!

Looking at the people around him with respect, He Xiao could tell at a glance that the person in the lead was Lin Nan!

"Haha! It's you! The shame you gave me today, sooner or later, I will return it to you ten times, one hundred times!"

He Xiao stared at Lin Nan fiercely, branding his appearance deeply in his mind!

Waiting for Lin Nan's Audi car to leave, He Xiao said coldly:

"He Zhong! I will give you one month to find out all the details of this person, no matter his origin, background, family, influence, even if he was born in which hospital when he was a child, and which kindergarten he attended, I must know. detailed information!"

He Xiao's voice was extremely indifferent, and He Zhong couldn't help but shudder!

"Master, what do you want?"

He Zhong was shocked and looked at He Xiao in surprise. He had never seen He Xiao so angry before!

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