There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 691: Class team building!

Ning Xin didn't expect that after eating, the Han family's old man actually appeared outside the box, and he kept calling Lin Nan the master!

Sitting in the car going back, Ning Xin was even more surprised!

Even the first family of Tianhai City, the father of the Han family, treated Lin Nan like this, calling him his master!

‘This is amazing, right? What is his origin? Why does this happen? ’

‘That’s the old man of the Han family! Who was on the battlefield in his early years, is Lin Nan the son of a big boss? Otherwise, how could this happen? ’

Ning Xin thought in her heart.

In her heart, she was already speculating about the origin of Lin Nan!

Is it the illegitimate child of a certain gangster?

Or the heir to the super consortium?

Or simply the real master behind the Han family?

Otherwise, how could Han Zhongyan be like this?

When Ning Xin guessed, the Audi had already parked outside Lin Nan's coffee shop. Ning Xin suddenly realized that when she was thinking about this, time had already been unknowingly, and more than half an hour passed!

"Mr. Lin..."

Ning Xin was just about to speak.


Lin Nan stretched out a finger, placed it in front of his mouth, and sighed softly!

Ning Xin realized that Liu Ruqing had fallen asleep in Lin Nan's arms at some point!

Lin Nan's gaze never left Liu Ruqing, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Liu Ruqing's gentle profile!

"What a slacker!"

Lin Nan smiled helplessly, then gently lifted Liu Ruqing!

At this moment, the dignified emperor is as careful as a child, for fear of disturbing the clear dream of the beautiful woman in his arms!

If they were seen by Lin Nan's subordinates in the fairy world, they would be surprised to death!

Lin Nan's cautious appearance made Ning Xin extremely surprised!


Her eyes were filled with endless envy, and almost all of them looked crazy!

Lin Nan is long and handsome, not inferior to those super popular little fresh meats, with a knife-like outline, and not the kind of feminine beauty!

However, because Lin Nan's recent performance is so outstanding and so shocking that Ning Xin almost forgets that Lin Nanchang is handsome in itself!

Moreover, between Lin Nan's gestures, he had a noble feeling!

This sense of nobility is not cultivated, but rather like innate, inborn, and brought out of the bone!

In addition to Han Zhongyan's performance today, Ning Xin is more certain that Lin Nan is not an ordinary person!

When these flashed through Ning Xin's mind, Lin Nan was already holding Liu Ruqing in his arms and walking towards the coffee shop!

Lin Canghai was standing at the door and found that Lin Nan was returning with Liu Ruqing in his arms. He did not dare to take a breath. He carefully pushed open the glass door of the coffee shop, holding his breath, without making a sound!

Until Lin Nan hugged Liu Ruqing and disappeared into the coffee shop, Ning Xin sighed lightly, sitting back in the car with envy in her eyes!

"Uncle Zhou, let's go!"


The Audi turned around and disappeared into the night!


In the next half month, the life trajectory of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing returned to normal!

The two are like an ordinary couple, they go to school, get out of class, and school normally!

On weekends, I will meet to watch movies and go shopping, everything is going on in an orderly manner!

There are no more people who do not open their eyes to trouble them, and no international spies enter the cafe!

In addition, some European countries even sent people gifts, hoping to make friends with Lin Nan!

But these people were all sent back by Lin Canghai, and he didn't even accept gifts from them!

This day.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing's class is in self-study. A tall girl with a stylish dress walked in from the classroom and smiled:

"Guess what good news I brought back, guys?"

This girl is Shen Feifei, who is the student committee of the Department of Finance. Shen Feifei will inform everyone of any activities or news on weekdays!

This junior, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, met her when they first entered school!

It is she who is at the school registration office to receive everyone!

"what news?"

"Sister Feifei, don't sell it!"

Everyone became interested and stopped what they were doing. Liu Ruqing also closed the financial book she was reading, put her hands on her chin, and looked at Shen Feifei!

Standing on the podium, Shen Feifei said indifferently:

"The team building activity has been approved, and everyone's air tickets have been booked! Now we will go and prepare for it. Tomorrow we will set off on time, the destination-Australia Island!"


"real or fake?"

"Hurrah! Long live!"

"Great! You can actually go to Australia Island? I have long wanted to go there!"

The students in the study room were so excited that they all screamed loudly!

In the university, team building activities are held every semester!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were admitted early, so they were considered transfer students. As for the project of team building, they had already been confirmed!

A seven-day trip to Australia Island!

Australia Island is one of the top gambling cities in the world. Every year, a large number of rich people fly here all over the world!

In terms of area, Australia Island is not as good as any county in China, but its annual gDP is even higher than that of a province. It is a rich man who is vying to go to the place of consumption!

"Lin Nan, let's go back and pack our things and go traveling!"

Liu Ruqing took Lin Nan's little hand and ran towards the residence quickly!

Early the next morning.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing's class were in hordes at the airport in Tianhai City and boarded the plane to Australia Island!

Lin Nan's finance class has more than 30 students, so the entire cabin occupies more than half of the seats!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing sat together. Because of Liu Ruqing's aloof temperament, a blond young man who was diagonally opposite saw him!

Liu Ruqing found that someone was paying attention to herself, and she looked over, and the other party showed a sunny smile!

This blond man is worth a lot at a glance, and the Hermes belt on his waist alone is worth $150,000!

"Hello there!"

Seeing Liu Ruqing looking over, the blond man showed a kind smile!

"Hello there!"

Liu Ruqing responded with a smile.

"You went to Australia Island to play?"

The blond man asked with a smile.

"Team building activities organized by the school!"

Liu Ruqing replied lightly, maintaining basic politeness, and then turned her face to the other side!

When the blond man saw this, he didn't continue talking with Liu Ruqing, but took out a magazine and looked through it quietly!

As for Lin Nan on the side, he was directly ignored!

Two and a half hours later.

The plane landed at the airport on Australia Island, and Shen Feifei took everyone. Just after getting off the plane, Shen Feifei was ready to take everyone to the hotel to rest!

Unexpectedly, it was unanimously opposed by all the students!

"Okay, senior sister, we are not tired!"

"Yes, senior sister, we came to Australia Island just to see the casino here! Wouldn't it be a waste of time if we were resting in the hotel?"

The crowd eagerly gathered around Shen Feifei's side.


"Hello, are you from inland? I am familiar with Australia Island. If you really want to see the casino here, I can take you to see it!"

When everyone looked back, it happened to be the blond young man on the plane today!

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