There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 723: Hahaha! What a killer!

"It's the second crime to destroy the whole family at every turn, it hurts heaven and harmony!"

"There are three crimes to destroy the Mitsubishi family!"


"Ten crimes for destroying the Ding family in the three northern provinces!"

"It is nine crimes for the Emperor Wa to kneel down!"


"Killing is all based on personal preference, killing innocent people indiscriminately. According to incomplete statistics, since the first death of the godslayer Lin Nan, until today, directly or indirectly, more than 100,000 ordinary people have died in his hands! Fifteen sins!"


"It is 27 crimes to enter and leave other countries at will, and treat the laws of each country as nothing!"


"Driving the werewolf army into Europe has seriously threatened world peace. The crime is 30!"

The old Pope St. Paul IV stood on the altar, holding a page of Lin Nan’s guilt in his hand, and chanted 30 felony sins!

In his other palm, he was holding the bible of the underground world, and found out the regulations for dealing with Lin Nan's crimes from above!

Just listen.

The face of Saint Paul IV was extremely solemn, and he said solemnly:

"Lin Nan's crimes are horrendous, full of evil, and 30 criminal evidences are punished together! Now in the underground world, he will be subjected to a thunder trial. The trial results are as follows:

Depriving Linnan of everything, his relatives and friends, and restricting his exit, no country or region can provide services to him!

Lin Nan himself, within three days, went to serve on the Hell Island in the center of the Pacific Ocean. He abolished his self-cultivation and suffered 573 years of imprisonment. The trial is over! "

"If Lin Nan the Godkiller refuses to accept the trial, I, St. Paul IV, will enter China and act on it personally!"

After the sentencing of the old Pope Saint Paul IV!

"I second!"

The bloodthirsty lord Sov stepped forward and straightened his chest!

"I second!"

Dark Queen Evelyn also nodded and stood up!

"I second!"

The magnetic voice of the God of War Hitofis came!

"I second!"

The King Kaluo of Indonesia nodded slightly, with a slight smile on his mouth!

Under the altar, everyone was standing there, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath. After the thunder trial came, it could be said that the godslayer Lin Nan was dead!

The five super giants almost represent the world's strongest combat effectiveness. All five people announced in public that they recognized the Thunder Trial. If anyone refuses to accept it, they are almost an enemy of the entire world!

Everyone thinks that even a godslayer does not have the courage!

"Have you heard? Zhe'er, Lin Nan's behavior has triggered public anger, and even the super giants in the underground world can't tolerate him!"

Because of the excitement of the old man in the Ding family, his old face instantly turned red, and his hands were shaking!

"I heard it! Hahaha, great, as long as Lin Nan dies, what he did to our Ding family, I will return it to him a hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times! I want his relatives Friends, you can’t live, you can’t die!"

Ding Zhe's gums were clenched tightly together, one of his teeth bleeds even after he bit his teeth, and he still didn't know it!

"You dare to judge my teacher even with your group of miscellaneous fish?"

At this moment, a cold and sarcasm voice came!

When the voice fell to the ground, a few strong gods immediately stood up and snapped:

"Who is speaking?"

"It's not going to die? Several adults are on trial at Thunder, who is talking nonsense?"

"Come out!"

The people on the altar looked around, trying to find the one who opened the mouth!

At this moment.

A coquettish woman who seemed to be about twenty-six or seventeen years old, walked slowly. She looked beautiful, but her expression was as cold as an iceberg!

The other person was an old man, who looked more than sixty years old, his old face was solemn, like a mountain!

"who are you?"

"This is the altar. The thunder trial is underway. If you dare to make a loud noise, is it possible to seek death?"

A strong man in the gods stepped out and yelled at the two!


It seems that the 60-year-old old man gave a soft sip, his voice is like a dragon, making his eardrums hurt!

Moreover, he did not hesitate to take a shot on the spot, facing the powerhouse of the gods, with one out, with a vigor of howling and dragons!


This god-level powerhouse burst open on the spot, like a ripe watermelon, turned into a rain of blood, and was killed on the spot!


Seeing this scene, everyone on the square couldn't help taking a breath of air, and their gazes at the old man changed!

"They... They seem to be... servants of the Godslayer!"

Someone recognized Leng Yan and Lin Canghai!

On the high platform of the altar, the old Pope St. Paul IV, the bloodthirsty lord Sov, the dark queen Evelyn, the **** of war Hetofis, the Indonesian King Kaluo, etc., looked cold!

"Oh? So it's you! Just a few servants, where is your master? Why not come?"

The bloodthirsty lord Sof said funny, his face sank and he shouted: "Since you are a slave, don't roll over and kneel!"

"Sof, you stupid idiot!"

He glanced at Sof indifferently, his eyes full of disdain!

"My master is not interested in being familiar with yours. You stupid strong men are still thinking about giving a thunderous trial to my master? We are here today to warn you, what you are going to do, my master doesn't care!"

"But if it disturbs my master's normal life, kill me!"

"Hahaha! What a killer!"

The bloodthirsty lord Sov smiled with anger. As a super giant, he was scolded as an idiot in front of everyone, and he was threatened!

Seeing Sof's angry appearance, everyone around the altar was terrified!

The super giant got angry and smashed millions of corpses, no joke!

"I will behead your head today!"

In Sof's eyes, the blood glow flickered, he stepped out one step at a time, pacing in the air, and slaughtered towards Leng Yan!

Just as Lin Canghai wanted to do it, Leng Yan stopped him: "You don't need to help me, just relying on this bug, he is not my opponent!"

A touch of pride appeared on Leng Yan's pretty face!

"Okay, but you have to be careful, this person is very strong!"

Lin Canghai couldn't help but remind!


At this moment, Sof was already close, his speed was extremely fast, he had broken through the sound barrier, and there was a big wave of air behind him!


Sov stretched out a big foot, like a piling machine, and stepped on the cold cheek!

Even if it is a truck, it will be instantly broken into pieces at the feet of Sov. This is the terrifying power of the super giant!

But Leng Yan didn't panic, calmly, unmoved at all, and looked at Sov quietly!


Sov was furious. As a super giant, he was so despised? His heart was furious, and he couldn't help but increase his strength, wanting to slam the cold face with a kick, trampled to death!

In an instant.


A silver light flashed by, and Sov couldn't help but screamed, and an incredible scene appeared!

After the silver light flashed, the speed was incredible, and it was chopped off towards Sof's falling foot, and the speed was as fast as a comet hitting the earth and piercing the atmosphere!

Everyone only felt that silver light flashed in front of them, and sword energy was vertical and horizontal!


A scream came, accompanied by a broken leg, dripping with blood, falling from a height!

This broken leg belongs to Sov!

As one of the super giants in the underground world, he was cut off a leg in just one round?

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