There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 724: The teacher said, this sword can cut the dragon!

Blood spurted out like a fountain of blood at the joint of the right leg of the bloodthirsty lord Sov!

A broken leg fell to the ground, shocking!

"how is this possible!"

"Master Souf has a leg cut off?"

The people around the altar were dumbfounded in horror, their bodies stiff in place, their brains humming, unacceptable!

If the person who shot was Lin Nan, the godslayer, they would have better thoughts, but the person who shot was actually Lin Nan's disciple?

After that silver light flashed, it cut off a thigh of Sof, and then flew back into Leng Yan's body quickly, disappearing without a trace!

"What it is?"

The Dark Queen Evelyn had a mouth long in surprise, and looked at her cold face with a little dazedness. She didn't see clearly what kind of weapon was in that silver glow with her cultivation base and strength!

Evelyn only felt that if she was cold-faced, she would definitely not be able to stop the cold-faced blow, I am afraid that the end will not be much different from Sov!

"It's a sword!"

The low voice of the God of War Hitofis came, his eyes, like eagles, staring at the cold face!


Evelyn, the dark queen, stayed for a while!

"Yes! It is indeed a sword!"

King Kaluo of Indonesia nodded lightly, still with a smile on his face, like a Buddha!

"Hua Xia has always had the legend of the Sword Immortal! And there are three great sword masters who are in China. The flying sword just now was just a glimpse, but its terrifying lethality is something I can hardly resist! "

"King Kaluo, can't even you stop it?"

The face of Saint Paul IV became a bit solemn and serious!

"It's hard!"

King Jialu nodded lightly without explaining much, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes towards Leng Yan!

"God Killer is really terrifying! According to reliable sources, this female name is Leng Yan, originally from the Huaxia Dragon Group, the Dragon Venerable among the five dragon kings! The strength is at most between the early and mid-stage of the Earth Immortal!" Saint Paul The Fourth World spoke slowly.

"However, it has only been a year or so now, her strength can already threaten us?"

"Everyone, have you ever thought that Godkiller looks so young and possesses such strength, is it because he has obtained some ancient practice technique?" Dark Queen Evelyn's eyes flickered, and she awakened the dreamer. !

St. Paul IV, King Gallo, Hutophis, and others were all stunned in their hearts, and their eyes became fiery!

And this time.


The bloodthirsty lord Sov was extremely furious, his eyes were red, like an angry black bear, his fury was extremely furious, staring coldly!

"You cut off one of my legs, how dare you cut my legs! I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"

Sov was very angry, and roared up to the sky: "Take my weapon!"

The sound waves are surging and the air rumbling, making eardrums hurt!

The people around the altar, ordinary ordinary warriors, spouted blood on the spot, and were seriously injured!

Some martial arts masters were shocked, their blood tumbling, and hurried back!

The face of the strong in the gods was pale, and he was able to withstand this pressure, and his heart was shocked to the extreme!

The voice fell to the ground.


A huge black gold battle axe flew from a distance. This is Sov’s weapon, weighing 10,000 catties, and it is forged from a special kind of meteorite iron from the sky. It cuts gold and iron, and cuts iron like mud!

Back then, Soff swept the entire Canadian country with such a tomahawk and became a super giant!

Under the battle-axe, millions of souls are crying!

At a glance, you can even see clearly that there is a trace of black energy surging on the blade of Sov's battle axe!

These black auras are just the grievances condensed under Sov's battle axe. Even the temperature around the altar has dropped several degrees due to the appearance of this battle axe!

Leng Yan still stood there pretty pretty, still unmoved, her pretty face was cold, and said: "Slicing your leg is to teach you a lesson. Do you still want to take action? Could it be death?"


Hearing this, the people around the altar took a breath, feeling their teeth trembling!

They think that without the courage of cold face, they can be so calm when facing the super giants?

"Hahaha! Little girl, you are amazing! You successfully angered me"

The bloodthirsty lord Sov laughed up to the sky. Although he only had one leg left, he was still able to stand steadily there, holding a battle axe, arrogant!

"But today, I will cut off your head personally, make it into a pendant, and hang it on my chest as an eternal warning!"

"court death!"

Leng Yan's brows were upside down, and with one move, there was a burst of clarity in the body!


The silver sword light appeared again and fell into Leng Yan's hands. When everyone looked at it, they discovered that the silver sword light was actually a flying sword!

The entire flying sword is three feet and three minutes long, just like the ancient Qingfeng!


The bloodthirsty lord leaped high on one foot, using the mana of the lumbar spine, like a spring, instantly bounced up to an altitude of tens of meters, holding a battle axe, and smashing down!

This axe cut down, the momentum is broken, as if the momentum of Mount Tai!

"What a powerful force!"

"As expected to be a bloodthirsty lord, this axe falls, if I can't avoid it, I'm afraid I will die on the spot!"

The dark queen Evelyn frowned!

"Lengyan be careful, this blow is very powerful!"

Lin Canghai couldn't help but speak!

"Lin Canghai, did you forget that my weapon was given by the teacher? The teacher said, this sword can cut the dragon! It can cut the Kunpeng!"

"Even more, cut the sun, moon and stars--!"

Leng Yan smiled proudly, moved his steps, stepped out!

Hands up, sword falls!

All in one breath!


There was a crisp sound. The moment when the bloodthirsty lord Sov's battle axe touched the sword energy cut out by cold face, the iron-cut battle axe, there is no metal on the earth, it can match it!

However, under the cold face of the sword, he was exploded by a sword, and the cut was smooth and uniform!

"What? You..."

The bloodthirsty lord Sof was shocked, and the word ‘dare’ was not yet spoken, and another sword light arrived!


The sword light fell, blood splashed five steps, a big head flew high, hovering in the air, and then with a bang, it fell heavily to the ground!

The hearts of everyone present, followed the sound of Madam Suo's head falling, trembling slightly!

To his death, Sov’s face was full of horror and disbelief!

Just a slave, how can you kill him?

Just a servant, how dare you kill him?

"Master Sov!"

A group of Sov's followers and entourage, their faces pale as paper!

Everyone around the altar stiffened in place, as if petrified!

Deathly silence!

Leng Yan stood holding a sword, not looking at Sof's head, but looking at the top of the altar, and said lightly:

"Paul IV, will you continue to judge my teacher?"

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