There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 732: Kill the emperor?

It has been dozens of epochs, and after countless years, Lin Nan did not hear her daughter Lin Momo's voice!

Unexpectedly, in the depths of this well of reincarnation, Lin Nan saw Lin Momo's remnant soul?

What exactly is going on?

Lin Nan was so excited that he directly entered the Samsara Well, his speed was extremely fast, and he reached Lin Momo's side almost instantly!

The space in the well of reincarnation is huge, just like a black hole in the universe!

It was a remnant soul the size of a bean, like a kerosene lamp in the wind, swaying the fragile soul fire, as if it would go out at any time!


Lin Momo's voice continued to be heard in the soul fire!

Lin Nan was so excited that he was trembling all over, he made goose bumps, his face was red and his ears were red, and he was gasping for breath. He was almost lost!


Lin Nan was cautious, holding Lin Momo's soul fire in his hands, as if he was a treasure, and at the same time using the huge majesty of the Great Emperor to disperse all the surrounding soul fires so that they would not affect Lin Momo's remnant soul!

"'s so's so cold...oooo!"

"Why it's been so long... You didn't come to Mo'er... Mo'er thought you didn't want me..."

Lin Momo was crying while talking weakly!

Lin Nan felt distressed, his eyes turned red, and asked, "Mo'er, what is going on?"

" shouldn't have appeared here! According to the course of history, you were not born at all. Why is there a ray of remnant soul here?"

Lin Nan asked while comforting Lin Momo's remnant soul.

"Mo'er didn't know, Mo'er only remembered that someone was fighting with Baba, and then a strange person appeared. He looked so cold and fierce. After Baba left, he took me away..." Lin Momo remembered hard.

However, what she said was not very clear!

Because the isolation was too long, it was incredible that Lin Momo's remnant soul could persist for dozens of epochs!

Of course, this is also because she is the child of the Emperor of Heaven, otherwise the souls of ordinary people would have disappeared with the wind after dozens of epochs, and it would be impossible to survive until now!

"A weird person?"

"Yes, a young man... but he is not as handsome as Baba... nor as good as Baba... That person is so annoying. After he takes me away, he puts me to sleep... I said I want Baba, and he will kill me. ... Then he ignored Mo'er and threw Mo'er into a dark place... Mo'er was too tired and fell asleep... When he woke up, he would be here..."

Lin Momo explained weakly.

However, Lin Nan did not hesitate to use the power of the Emperor of Heaven to repair the remnant soul of Lin Momo!

Soon, Lin Momo's soul became full, from a bean-sized soul to the appearance of a little girl, exactly the same as Lin Momo himself!


Lin Nan was very happy and held Lin Momo in his arms!

"Baba...It's so cold and dark here, Mo'er doesn't like it here..." Lin Momo said milkily.

"Okay! Baba will take you out!"

Lin Nan nodded pettingly, taking Lin Momo's soul, stepped out one step, and flew directly out of the well of reincarnation!



The moment Lin Nan approached the Well of Samsara, the entire Well of Samsara trembled slightly, and at the mouth of the well, a large number of runes appeared, shining with the power of the road!

"Emperor Rune?"

Lin Nan frowned!

At this time, those runes had been activated, and the entire Samsara Well seemed to be boiling, completely ignited, whizzing and rushing!

At the head of the well of reincarnation, a huge array, which almost affected the power of the entire underworld, gathered towards there!

"Haha, Lin Nan, you actually entered the well of reincarnation by yourself, isn't this looking for death?"

A loud laugh came!

The huge figure of Yama King appeared at the entrance of the Samsara Well, looking down below, his eyes were full of coldness!

Not long ago, when he faced Lin Nan, he still bowed his knees and respected to the extreme, but with his current attitude, a big turn of 180 degrees came!

Not only the Yama, but the other nine halls of Yama, the Lunzhuan, the Qin Guang, the Chujiang, the Song Emperor, the Five Senses, the Biancheng, the Taishan, the Metropolis, the Equality, etc., all appeared on the scene, standing in the reincarnation Around the well, everyone is carrying a monstrous majesty!

Although the Yama of the Ten Temples is not an emperor-level figure, he has a quasi-emperor-level cultivation base, and there is still a line of distance from the emperor!

"Ten Halls of Hell? You are so brave, do you want to refine this emperor when you activate this emperor-level formation?"

Lin Nan stood in the Well of Samsara, carrying his hands on his back, and looked up at the entrance of Samsara Well, very calm!

"Haha! God, you have lived too long! We guard Mingtu day and night, it's so boring! When are you tall?"

King Yama laughed and shook his head.

"Someone promised that if you kill you, there will be no emperor between heaven and earth. For us, it is really a good choice! At least we will not need to live under your majesty in the future!"

"Oh? You want to kill this emperor?"

The corner of Lin Nan's mouth showed a faint sneer!

"Hey, with our strength, we can't kill you naturally! However, this Samsara Well is the most mysterious place in the entire universe. You don't even know how deep it is, right? And the energy contained in the Samsara Well is endless. Endless! In addition to this emperor-level magic circle, infused with the energy of the entire underworld, I wonder if the emperor can bear it?"

The wheel king stood up, behind him, there was a huge blood moon floating and sinking, with a terrifying aura!

"Don't talk nonsense with him! Refining him directly, melting his Tao fruit, lest night long dreams!"

King Qin Guang said solemnly.

The next moment, Yama of the Ten Temples shot at the same time, and activated the circle at the entrance of the Well of Reincarnation!


The entire underworld trembled violently, the earth split open, and a series of terrifying cracks appeared on this land!

In addition, the energy in the underworld, like a tsunami, madly gathers towards the well of reincarnation. At this moment, the well of reincarnation is like a huge nuclear reactor, but the energy burned in it is countless times more terrifying than a nuclear reactor!

No matter what it is, it will melt immediately after entering the well of reincarnation!


The earth trembled, Lin Nan only felt that the power of the entire underworld had become fuel, and he was about to be alive to ashes in the well of Samsara!

"The underworld was built by me alone, so just rely on you to kill the emperor?" Lin Nan sneered.

In the next moment, a mighty force of the Emperor of Heaven surged towards the entrance of the Samsara Well, and the magic circle at the entrance of Samsara Well trembles violently at this moment, almost disintegrating!

"Damn it! Is he going to rush out?"

The face of the ten Hades has changed!

"Hehe! He can't get out!"

A ghost-like voice came, as if from the depths of Jiuyou Hell!

A dark shadow, from the other side of the earth, flew quickly and came to the sky above the well of reincarnation!

From Lin Nan's position, he could only see a vague sound and shadow through the circle, and he could not see his true face at all!

"Baba, that bad guy is him!" Lin Momo's soul pointed to the top and shouted.

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