There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 733: Do you want to be the emperor of heaven?

At the entrance of the Well of Reincarnation, the black figure stood there, looking down, staring at Lin Nan below!

Around this black figure, surrounded by a black gas, even Lin Nan's divine consciousness could not penetrate this gas and probe the situation inside!

"Huh? The chaotic aura, it's no wonder that this emperor can't detect your existence! It turns out that there is such a dependence!"

Lin Nan's eyes narrowed slightly!

"Lin Nan, long time no see! It's been dozens of epochs. I didn't expect that we would meet in this way today!" The shadow chuckled lightly, with a strong arrogance in his tone!

"Dozens of epochs?"

Lin Nan raised his brows, nodded slightly, and said, "Are you the person before the restart of the era? So that's it! You took my daughter away after the emperor had been against the current for a long time!"

"Yes! I originally thought, using your daughter as a bargaining chip to force you to submit, but unexpectedly let her wisp of remnant soul escape and enter the well of reincarnation! This is my mistake!"

Sombra didn't conceal it, but nodded slightly!

"It's interesting! You are here today, United Ten Palace Yama, are you preparing to become an enemy of the Emperor?" Lin Nan smiled!


The black shadow looked up to the sky and laughed, with the chaotic aura all over his body, trembling slightly, and said: "You are wrong! Not against you, but completely obliterating you!"

At this point, Sombra's voice became extremely sharp, like a sharp sword, with a sharp edge!

"Lin Nan, you are too arrogant! Too arrogant! Since dozens of epochs, the entire universe has been under your control, and everyone has surrendered to your feet. We have had enough! Today you must die! As long as you get it Your Dao Guo, I am the new generation of Emperor!" Sombra laughed wildly, his body trembling because of his excitement!

"Do you want to be the emperor of heaven?" Lin Nan's mouth showed a trace of disdain!

"Only by you, even Emperor Chengxian is not qualified, and you still want to become Emperor? Idiot dreams!"

Lin Nan shook his head lightly and said, "Be the emperor, be upright and upright! I disdain this method at all, let this emperor lift your veil and see who you are!"

The voice falls!


Lin Nan pointed out, a bright light burst out from his fingertips, like the Milky Way falling for nine days!

This finger pops out, even if it is a galaxy, it will be directly broken by Lin Nan!


The black shadow snorted coldly, "What if you are the Emperor of Heaven? Do you know how many back-hands I have prepared since dozens of epochs? It really made you escape so easily? How could it be possible!"

The shadow did not change at all, and slammed one foot suddenly!

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in the pattern of the entire Underworld!

Upon seeing this, the Yama of the Ten Temples moved all together, and started attacking towards the depths of the Samsara Well!

Ten hot beams of light are enough to destroy the sky and the earth. If in the universe, one beam of light can destroy a galaxy, the energy is amazing!

But in front of Lin Nan, it was just like playing!


Lin Nan continuously flicked his fingers to resolve the attack of the Ten Temple Yama on the spot, without causing any damage to him!

"Drive me!"

Lin Nan gave a soft drink, blasted a punch, mixed with the power of the law, and evolved into the law of no god, the void in the well of reincarnation collapsed on the spot and turned into a huge black hole, swallowing everything in!


A terrifying black crack is spreading towards the outside world, terrifying energy is surging, and the surrounding void continues to collapse. Lin Nan's punch almost completely destroyed the well of Samsara!


Seeing this scene, Yama of the Ten Temples couldn't help taking a breath, his heart trembled, his eyelids thumped, and everyone withdrew!

Even the Well of Reincarnation was almost trampled by Lin Nan, which was really terrifying!

"My lord, this...this... Lin Nan is too strong, will he rush out of the well of reincarnation?"

Lun Zhuan asked in horror, and the corner of his eye swept across the well of Samsara, flashing a hint of fear!

"Humph! He can't rush out!"

The black shadow snorted, stretched out a huge black hand, and pressed it down!


This black giant hand is really too heavy, it is countless times heavier than a whole galaxy!

This giant black hand fell on the well of reincarnation, and in an instant, it suppressed the well of reincarnation that was about to collapse!



The King of Ten Temples was overjoyed, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes!

In their hearts, Lin Nan is almost synonymous with invincibility!

In the entire universe, no one dared to disobey Lin Nan's majesty, but a huge hand of the black shadow actually blocked Lin Nan's punch. How could this not make the Ten Palace Hades excited!

The performance of the black shadow made the Ten Temples feel that the killing of the emperor is really possible!

Lin Nan frowned, and he blasted out with a punch that could penetrate the universe, but didn't penetrate the well of reincarnation? Something beyond his expectation!

"This is the power of chaos. It was born at the beginning of the universe. It is the source of all things in the universe. Even if you are the emperor of heaven, you are born in this universe. There is no way to resist!" Sombra sneered.

Since dozens of epochs, Sombra has studied the Qi of Chaos countless times, and he is already familiar with the control of the Qi of Chaos!

If it weren't for the spirit of chaos, he would not dare to be an enemy of Lin Nan, let alone set up a shocking chess game, please Lin Nan into the urn!

"Really? This emperor has witnessed the beginning of heaven and earth, and your power of chaos has no effect on me!" Lin Nan smiled proudly.

The next moment, he stepped out again and came to the entrance of the Well of Samsara!

Raise your hand, punch!

Did not use any magical powers, nor any spells, only a casual punch!


This time, the Samsara Well was not resisted after all, and was blasted by Lin Nan with a punch. The entrance of the entire Samsara Well collapsed, and the emperor-level array built by Sombra and the Ten Hall Yama, also collapsed!


"not good!"

Yama's face changed wildly, and his hairs stood upside down, as if he had seen a ghost, his pupils stared at the boss!


At the moment when Lin Nan smashed the Well of Reincarnation, Yama of Ten Peaks was ready to leave without looking back. If Lin Nan was trapped in the Well of Reincarnation, they would still have a chance to stay here!

However, Lin Nan has broken free from the shackles of the Well of Reincarnation. Where can these people dare to stay here?

"Want to go?"

Lin Nan's expression was extremely cold and indifferent. He raised his hand to face the void. King Yama was directly grabbed by him, like a chicken, and pinched his neck!

The terrifying emperor of heaven struck with majesty, Yama King trembled all over, panicked to the extreme!

"Heaven...Heaven...Heaven...The Emperor of Heaven is forgiving, forgiving..."

Yama King’s lips are shaking!

As one of the ten halls of Yama in the underworld, his life span is almost infinite, but he realized that... he was... afraid of death?

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